Topic: what no one lies new people
no photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:02 AM
um ya im tryin to get people to talk dont get it people dont talk on
this shit they only talk when i put stupid ? about shit so u goin to
say why is it in here ur stupid put somethin on u look like a rat

SteveJarvis's photo
Wed 08/30/06 06:37 AM
" um ya im tryin to get people to talk dont get it people dont talk on
this shit they only talk when i put stupid ? about shit so u goin to
say why is it in here ur stupid put somethin on u look like a rat"

OK, I am going to try to translate this:

"Umm, yeah, I am trying to get people to talk. You don't get it.
People don't talk about this shit. They only reply when I post stupid
questions about shit. So you are going to say, "Why is this in here?"
You are stupid, put something on, you look like a rat."

OK, cool, I think that is pretty close.

As far as a response, I am not sure you would understand 1/2 of what I
would say, nor do I think I would want to take the time to translate
your crap again, so, um, have a good life retard.

sprint's photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:56 PM
Thank you for the translation there i was going cross-eyed trying to
figure out what that exactly said.

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 08:05 AM
Both of you have a point. These days people got a lot to say, but don't
know where to start. Sometimes it takes interesting questions to provoke
the human mind & to generate a responce.
Grammar may not be kids best, but I bet once you (translated his written
conversation that tells me that with positive feed back you can help
with the next posting. He must have felt insulted so he retaliate by
saying you looked like a small rodent.

SteveJarvis's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:03 PM
I didn't actually make fun of his grammar until he called me a rat. I
was just asking why he started this thread here and he freaked out
because he is an oversensitive bitch.

restlessone1954's photo
Sat 09/02/06 10:47 PM
Hey JB...I was looking at your pic while reading what you had to say.
You express yourself very well I must say, but the picture being what it
is..well...hmmmm..what is with that anyway??? Not asking to be rude, but
why that particular picture?

no photo
Mon 09/04/06 12:59 AM
I was thiking the same thing! that and man I bet his hand must be hot!

no photo
Mon 09/04/06 01:10 AM
lmao that is an interesting choice

skeetdawg's photo
Mon 09/04/06 11:05 PM
Well, Danny. Be careful what you ask for. I'm glad homeboy translated
that last one, because you lost me. I'm sure people have a lot to say
you just need to find a topic that snags there interest. Post some
questions, and they will reply.

skeetdawg's photo
Mon 09/04/06 11:08 PM
WTF. JB? That's some pic. You better save that for the websites

sage's photo
Tue 09/05/06 08:36 AM
I see a great deal of talking going on in here. What exactly do you
mean? Private Messages? Or people not responding to you?

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 10:29 PM

no photo
Wed 09/06/06 02:30 PM
yo frist of all i i have to say what i need to say and go and that
nigger that looks like a fuckin rat needs to stop talkin i know what im
doin but i just got to go and get my shit done i dont chill on my ass
all day playin wiht my self like that one guy andlike rat face but u
know i dont care les about what people have to say about me on this not
goin to make me feel bad at all i really dont care so it is all good

SteveJarvis's photo
Thu 09/07/06 04:25 AM
they didn't say anything other than you can't spell for shit. I don't
know why that would offend you?

I am not talking shit at all. I seriously think based on your posted
messages you might be medically retarded. I sort of feel sorry for you

no photo
Thu 09/07/06 09:51 AM
ya um na im not i have a bran in my head nigger u look fuckin gay kid
im in the army so i guys i cant be the stuped if im a mp so if u want to
keep talkin shit then lookin at ur self om only on this to meet new
people u got to be the fucked up to be on this lookin for a gurl cuz no
one were u live likes u so that should tell u somethin why dont u just
kill ur self and make every one happy iight

brandie986969's photo
Thu 09/07/06 12:15 PM
well hello everyone.danny isnt mentally retarded.No one on here has
perfect grammer or spelling,so lets lay off the picking on someone cause
their mind is faster than their fingers.It can get all mixed up at

no photo
Thu 09/07/06 12:18 PM
see rat face u got shuted up by a gurl

SteveJarvis's photo
Thu 09/07/06 05:27 PM
I would really look forward to seeing what kind of girl is attracted to
a guy like you Danny :D

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 09:38 PM
I would like to know just what is on your mind Danny talk to me I'll
listen to you.

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 09:07 AM
i got a lot of them see cuz i know how to talk to them i dont think
they r sex toys that is why gurls like to hang with me but i dont
know about u thay might not want to be seen with a kid that looks like a
rat so dont talk