Topic: Measure of Love | |
How did Jesus measure Love?
John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” 22 Judas (not Iscariot) *said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me." |
ok, for those who disagree with 'measuring'
we can replace measure with define,,, if there wasn't a measure, how did He 'define' love?,, assuming one must know what something MEANS before they can teach it,,, |
I have a saying I try to keep in my thoughts the best I can about Love
" Handle With Care" |
And his commandments were: 1. Love the Lord thy g-d 2. Love one another. How do you measure up to these?
My 2 cents:
I think it depends on what love you are talking about - I love my child unconditionally - no matter what, I adore her, she is the essence of my life, a joy and pleasure, I couldn't measure what she means to me, just that I would give my life for her if I could save hers. I love my brothers and parents too - and would do the same, save the fact that it would leave my daughter orphaned - we as a family have already discussed that - sounds callous/cold, but I don't mean it like that - just that they love us the same way as we love them, so they wouldn't contemplate the thought, of my daughter living without me. In the context of romantic love: what I have learned is to forgive - our parish priest asked me once in confession, if I'd forgiven and I hadn't. I think that day I learned a different way of learning to love me too - releasing myself of that burden so as to love again. In other instances and taking faith into consideration, I always believed that you have 'to do unto others' but I guess I hinged that thought on karma......At night, I always re-assess what I have said and done during the day and try and determine where I went wrong (on my benchmark) - but ultimately I follow my dad's mantra, and that is: lay your head on your pillow, when your heart and mind are at peace - no airs and graces, just frankness and honesty, then close your eyes and rest peacefully, until morning comes. ![]() |
God's love in Bible
Bible verses; [For God so loved the world.] The Bible tells us that God's love is higher than the heavens. (Psalm 108:4) and tells us that God's love is from everlasting to everlasting. (Psalm 103:17) Love of God in Islam Quran verses; [And for those who strive in Our path, We will surely guide them in Our ways] and on another verse: [Say –Mohamed-, if you love Allah, follow me; Then will Allah love you.] The verses teach that true and burning love of God and the Holy Prophet results in a meeting between God and man. He who loves God and the Holy Prophet is beloved of God. True love of God, therefore, is a sign of truth and sincerity. |
This does run the risk that your definition/measure of love falls into the fallacy of ranking. Dividing love into ranked categories such as Eros, Filio, Agape- hey I forget the other category, must be too long since I thought about love- anyhow ranking is a logical fallacy
Although it’s hard for a man to understand, flowers, little gifts and small acts of helping with the dishes, with the children and with clean up mean a great deal to a woman. These things may feel truly insignificant to man, but to a woman they are very important.
You will find women asking that life be mutually decided -- chores, money, roles and responsibilities respectfully thought through together. Most women do end up doing more of the household chores, even if they both work, but a wise man will offer to help. And a wise woman will be appreciative of each act of support. One thing men don't understand about women is that often, when a woman is overloaded by chores – she won't say anything. She just goes on giving until she bursts with anger. Unfortunately, she is waiting for him to offer help (as she would do) and he is waiting to be asked (he assumes she is fine and he is not needed unless she asks). To avoid this, women can remember to ask, and men can remember to help. |
God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and cumbersome in love.
I'm a foreigner who want assistance via securing visa help and grant in Australia/Canada. any help render God will multiply it in billion fold. Shalom!