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Topic: Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming
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Wed 09/12/07 03:22 PM,176495.shtml

"This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850," said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery.

These scientists are probably wackos, let's all go watch "The Day After Tomorrow" and "An Inconvenient Truth" and then we can all drink the special Kool-aid...

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 03:35 PM
its been proven that there are holes in the o-zone layer (the layer that protects us from turning into deep fried french fries when the sun is out), so why is it a stretch to think the Earth is getting warmer? It may not be tomorrow that we all die of heat stroke, or title waves and what not, but it could be changing slowly.

anoasis's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:01 PM
Damn- "title waves"? laugh laugh you're so funny...

Spider, yes there are scientists that dispute the importance of anthropomorphic componants of Global Warming.

That's no big surprise- throw any 100 scientists in a room and there will never be a consesus on anything.

The majority of reputable (=at least a PhD from an accredited university and several publications in the peer-reviewed literature) environmental scientists agree that although there are many factors that play parts in global warming- including 'natural' atmostpheric cycling- the post-industrial revolution numbers for those greenhouse gasses produced by increasing human populations and increasing mechanization of those populations curve much more steeply than they did prior to that time period.

How can they tell? Ice cores reveal the nature of the atmosphere for distant periods of time.

But here's the bottom line- what if these scientists are wrong and there is no human input to global warming?

Oh no, we will have produced more fuel efficiant autos and used more solar power FOR NO REASON... oh the humanity.

On the other hand, if it is true and human actions do greatly effect our atmospheric conditions and we do nothing...

Oh no, more and stronger hurricanes, tornados, storms of all kinds, flooding of all coastal areas, submergence of whole island nations, droughts in other areas, famine, death, destruction, despair...

Yep, better not waste time and money coming up with better light bulbs, less polluting vehicles and safer, cleaner, more efficiant energy sources- that's definitly not worthwhile...

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:19 PM
yup. there is a hole in the ozone layer over the poles.... in the winter months when there is no sunlight to react with the elements in the atmosphere. its a normal natural phenomon. this is typical... give some scary info without explaning that it is a normal reaction. that being said, we should endeavor to be more planet friendly regardless.

Jess642's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:34 PM
The hole over the ozone layer shifts...the one in the south here...and covers..(?) parts of Australia, and a lot of the Southern Island of New Zealand..

it is not only over Antarctica.

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:36 PM
Why can't we have a hole over North America? I'm freezing here!laugh

anoasis's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:39 PM
Oh don't worry Kid the hole in the ozone layer has grown measurably...

then again if you get tired of waiting for it to get warmer there you can always just come on down here... Miami is always warm!

davinci1952's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:45 PM
the warming trend is on other planets in the solar system...thats a fact..the polar regions on Mars are melting also..just like the earth...the sun is in an accelerated sun spot cycle....affecting all the planets...
old tales from ancient cultures are full of stories talking of times when man had to retreat into caves...and it was so hot that sticking a branch out of the cave entrance would cause it to ignite....
Maybe those in the know have this in mind as they pollute without restraint while building underground facilities (like around moscow) to ride out the next solar storm...a rather dire view of things...but may have some truth to it...

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:22 AM
I've never been to FLA. Hmmmmm.....It is kinda pretty from all I've seen on TV.:tongue:

yokoke's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:05 AM
Well here is an interesting article...basically we can alter global warming by eating less animals therfore reducing their methane flatulence levels....;_ylt=AvnD5KI5EFKAci8lNurIzCADW7oF

drinker <--- not into special Kool-aid

gardenforge's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:37 AM
The whole global warming topic like politics has both sides so polarized that both are willing to ignore fact and rely on junk science and pure fiction to further their cause much to the detrement of our planet. Eat less meat = less animals = less greenhouse gases. Good idea, but has anyone considered that the gasses from the burning coal mines in China alone put out more greenhouse gases than everything in the entire U.S. every year yet no one addresses that subject. The problem cannot be solved with a peacemeal approach, it has to be addressed on a global basis and every country has to be willing to make some hard sacrifices. Unfortunately everybody is relying on someone else to bite the bullet while they continue to pollute at an excellerated rate. Meanwhile we will continue to rearrange the furniture on the Titanic until it is too late and then Mother Nature will make all necessary adjustments.

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:46 AM
Cars, trucks, lawn mowers, cows, jets, powerplants and any other source of so-called "Global Warming gases" do not exist on Mars. This must be that there is another answer than "We did it".

This picture might have something to do with the warming our solar system (NOT just planet) is experiancing...

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 09:49 AM

Hats off to you!!!

"... Unfortunately everybody is relying on someone else to bite the bullet while they continue to pollute at an excellerated rate."

Pursuit of self interests rather than moral and collective well being. Couldn't have said it better.

And what do you hav to say about 'kyoto'? However imperfect as all things are, was it not a worthy attempt to adress the issue from a collective perspective, rather than a voluntary or piecemeal way as you put it?

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/13/07 10:17 AM
Spider Spider here we go again. ALL of the scientists who dispute global warming are funded by large corporations who pay them to deny the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE, compared to 2005s northern icecap melting (an annual summer event) this year 30% more ice has melted off. Read Time from a month or so ago or watch an inconvenient truth (though you put more focus on the first word of its title) although older people such as your self and the people on the hill dont care because they will have all died of heart attacks due their massive consumption of processed foods from factories which produce the chemicals that cause global warming, while people my age will freeze to death because lets get this out there THE VAST MAJORITY OF OLD PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT THE YOUNGER GENERATION DYING DUE TO THEIR CARELESSNESS

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/13/07 10:18 AM
Furthermore Mars is cold and barren due to their unfortuanate placing (not by god) in the solar system

anoasis's photo
Thu 09/13/07 02:08 PM
There is abundant evidence that there are natural warming and cooling cycles on this and other planets. The point is that as far as anyone can tell that trend has RAPIDLY ACCELERATED on this planet- the rate of warming si currently MUCH quicker than anything we have found evidence of in the past.

And it is possible to trace this accelerated warming directly to the time of the industrial revolution and it is further possible to see the steep increase continue in the decades since then...

Therefore, MOST prominant scientific bodies agree that our current Global Warming is a combination of added greenhouse gases from human activities (primarliy carbons from fossil fuel building but also methane from cows and other livestock and other gases and other sources) but also there are "naturally" occuring gases and natural phenomenon (e.g. the largest componant of greenhouse gases is water vapor).

The concern is not that there is a change or disturbance but that there is not enough time or resiliance for the planet to reach a new atmospheric equilibrium due to the scale and relative rapidity of this disturbance. In other works no man is not the sole source of warming gases, but the part we have added may well tip the scales too far and the planet will not be able to compensate for this input...

anoasis's photo
Thu 09/13/07 02:18 PM

"Kinda pretty"!!! Damning with faint praise my friend. The beaches are beautiful- if you like the beach you would love it!!

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 02:24 PM
The point is that as far as anyone can tell that trend has RAPIDLY ACCELERATED on this planet- the rate of warming si currently MUCH quicker than anything we have found evidence of in the past.

Simply not true. We see the polar icecaps of Mars melting. Warming is caused by the Sun. There is no scientific evidence that it is caused by mankind.

yokoke's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:21 PM
>Warming is caused by the Sun. There is no scientific evidence that it is caused by mankind.

Take that and add accelerated by green house gas effect, so the sun is allowed to warm at a quicker rate...hhhmmmmmm

There are always going to be 2 sides for evidence... She usually has the last say and balances things in her own way eventually....AND...Since Mars isn't likely to be residentially zoned here soon, perhaps take care of the blue marble we have....?

lizardking19's photo
Thu 09/13/07 08:23 PM
Dude I just gave u scientic evidence and the bigger problem than global warming is the way shep like u (spidr) can just deny away things like it no matter how much evidence ur given u will deny it and that is disgusting

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