Topic: The Great Lie continues!!! Told ya!!! | |
I used to do that too miquel!!!
still here
it's not warewolf time yet |
I thought everyone left!
i still have 15 minutes
Hi Fanta
I was just looking inside my fridge. I'm hungry but oooooooh so lazy tonight. |
Pizza, pizza!!!
It was just the latest Bush war rationale rhetoric shift.
It all started with confiscating Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. When "mission accomplished" turned out premature, and such weapons were not found, the goal became saving Iraqis from a brutal dictatorship. Then it became spreading democracy through the Middle East. Then fighting terrorists there - so as to not to have to fight them at home. In his latest address to the nation, Bush was "at least trying to co-opt the sense of middle ground - make it look like the congressional Democrats are the unbending ideologically rigid crowd, and that he's the one trying to reach out," said Wayne Fields, an expert on presidential rhetoric at Washington University in St. Louis. |
mmmmmmmmmmmmm....brussel sprouts!
Q: How can you tell when Bush is lying?
A: Cheney's lips are moving! |
After the thousands of protesters marched from the WH to the Capital, the Democrats are claiming this morning that they think they now have enough pub votes to override a Bush veto on an end to the war!!! Yayyy!!!
Could it be? |
I have arms, eyes, and legs crossed in silent hopings, that FINALLY enough of the poulation is awake....and will speak up.
Me too!!
G-morning jess!! |
Good Morning to you Glen.
I wished I could have been in Washington yesterday! Id probably been one of the 190 that was arrested though!
They said protesters lined Pennsylvania Ave from one end of the route to the other. There might have been 1000 Bu shies that showed up to counter protest! Im searching for a similar protest near me! Until then Im e-mailing my representatives of the Bushie variety again this morning!! |
were arrested!!!
Lord, Fanta, I hope they have enough support to end "S*** Stain's Big Misadventure". This crap has gone on long enough!
Ya man,
I could move on to the renewable energy issue!! Im very active, never complacent, but I reserve most of my concentration on one or two issues at a time! |
Oh, and your comments in regards to Hiroshima, and what it looked like...there are records, eye witness accounts...
It was 62 years ago, and there are family members that survived, children who are adults is still living history.. Here's one eye witness's account, remembering the average Joe had no idea what a nuke was.. |
Monday sept 10, 2007:
About 70% of Iraqis believe security has deteriorated in the area covered by the US military "surge" of the past six months, an opinion poll suggests. The survey for the BBC, ABC News and NHK of more than 2,000 people across Iraq also suggests that nearly 60% see attacks on US-led forces as justified. This rises to 93% among Sunni Muslims compared with 50% for Shia. |
Look we are winning!!!