Topic: Sarah's Comedy Bar and Chillout Lounge
kc0003's photo
Fri 03/28/14 01:56 PM
Two guys walk in to a bar. The third one ducks....

no photo
Fri 03/28/14 01:58 PM

Two guys walk in to a bar. The third one ducks....

That "quacks" me up LOL

gibbs1602's photo
Fri 03/28/14 02:17 PM
got a pretty nice and diverse crowd - what/who are we listening to?

kc0003's photo
Fri 03/28/14 02:21 PM

got a pretty nice and diverse crowd - what/who are we listening to?

i'm listening to the voices in my head...

gibbs1602's photo
Fri 03/28/14 02:22 PM

got a pretty nice and diverse crowd - what/who are we listening to?

i'm listening to the voices in my head...

Oh kc sweety the rest of us can't hear them - how about something more social?

kc0003's photo
Fri 03/28/14 02:23 PM
it's probably better that way...laugh

no photo
Fri 03/28/14 03:33 PM

What is the Karate experts favorite beverage?


no1phD's photo
Fri 03/28/14 06:44 PM
. pool tables are open.

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/28/14 06:46 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 03/28/14 06:51 PM
.. Sarah.! the pool table arrived while you're out.. I just had them put it in a nice cozy corner..

kc0003's photo
Fri 03/28/14 07:39 PM
and now the beer has arrived....mmmm, boddington!

no photo
Fri 03/28/14 07:46 PM

the cupid guy is kinda but redheads RULE...:banana:

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/28/14 08:01 PM

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/28/14 08:01 PM
. now you have a place to put the

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/28/14 09:32 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 03/28/14 09:35 PM
.. place is starting to shape up.. if I do say so another scotch on the rocks please.. and don't forget the water anyone . want to shoot some pool...

gibbs1602's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:40 AM
Edited by gibbs1602 on Sat 03/29/14 09:43 AM

. pool tables are open.

I missed these tables last night! I must have left before these arrived - who's playing 8 ball as the table is set or should we have a round of 9 ball to start??

no1phD's photo
Sat 03/29/14 10:21 AM
... well I like nine ball seeing how the table is set for 9 ball.. I would love to play you . a game... what would be the steaks..hmm

gibbs1602's photo
Sat 03/29/14 02:05 PM

... well I like nine ball seeing how the table is set for 9 ball.. I would love to play you . a game... what would be the steaks..hmm

My humblest apologies for that silly error No1 - I'd bet you'd enjoy a rump Steak medium ??? - or perhaps you would rather we played for other Stakes, like the first round of drinks?

Sorgephils's photo
Sat 03/29/14 02:26 PM
Bartender,get me a glass of ice cubed vodka.wanna put my head down.

no1phD's photo
Sat 03/29/14 05:04 PM
.. for those who might just want to play some cards.. you have to ask Sarah for the limit.

no1phD's photo
Sat 03/29/14 05:10 PM

... well I like nine ball seeing how the table is set for 9 ball.. I would love to play you . a game... what would be the steaks..hmm

My humblest apologies for that silly error No1 - I'd bet you'd enjoy a rump Steak medium ??? - or perhaps you would rather we played for other Stakes, like the first round of drinks?
. yes I would love to rump steak you... I mean I would love to play with you.... a game of 9 ball that is... I will buy the first round though.. we can discuss . winners choice well we play..