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Topic: Good morning people!!!
NorCalSwe's photo
Mon 03/17/14 10:12 PM
Hope you all slept well and have a great day. :-)

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:28 AM
Morning NorCal!flowerforyou

Hope you have a fandamtastic day!

2469nascar's photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:31 AM
GOOD MORNING every body.Its going to be a nice day out today.

2469nascar's photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:31 AM
GOOD MORNING every body.Its going to be a nice day out today.

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:32 AM
Edited by Johnvettezr1 on Tue 03/18/14 04:35 AM

Morning ga

Hope you have a fandamtastic day
The weather is going to be nice today:) time for coffee

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:42 AM
And to make you all feel better about your local weather...It is snowing in Stockholm.

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 04:42 AM

Morning ga

Hope you have a fandamtastic day
The weather is going to be nice today:) time for coffee

Ecellent John, your first thought was about coffee, good to see your a man whose got his priorities straight.

Today's to do list:

1. Drink coffee

2. Who cares

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 06:29 AM
Good Morning NorCal. Good Morning Mingle members.
It is going to be another beautiful day here today. I can feel spring in the air.

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 06:56 AM

Morning flowerforyou flowers waving

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 07:15 AM
Very cool picture 2Kids...yep spring is in the air :banana:

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 07:17 AM

Very cool picture 2Kids...yep spring is in the air :banana:

Thank you.and Good Morning BrandNewflowerforyou waving

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 07:17 AM
Fantastic pic. 2Kids. Since it is snowing in Sweden today, I needed to see some flowers. Thanks

teebee79's photo
Tue 03/18/14 10:56 AM
Good " Late" Morning Everyone!!

Also, known as Afternoonbigsmile

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 11:52 AM

Good " Late" Morning Everyone!!

Also, known as Afternoonbigsmile

Yes, you should get up earlier, seriously, we're worried about you. :tongue:

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 11:54 AM

Fantastic pic. 2Kids. Since it is snowing in Sweden today, I needed to see some flowers. Thanks

We never see snow
Your very welcomeflowers smile2

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 11:56 AM

Fantastic pic. 2Kids. Since it is snowing in Sweden today, I needed to see some flowers. Thanks

We never see snow
Your very welcomeflowers smile2

Yes, but when your town freezes over, please let me know there's some girls from high school I need to visit. :smile:

I know, old joke.

teebee79's photo
Tue 03/18/14 12:09 PM

Good " Late" Morning Everyone!!

Also, known as Afternoonbigsmile

Yes, you should get up earlier, seriously, we're worried about you. :tongue:

Not my Fault!
Alarm clocks should have motion sensors, so they can get out of the way when I smash them!yawn

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/18/14 12:10 PM
. can I say good afternoon !. instead of good morning??:smile:

teebee79's photo
Tue 03/18/14 12:10 PM

Fantastic pic. 2Kids. Since it is snowing in Sweden today, I needed to see some flowers. Thanks

We never see snow
Your very welcomeflowers smile2

Hey 2Kids!!! I'd GLADLY send you a truckload of snow from Jersey!

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/18/14 12:15 PM

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