I lay me down a bridge that she might cross the uncertainty of love, and she willing to please me openned as a door that I might enter the warm comfort of her love.
Not long in there, the blissfulness of love began to fall as pebbles of raindrops upon my nerves, as I began to see the genuineness of her selflessness. Time flown but affection never noticed it, circumstances stormed, but passion fought them. Bricks upon bricks of values kept piling between us, and heaven was the best description of the two of us. Then suddenly Mr Death came calling for the debt of life, and my heartthrob vowed never to leave me, and I vowed never to allow Mr Death claim it debt over her, but the invisible is always smarter than the mundane, and Mr Death won. And once upon a time I lived in between two worlds at the same time, in the paradise of lost love, and in the reality of lost gem. |