Topic: Well isn't that just typical liberal BS! | |
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Tue 03/11/14 10:22 AM
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to depriving us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Her Face and everything else about her,including her Actions are Unconstitutional! ![]() So,now she thinks the Constitution ought to apply selectively,one way for her and her Cronies in Government and for the Government,and a different version for all the Peons? About time those Vermin are reminded to whom the Limitations really apply! |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Her Face and everything else about her,including her Actions are Unconstitutional! ![]() So,now she thinks the Constitution ought to apply selectively,one way for her and her Cronies in Government and for the Government,and a different version for all the Peons? About time those Vermin are reminded to whom the Limitations really apply! Yeah....wish us luck with that one! |
One thing about the news is you can always count on them spicing things up to make it a more compelling read than it really is. Especially FOX. The last two paragraphs should be re-read an adhered to;
But Brennan has pushed back on the speculation. He said last week he was "deeply dismayed" that some Senate members made allegations that "are wholly unsupported by the facts." "I am very confident that the appropriate authorities reviewing this matter will determine where wrongdoing, if any, occurred in either the executive branch or legislative branch," Brennan said in a statement. "Until then, I would encourage others to refrain from outbursts that do a disservice to the important relationship that needs to be maintained between intelligence officials and Congressional overseers." Maybe FOX should have waited to print this story until all the facts were in? Instead of just printing a he-said she-said story that makes people jump to conclusions not particularly there? Just a thought? |
One thing about the news is you can always count on them spicing things up to make it a more compelling read than it really is. Especially FOX. The last two paragraphs should be re-read an adhered to; But Brennan has pushed back on the speculation. He said last week he was "deeply dismayed" that some Senate members made allegations that "are wholly unsupported by the facts." "I am very confident that the appropriate authorities reviewing this matter will determine where wrongdoing, if any, occurred in either the executive branch or legislative branch," Brennan said in a statement. "Until then, I would encourage others to refrain from outbursts that do a disservice to the important relationship that needs to be maintained between intelligence officials and Congressional overseers." Maybe FOX should have waited to print this story until all the facts were in? Instead of just printing a he-said she-said story that makes people jump to conclusions not particularly there? Just a thought? I couldn't agree more about Faux or any of the corporate media, but this old hag is not know for loving liberty unless it pertains to her own. This corrupt, liberal, biotch, wears her sins on the outside because they have worked their way to the surface looooooooooong ago! |
Well Obama will find out about this when he watched the new on NBC tonight if they carry the story. That's how he finds out all this kind of stuff!!!!!
![]() Oh wait....maybe not.....does he have a fund raising dinner or a golf game scheduled tonight????? ![]() |
Ummm we've lost rights already due to the Patriot Act and NDAA which have both been voted in with bipartisanship. Since the Patriot act also carried from one admin to the other that would also show a clear bipartisanship deal to keep what W. did alive. With NDAA Biden helped draft it and McCain sold it. You also still have it getting voted back in every years since 2011. The supreme court (who the legislative branch can remove the justices from but don't bother to) took away our right to remain silent last year too.
That's just as equally a conservative problem as it is a liberal problem. You also really should be taking into account that things like "leaving jobs up to the 1%/Job outsourcers" is still going on from both sides. Both sides have been keeping up reaganomics (which has not only caused a wealth divide putting 50% of the country on or below poverty it also doesn't have money "trickle down". It's advanced to where it largely trickles out to offshore tax havens now). Both sides protect and enable the FED which is a privatized, centralized for profit banking institution. Both sides protect a military budget that isn't used for the troops and isn't being allocated in any way to adapt to the needs of the people which also means that the system isn't adapting to the changes it's causing on anyone (It cares more for funding warfare). Both sides got wall street bailed out and give corporate america tax breaks with money handouts and nobody on either side bats an eye at it. That also shows out even more since they can regulate banks and corporate america but instead they enable, allow and expand how banks and corporate america want to work. We've had Qe3 and Qe4 (which cut our dollar value again and prices were raised but wages weren't raised at all) with nobody fighting it. Both sides have been making sure more and more things we need have been getting either turned into a business or cut for "profit". Obama made some of the romney cuts last year too (with GOP senators in advisory for it). Obama also had smoke screens from Rand Paul with this faceless chatter filibuster over drones (Which said nothing about kill lists, that we have a drone caucus on capitol hill, stated nothing about civilian kills, so it was a PR move because it put no real face on what drones are used for.) and Liz Warren (who not only had an insider position on the bailouts but was fast tracked to a senatorship as a "reformer". She just touted voter friendly rhetoric that she and her party did nothing about following thru on while copying Ted Kauffman to tell off banks.) Keystone XL and the TTP aren't really being fought on any level in the federal government at all. In fact they're looking to pass them both (Sort of like how NDAA passes with large bipartisanship levels each year since it was dropped on us in 2011). We have a president who will sign anything that passes which doesn't help either. That's clear bipartisanship to make things happen. Those who you are calling "liberals" in office have actually been conservative MVP's in their actions. Your entire 2-Faced Party system caters to lobbyists (bribe bringing corporate ambassadors), wall street (They get the secretary of the Treasury job and avoid jail from the "too big to fail/too big for jail" policy the government as a whole endorses) and corporate america (they get handouts). Entitlements are also things that go to the wealthy which nobody is stopping either. When it comes to liberal and conservative,those are voting groups (Who are viewed as demographics, not as people because we have a pro profit business set up for a government). In actuality your Dems & GOP are pro corporate. Another thing you should take into account is that you also have an overwhelming level of 5 backgrounds for elected officials: 1)Pro Corporate Lawyer: There to subdue existing law or write new laws for pro corporate gains. 2)Business Person: Decides where the money goes and generally that goes to "profit" not for the needs of the people. (People get cut for profit as "needless expenditures") 3)Career Party Politician: Taking lobbyist money for votes while touting rhetoric to replace logic to the voters. 4)Actor/Public Figure: They're normally getting votes because of their public presence, not any form of competence. 5)Former Lobbyist: They're new and have been coming up a lot on the governor and mayor level (Chris Christie/Augustus Gloop is a former prison system lobbyist). When it comes down to it they're like a cross between the business person and the career politicians as they work. ^That's a business set up with a legal team, a decider team (who decides to go "for profit") and a Marketing/Sales/PR team. That's also a great way to keep reaganomics going but it's totally not a functional government that keeps the needs of the people in mind. Nobody in power is looking to stop it. Now domestically speaking up to this point, this is all a wide causality of our problems that both sides are enabling just as much as the majority of the US voters are enabling by keeping them both in power. And since you wanted to bring up guns... It's being turned into a team sports finals event to hand in a right. That in itself is deplorable. What we're not doing is getting sociologists and psychologists to look in on what in our society is telling certain mentalities "Why we have the gun violence levels we do?". We're not handling it reasonably, responsibly or even realistically in regard to the guns issues we do have. (Those are all mentality based considering that guns can't get up and kill people of their own volition.) The main problem we have with guns is that the person holding one doesn't see the other person as a person when they use them. That's usually called "dehumanization". Also, the guns thing is largely to ensure that we can sell guns on the UN floor, turning the UN into a weapons dealing symposium. If we go along with the general bans on firearms a lot of Europe has, we will be allowed to trade arms in the UN. This is a great deal for our weapons contractors (who get a large part of the military budget with a "Get out of jail free card" for war crimes that the W. admin passed and the Obama admin hasn't fought at all) and the "best apart" is that we still get to militarize our police force with no issues, it would still let our military get their hardware upgrades and would probably have loopholes for political officials and corporate america. . What you're not bothering to mention about Feinstein is that she's not commenting on any spying being done on people (Dems & GOP don't mention that because they agree on it). That's more of a problem than anything else. In mention of the news... Our major TV and radio networks are owned by 1 of the following corporations (this also started during the Clinton admin and hasn't been stopped by anyone): Bain Capital/Thomas H. Lee Partners (Clear Channel) CBS Corporation Comcast Corporation Gannett Co. News Corp. Time Warner, Inc. Tribune Company Viacom Walt Disney Company Washington Post Co. Broadcasters make billions in profits while using the public airwaves for free. (Largely the profit is from advertisers) As for cable and telecommunications that's owned by: AT&T Cablevision Systems Corporation CenturyLink Charter Communications, Inc. Comcast Corporation Sprint Nextel Corporation T-Mobile USA, Inc. Time Warner Cable, Inc. Verizon Still making billions there too (Largely off of advertisers). Since the networks are owned by their companies and cater to the advertisers for money we have a buy in system for the mainstream news. This enables "buy in truths" too. This even affect local network news. Major networks Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all work on that level. Fox = conservative market, CNN = liberal market and MSNBC = whoever paid in by the hour. In actuality they both run in with selling people rhetoric and biased views on what's going on. This not only backs up your voters being viewed as demographics but it puts things to a level of "voters will follow if it's presented to them in their general mentality levels". You have channels that label themselves as science or information channels catering to conservative or liberal mindsets in their writing to keep viewers. Investigation ID has many of their crime shows rewritten from a show called American Justice which was an old show on A&E. Hell, you even have viacom who owns comedy central, selling Dem propaganda via their prime time shows/DailyShowand Colbert Report. Those show have also been used to smooth over whatever the government has been doing as a whole as well as what the current admin does. They've deflected for the government as a whole during elections/the chaos on "Bullpoop Mt" segment was all highlighting things that happened on obama's watch, they sold drones to the public as "no big deal" and recently even helped to smooth over the whole Ft. Lee NJ bridge mess for Christie to use it as a means to say he's "running for president" just like network news did. This also takes bipartisanship to ignore, allow and enable. (Via lobbyists and funding elected officials during elections largely.) |
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not just horseface, but other libs are pissed now too... |
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Tue 03/11/14 01:38 PM
Ummm we've lost rights already due to the Patriot Act and NDAA which have both been voted in with bipartisanship. Since the Patriot act also carried from one admin to the other that would also show a clear bipartisanship deal to keep what W. did alive. With NDAA Biden helped draft it and McCain sold it. You also still have it getting voted back in every years since 2011. The supreme court (who the legislative branch can remove the justices from but don't bother to) took away our right to remain silent last year too. That's just as equally a conservative problem as it is a liberal problem. You also really should be taking into account that things like "leaving jobs up to the 1%/Job outsourcers" is still going on from both sides. Both sides have been keeping up reaganomics (which has not only caused a wealth divide putting 50% of the country on or below poverty it also doesn't have money "trickle down". It's advanced to where it largely trickles out to offshore tax havens now). Both sides protect and enable the FED which is a privatized, centralized for profit banking institution. Both sides protect a military budget that isn't used for the troops and isn't being allocated in any way to adapt to the needs of the people which also means that the system isn't adapting to the changes it's causing on anyone (It cares more for funding warfare). Both sides got wall street bailed out and give corporate america tax breaks with money handouts and nobody on either side bats an eye at it. That also shows out even more since they can regulate banks and corporate america but instead they enable, allow and expand how banks and corporate america want to work. We've had Qe3 and Qe4 (which cut our dollar value again and prices were raised but wages weren't raised at all) with nobody fighting it. Both sides have been making sure more and more things we need have been getting either turned into a business or cut for "profit". Obama made some of the romney cuts last year too (with GOP senators in advisory for it). Obama also had smoke screens from Rand Paul with this faceless chatter filibuster over drones (Which said nothing about kill lists, that we have a drone caucus on capitol hill, stated nothing about civilian kills, so it was a PR move because it put no real face on what drones are used for.) and Liz Warren (who not only had an insider position on the bailouts but was fast tracked to a senatorship as a "reformer". She just touted voter friendly rhetoric that she and her party did nothing about following thru on while copying Ted Kauffman to tell off banks.) Keystone XL and the TTP aren't really being fought on any level in the federal government at all. In fact they're looking to pass them both (Sort of like how NDAA passes with large bipartisanship levels each year since it was dropped on us in 2011). We have a president who will sign anything that passes which doesn't help either. That's clear bipartisanship to make things happen. Those who you are calling "liberals" in office have actually been conservative MVP's in their actions. Your entire 2-Faced Party system caters to lobbyists (bribe bringing corporate ambassadors), wall street (They get the secretary of the Treasury job and avoid jail from the "too big to fail/too big for jail" policy the government as a whole endorses) and corporate america (they get handouts). Entitlements are also things that go to the wealthy which nobody is stopping either. When it comes to liberal and conservative,those are voting groups (Who are viewed as demographics, not as people because we have a pro profit business set up for a government). In actuality your Dems & GOP are pro corporate. Another thing you should take into account is that you also have an overwhelming level of 5 backgrounds for elected officials: 1)Pro Corporate Lawyer: There to subdue existing law or write new laws for pro corporate gains. 2)Business Person: Decides where the money goes and generally that goes to "profit" not for the needs of the people. (People get cut for profit as "needless expenditures") 3)Career Party Politician: Taking lobbyist money for votes while touting rhetoric to replace logic to the voters. 4)Actor/Public Figure: They're normally getting votes because of their public presence, not any form of competence. 5)Former Lobbyist: They're new and have been coming up a lot on the governor and mayor level (Chris Christie/Augustus Gloop is a former prison system lobbyist). When it comes down to it they're like a cross between the business person and the career politicians as they work. ^That's a business set up with a legal team, a decider team (who decides to go "for profit") and a Marketing/Sales/PR team. That's also a great way to keep reaganomics going but it's totally not a functional government that keeps the needs of the people in mind. Nobody in power is looking to stop it. Now domestically speaking up to this point, this is all a wide causality of our problems that both sides are enabling just as much as the majority of the US voters are enabling by keeping them both in power. And since you wanted to bring up guns... It's being turned into a team sports finals event to hand in a right. That in itself is deplorable. What we're not doing is getting sociologists and psychologists to look in on what in our society is telling certain mentalities "Why we have the gun violence levels we do?". We're not handling it reasonably, responsibly or even realistically in regard to the guns issues we do have. (Those are all mentality based considering that guns can't get up and kill people of their own volition.) The main problem we have with guns is that the person holding one doesn't see the other person as a person when they use them. That's usually called "dehumanization". Also, the guns thing is largely to ensure that we can sell guns on the UN floor, turning the UN into a weapons dealing symposium. If we go along with the general bans on firearms a lot of Europe has, we will be allowed to trade arms in the UN. This is a great deal for our weapons contractors (who get a large part of the military budget with a "Get out of jail free card" for war crimes that the W. admin passed and the Obama admin hasn't fought at all) and the "best apart" is that we still get to militarize our police force with no issues, it would still let our military get their hardware upgrades and would probably have loopholes for political officials and corporate america. . What you're not bothering to mention about Feinstein is that she's not commenting on any spying being done on people (Dems & GOP don't mention that because they agree on it). That's more of a problem than anything else. In mention of the news... Our major TV and radio networks are owned by 1 of the following corporations (this also started during the Clinton admin and hasn't been stopped by anyone): Bain Capital/Thomas H. Lee Partners (Clear Channel) CBS Corporation Comcast Corporation Gannett Co. News Corp. Time Warner, Inc. Tribune Company Viacom Walt Disney Company Washington Post Co. Broadcasters make billions in profits while using the public airwaves for free. (Largely the profit is from advertisers) As for cable and telecommunications that's owned by: AT&T Cablevision Systems Corporation CenturyLink Charter Communications, Inc. Comcast Corporation Sprint Nextel Corporation T-Mobile USA, Inc. Time Warner Cable, Inc. Verizon Still making billions there too (Largely off of advertisers). Since the networks are owned by their companies and cater to the advertisers for money we have a buy in system for the mainstream news. This enables "buy in truths" too. This even affect local network news. Major networks Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all work on that level. Fox = conservative market, CNN = liberal market and MSNBC = whoever paid in by the hour. In actuality they both run in with selling people rhetoric and biased views on what's going on. This not only backs up your voters being viewed as demographics but it puts things to a level of "voters will follow if it's presented to them in their general mentality levels". You have channels that label themselves as science or information channels catering to conservative or liberal mindsets in their writing to keep viewers. Investigation ID has many of their crime shows rewritten from a show called American Justice which was an old show on A&E. Hell, you even have viacom who owns comedy central, selling Dem propaganda via their prime time shows/DailyShowand Colbert Report. Those show have also been used to smooth over whatever the government has been doing as a whole as well as what the current admin does. They've deflected for the government as a whole during elections/the chaos on "Bullpoop Mt" segment was all highlighting things that happened on obama's watch, they sold drones to the public as "no big deal" and recently even helped to smooth over the whole Ft. Lee NJ bridge mess for Christie to use it as a means to say he's "running for president" just like network news did. This also takes bipartisanship to ignore, allow and enable. (Via lobbyists and funding elected officials during elections largely.) well,nationalize every friggen thing,and go Soviet! ![]() Maybe you need to go live in a Country that has actually implemented all those Socialist Ideals you dream of! ![]() Not a thing wrong with making Money,but plenty wrong with Cronyism,and you can't cure that with more Government or more Parties involved in Government,else,we wouldn't have one bit of Cronyism in my Country! ![]() All you will be doing is enabling more Crooks! ![]() |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Could you please cut and paste the articles instead of just links? Thanks. |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Could you please cut and paste the articles instead of just links? Thanks. Believe it or not, there are laws against that |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Could you please cut and paste the articles instead of just links? Thanks. Believe it or not, there are laws against that Could you please restrict your sources to CNN, NBC, ABC and let's not forget FOX. Otherwise some just seem to get overwhelmed. |
Seems what's good for the goose, the gander doesn't like so much! Feinstein claims CIA may have violated law, Constitution in allegedly spying on staffers So Dyin Frankenstien wants to keep her weapons, but ours she wants to take. She also seems to want to deprive us of our rights to privacy, but heaven forbid you try to take hers! All of a sudden it becomes "unconstitutional" when she is affected! Could you please cut and paste the articles instead of just links? Thanks. Believe it or not, there are laws against that Could you please restrict your sources to CNN, NBC, ABC and let's not forget FOX. Otherwise some just seem to get overwhelmed. Some on here I have no problem disagreeing with because they are well intentioned, and open minded to a degree, accepting that in others, and are willing to agree to disagree..... but yes, there are some who are biased and closed minded...... most of them voted for Obozo |