Topic: Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming
lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:23 PM
dont want any typos in my retorts

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:41 PM

Your opinion isn't proof. How about a link?

gardenforge's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:43 PM
as I understand it koyoto allowed the worst polluters, the developing countires, to continue polluting while it put excessive restraints on countires like the U.S. Sorry voileazure your socialistic approach won't work here everybody has to cut pollution to the same level regardless of their economic status.

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:48 PM

"although older people such as your self and the people on the hill dont care because they will have all died of heart attacks due their massive consumption of processed foods from factories which produce the chemicals that cause global warming, while people my age will freeze to death because lets get this out there THE VAST MAJORITY OF OLD PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT THE YOUNGER GENERATION DYING DUE TO THEIR CARELESSNESS "

I have kids who are younger than you. I would kill or die for them, so why would I support a position if I believe it would endanger them? Why don't you stick to the subject instead of trying to make people cry for your incredible suffering of being the first teenager ever. Also, most of your post was an Appeal to Emotion, which is a logical fallacy usually resevered for women, so perhaps you should take some midol and eat some Ben and Jerry's.

lizardking19's photo
Fri 09/14/07 05:44 AM
U want links HERE:

New global warming evidence presented Scientists say their observations prove industry is to blame. [Found on Google, Windows Live]
2. Global Warming Effects
Understand the effects of global warming and what you can do.
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by Google]
3. Global Warming: The Evidence
Evidence of Global Warming. If the voices of future generations could be heard, they would plead for action on climate change. ... [Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search]
4. Articles / Impact / Evidence for Global Warming - Institute for ...
The global warming issue will not go away. Evidence continues to mount that some type of warming is occurring, maybe temporarily or of longer duration. ... [Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search]
5. Impact Global Warming
Invest in a Greener World. Spectra Green Fund. No Load.
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by Yahoo!]
6. Global Warming - Scientist Denounces TV Ads for Deliberately Misleading Public on ...
A senior scientist whose research is being cited in television ads that challenge the reality of global warming has denounced the ads as a Â?deliberate effort to confuse and mislead the pub... [Found on About]
7. Global Warming
See what you can do to raise awareness.
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by Yahoo!]
8. Global Warming
Evidence for Global Warming ... This exercise investigates the variation in global temperatures over the past 150 years. The temperature values in the data ... [Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
9. Evidence of a Warming Earth - The Woods Hole Research Center
Other evidence of the reality of global warming continues to accumulate. Consistent with predictions of the IPCC since 1990, global average temperatures ... [Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
10. Make a Pledge to Save the planet
Philips takes the lead in changing the lighting industry - See how.
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by Yahoo!]
11. Global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[7] The term "anthropogenic global warming" is sometimes used when ... From less direct geological evidence it is believed that CO2 values this high were ... [Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
12. ScienceDaily: New Evidence That Global Warming Fuels Stronger ...
Atmospheric scientists have uncovered fresh evidence to support the hotly debated theory that global warming has contributed to the emergence of stronger ... [Found on Google, Windows Live]
13. ABC News: Evidence of Global Warming Around the Globe
Evidence of Global Warming Around the Globe ... Virtually every day there is news from somewhere on the planet of the impact of global warming. [Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search]
14. Global warming, photography, pictures, photos, climate change, impact, science, we...
Collection of photographs by Gary Braasch documenting changes caused by global warming from the Arctic to Antarctica, from glaciers to the oceans, across all climate ... [Found on Yahoo! Search]
15. Global Warming and Confirmation Bias
Global Warming and Confirmation Bias, Agnosticism / Atheism, This site has an explanation of the phenomenon known as Confirmation Bias - the selective [Found on About]
16. - Burying the evidence of global warming
A doctor can bury his mistakes, the architect Frank Lloyd Wright once noted, a luxury not available ... E-mail newsletters Sign up to receive our free Tech e-newsletter and get the top news... [Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search]
17. NASA scientist rips Bush on global warming - Environment - MSNBC ...
The Bush White House is trying to stifle scientific evidence of the dangers of global warming in ... NASA scientist rips Bush on global warming Renowned expert says data 'screened and cont... [Found on Windows Live]
18. Global Warming - Is Global Warming a Hoax?
Some people, although not many, claim that global warming is a hoax. The widespread consensus among scientists, politicians and business leaders worldwide says otherwise. This article spell... [Found on About]
19. Global Warming -- FAQ on Global Warming
This FAQ provides detailed information about the causes and anticipated effects of global warming. [Found on About]

yokoke's photo
Fri 09/14/07 11:54 AM
Very nice links to support your opinions Lizard....

On Kyoto... US and Australia(not in the best interest of the country the prime minister - but then how many people living in AU are truly happy with the government anyhoo) both declined to step up and US is responsible for 25% of most emission pollutions states many 'studies',and no, going off memory rather than a link. :tongue:

In my "opinion" Asia would actually be at the top of the list though (as Gardenforge mentioned) AND there are too many in DC that have their drawers dropped and being run by big corporations who are the guilty offenders...grumble

Need to start focusing on renewable sources like solar, wind and geothermal rather than being dependent on pumping the blue marble dry. You can only tap so long.... and yeah our kids may not see the effects... but kinda makes me scratch my head knowing that 20 years when I lived up in Alaska, the glaciers once mammoth and daunting now resemble mere cubes in a glass of watered down BS yawn

Ice shelves breaking away... Larsen B targeted in the movie sure, but it happened...same time B-22 shelf broke Larsen C is projected next or maybe even Ross...and that won't be computer animated... that would be actual rise in sea levels.

Here is an interesting link:
Hurricane frequency over this warming trend...

Facts are facts.... I guess we need to look in the mirror and see what we are personally doing in our own backyards to make a difference... but some... okay alot... just don't really care...

Hmmmm.... Wonder if Mother Earth will wake up one day with that same ignorant attitude and open a can of whoop arse on us all?? laugh frown

yokoke's photo
Fri 09/14/07 11:55 AM
>most of your post was an Appeal to Emotion, which is a logical fallacy usually resevered for women, so perhaps you should take some midol and eat some Ben and Jerry's.



lizardking19's photo
Fri 09/14/07 01:15 PM
hes a fascist christian and ive been arguing with him constantly since i joined this site

gardenforge's photo
Fri 09/14/07 01:15 PM
I would be interested to see some documentation on the fact that the U.S. produces 25% of the global pollution. The fact is the burning coal mines in China alone put out more pollution that the U.S. and the farts from wildlife contribute more greenhouse gases than all the power plants in the U.S. Yet people continue to blame "big business" and corrupt politicians for the problem.

If the ship has a gaping hole in it's side and calking the pinholes won't help.

There has to be an established standard for the whole world and the whole world has to comply with that standard or the whole world will suffer the consequences.

Granted that compliance would put more hardship on developing countires but the industrialized nations are be in a better position to help them out now than in years to come when their resources are strapped to the limit.

If we wait long enough, Mother Nature will make the necessary adjustment and that adjustment will be felt the hardest by the developing nations because they will be the ones with the greatest population and the fewest resources to fall back upon.

lizardking19's photo
Fri 09/14/07 01:27 PM
well the very big hole(s) in the ozone were actually created many years ago when the whole world was using coal, it is expanding due to the continued (though lessened) use of coal, greenhouse gases (including automobiles) , and plane emmissions though with the planes we found that after 9-11 when they were grounded uv radiation increased even if the temperature was less hot because while they do trap heat on the planet they also (somewhat) shield us from uv
There are many causes but the massive amount C02 from gas powered cars are probably one of the worst
But tell that to people like spidr and they just call u loony lefty and make fun of u and drive off in their suvs to play golf (sigh)

yokoke's photo
Fri 09/14/07 01:50 PM


Big Business and corrupt polititians do exist hand in hand and it is time the blinders some off, but Americans don't believe their votes count and they have no say... so the cycle continues...

I give those developing countries a high five at least they are making attempts to make a difference, not letting laws, bills slide under piles of red tape so pretty soon the public forgets what Kyoto was aiming for initially...

Well we have already seen the impact Mother Nature has done and she is just getting warmed up....

No worries on being called for what you believe in there Lizard ...hold your ground... and your beliefs and stay focused....

no photo
Fri 09/14/07 02:50 PM
Humans cause 5.53% of Global warming.

Aliens cause Global Warming

Great site, lots of links...

Record High Antarctic Ice Levels Ignored by Media

The Global Warming Hoax{5280BFC4-2D30-4593-93F4-6FA3EED15521}

Chill out over global warming

One year ago, we all lived in fear of "Bird Flu"

Thirty years ago, we lived in fear of Global Cooling

Ninety years ago, we lived in fear of Global Warming.

There is always something scary around the corner, but every time we turn the corner, nothing is there. There is no boogey man, call him "Bird Flu", "Global Cooling", "Global Warming", whatever. It's all fearmongering to sell papers and make unscrupulous scientists feel self important.

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:02 PM
If half the posters took ten minutes away from running around looking for supporting links to their arguments...and went outside, or switched off a light in the room they aren't in...

actually looked at this earth of finite resources, and maybe took the canvas bag to the store, and walked home...we wouldn't need these ridiculous absolutes.

Whether man has contributed to Global warming, cooling, bird flu, horse flu, dog flu, or iguana flu....this is a globe of finite resources....and there is a reduction in health of the planet, through insatiable human it for profit, for food, for profit, for greed...irelevant....

this is not a cess's the only home we have.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:07 PM
a fascist christian?
dude u gotta do something

anoasis's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:16 PM

Of course the media dramatizes everything. Apparently, that is what most people want becauces they watch more dramatic news more and thus we receive more and more dramatic news...

I am sick of hearing about how a germ on my kitchen countertop may cause me to drop dead at any moment... Bird flu, the Y2K bug, yes the media does overstate the dangers of many things to get peoples attention and I wish they wouldn't so I don't watch the news on television or video clips on the net anymore.

But that doesn't mean that NOTHING is actually happening that warrents our attention and action. I know you don't think that.

Yes, only a small percentage of the greenhouse gases in our atmostphere are anthropogenic. That's true. But we have seen many times how a relatively "small" change by man has resulted in unforeseen and unwelcome changes in our ecosystems.

It only took a couple of rabbits to seriously disturb Australia's ecology. It only took a couple of fruit flys to ruin Floridas citrus crops, one imported parasitic plant (Kudzu) is now choking out mature forests...cheat grass was imported by amn from asia and invaded the western states- now there are fires once or twice a year where in the past there were only fires every 20 or 30 years....there are examples too numerous to list...

Our actions have consequences. What's so horrible about trying to use less energy and resources anyway? Is this somehow a problem for you?

mnhiker's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:27 PM
The #1 cause of global warming:

Wait for it...

Cow farts!

So what does that mean?

Everyone has to become vegetarians
to combat global warming? huh

no photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:27 PM

The solution to mankinds contributions to global warming is improved technology with an eye towards cleaner technology. The solution isn't to stop people from driving to work, because of the fumes from their vehicle. The solution should be perfecting the hydrogen cell, cold fusion or a similar technology to produce abundant clean energy. I'm standing up for the truth, that hard science shows that humans have only a small effect on Global Warming.


Our actions have consequences. What's so horrible about trying to use less energy and resources anyway? Is this somehow a problem for you?


Have I suggested that is was a problem for me? No, because it's not. What I do care about is the truth and when someone says "Humans are causing global warming.", I'm going to put the OTHER side of the argument on the table. If I posted a thread about creationism, you can be sure evolutionists would have their say. So if someone posts a thread about manmade global warming, I will present the other side. Nothing problem with saving resources, just an interest in providing both sides of the argument.

lizardking19's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:29 PM
I do find it ironic that the very government which so revels in fearmongering continues to deny global warming

no photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:30 PM
I can't read your writing dude.

no photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:31 PM

The number one cause of Global Warming is the ocean. Water vapor is the single most prominate global warming gas.