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Topic: Wow....I now officially feel old
honu's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:48 PM
Now I know I'm not a spring chicken exactly. But I just took my son who is 10 in the 4th Grade to his first dance....
I don't know what was more amusing, the little mini mosh pits to club music or the cops.....

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 01:23 AM
Just wait till they grow hair on their legs......uggggggggh and girls and ughhhhhhhhhhhh styling their hair........and and omggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!sad sad sad sad sad sad

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 01:48 AM
LOL Gypsy and Honu! Going through it now, ahhhh, puberty.

My son got stood up for his first dance, I can honestly say I was more upset about it than he was! I never got stood up until I was 39!

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 01:49 AM
and wait till they dose up on red bull 5 in a row!!!!! and get all amped up and bounce off the walls!!!

and have ATTITUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE that would make YOU wanna seriously CREATE victims of child abuse!!!

WHAT ABOUT PARENTAL ABUSE???? sheeshgrumble grumble grumble

these guys almost woke up my evil twin!!!noway noway noway sad sad sad

and when i had to call their parents, the parents had no idea what red bull was or how damaging it could be to these young kids!!!!!!!!!!brokenheart sad

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 01:57 AM
I dont think my son has had red bull yet.....its full of caffeine no????

Attitude???? Mine has had "tude" since he was born!!!! He does know that when both of my eyebrows go up and he sees that look in my eyes he betta run oh ya!!!!!!devil devil devil devil laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 01:59 AM
Hell, no! My son's ADD, he's allowed sugar or caffeine but never both at the same time LOL. And he's at that "I know everything, you don't" stage. We had a very long talk about it, to the tune that as smart as he is and gets, I will ALWAYS be older and wiser and he needs to just learn to keep his mouth shut laugh laugh Well, that was the gist of it anyway!

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:04 AM
HAHA mINE SAid to me......." may be smarter than me but Im better at scamming people"????????!!!!!!

Im like wtf you talking about boy??? He then tells me how he asked my dad for some money and my dad pulled a bunch of change out of his pocket....and said take $2 and he took $5.......then he felt bad and said Papa I took $5 and my dad said uhhhhhhhhh just take it!!!!

I gave him **** for that!!!!

He can't do that to me because Im waaaaaaaaay too fast!!!! And ummmmm I was a waaaaaaaaaay worse teen than he ever was so he can't pull anything on me because Ive already done it 10 times!!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:11 AM
OMG, Gypsy, too funny! I would have had to kill mine! Mine absolutely cannot lie to me, at least so far. I was a bit of a wild child myself, he won't get too far before I figure things out. Thing is, I never liked rules that made no sense so his one rule is that as long as he's not hurting himself or anyone else and it's legal, he can pretty much do what he likes. So far, with the exception of school work, he's a pretty good kid. Takes all the fun out breaking rules when you don't have many!

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:16 AM
ya mine is pretty good too, and yes with the exception of school work.......Ive decided his brain waves come from his father and I had nothing to do with his lack of them!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Oh and I figure when he is about 30 he will finally realize that he wasnt as smart as he thought he was.....:wink:

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:21 AM
Mine is smart, his dad is too, in his own way, but he (ex) lacks any kind of self-discipline or responsibility. Unfortunately, my son has inherited that, drives me out of my mind!

30, you think it'll take that long? I figure mine'll figure it out when I toss his butt at 18 to fend for himself. I'll let him come home when he realizes exactly how good he's got it laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:30 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm No it took me till I was about 27, that they were right about alot of things.......but shhhhhhhhh we won't tell them that!!!noway noway noway noway laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/15/07 02:33 AM
I still won't admit my mom was right about some things laugh Whenever I'm in doubt, I ask myself what would she do, then I do the opposite laugh laugh So far, it seems to be working bigsmile

no photo
Sun 09/16/07 04:12 AM
gypsy..... did ya see Kat's joke??

A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath.

"Mom", he asked, "Are these my brains?"

"Not yet," she replied.

laugh laugh laugh

coco56's photo
Sun 09/16/07 04:44 AM
laugh laugh laugh

honu's photo
Sun 09/16/07 07:40 AM
lol...he's got the attutide down. he's a good boy though. he had fun at the dance though which is all that matters. let me ask this. i was concerned by 2 things though

on the paper they sent out to inform of the dance they said it was a $5 admission fee. that's fine. but it also said pizza and soda were to be provided. well it turns out that it wasn't free.and he was planning on eating that for dinner. so he didn't eat until 9:30-he only had a small snack at 4 that nite. another thing was i noticed when picking up there was no one checking to see who the kids were leaving with. to me that is a security thing. i understand that this wasn't a school function (local street hockey) but at the same time these are our kids, why woudln't you want to make sure they are safe? do i have a valid reason for being concerned?

no photo
Sun 09/16/07 08:21 AM
Well, I can tell you at my son's school, they always check to see who's picking up but for a non-school function, they're not bound by the same rules. As for being concerned, I would be. I would maybe make a suggestion to that effect, for the next time. It's possible they either just didn't think about it or just didn't have enough volunteers for the job.

And, for most types of these functions, they do have a charge for just about everything. Usually, it's not much, $1 or so. But, you might want to slip him an extra $5 or so, in the future, just in case. Those notices are usually less than clear.

Glad he had a good time!

honu's photo
Sun 09/16/07 08:07 PM
thanks! yeah i think i am going to send them a letter. i am grateful that they did this for the kids it's a great thing for the kids.

hotandspicey's photo
Sun 09/16/07 10:22 PM
My son got his brains from his father cause I still have mine!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Belushi's photo
Sun 09/16/07 11:03 PM
"Its all women's fault that men are the way they are"
I love that quote ...

It may not be an excuse, but its a reason!

ed_d_baby's photo
Mon 09/17/07 02:32 AM
what did the bumble bee say to the sun flower????? pinches your cheek and says hello honey....bigsmile

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