Topic: "Must love dogs, kids and god" | |
Would you have made a thread like this about someone who had weight, height or physical requirements for friendship and dating?
I have opened threads regarding such things -- questioning why those are important in friendship (unless the true agenda is coupledom / mate finding). One was on the subject of why it is acceptable for a woman to require that a man be over a certain height but less so for a man to require that a woman not be overweight. Another asked why specify an age requirement for friendship. Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight? |
I know, sure as bears crap in the woods, I wouldn't do long term with a CCL. What is a CCL? Crazy cat lady. How many cats makes one a crazy cat lady? How many ya got? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You just plain mean, jacktrades. ![]() |
Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight?
I am one who expects a PARTNER or MATE to be an EQUAL mentally, physically and personally (not identical). I do NOT have the same expectations of FRIENDS. |
Edited by
Tue 02/04/14 12:27 AM
Navygirl, do you think that it's possible that that boyfriend of yours just didn't want to talk about you having cancer because he didn't know what to say? Men often find it hard to talk about things like that and perhaps you could compare it to when a couple loses a child? The couple are both upset about it and the man feels helpless and doesn't want the woman getting even more upset, so he avoids talking about it.
We got a couple of cats once from someone that had just had a child and didn't want cats around it. We had to get rid of one of them though because it scratched my cat's eye. The other cat stayed and he always acknowledged my cat as the alpha male. That cat of mine lived to be twenty years old and he was allowed outside and came and went as he pleased. House cats that I've known seemed to be quite nervous and highly strung to me. Cats like to do their own thing and they like their freedom. I can understand someone not wanting to let their cats out though if they live somewhere where it would be too dangerous to let them wander about. We lived on a busy road but the cats generally stayed away from it and it was safe enough for them at the back of the house. Some sick bastard did injure my cat one time though by stabbing him in the leg with a sharp implement. I knew the guy actually and he had Jack Russels. One of them jumped on people but it wasn't the jumping that bothered me and I just didn't like it trying to bite or hump me. Knew another guy that had a Staffordshire bull terrier and he told me that his girlfriend was jealous of it and he did dote on that dog. I didn't like the woman and didn't know what he saw in her but he obviously cared for her and wanted to be with her. I think that he tried to make her happy in his own way but he told me that she was a bit controlling and manipulative. He spoiled that dog a bit and it jumped on me when I was sitting on the couch in his house but it didn't bite and it only bothered me a bit because it was a fat lump and stood on my nuts. That dog did love people though and only ever attacked another dog. I suppose that in these situations people are afraid that when a dog is trying to play with them that it might bite if they try to push it away. If the owner knows that the dog is just friendly someone being afraid of it can look a bit comical. Perhaps there is something a bit pranksterish about it but it's a harmless prank if the dog is just friendly and doesn't do any harm. It's a good way of finding out if you are dealing with someone that you can get on with or with a humourless uptight person. |
Perhaps the ultimate along these lines is a woman I encountered who had posted at the front door of her house a sign which read:
"These premisses are maintained for the comfort and safety of animals. If you don't like that please go away." I did go away |
Why did you go away? Would you have done the same if she had a sign telling you to wipe your feet?
Edited by
Tue 02/04/14 10:10 AM
Why did you go away?
I have no interest in visiting kennels -- and have very limited interest in people who prioritize pets above people. Would you have done the same if she had a sign telling you to wipe your feet? Wiping feet might have applied more when leaving than upon entering. |
I suppose that it is a bit of an odd place to go on a first date but I would have given it a go and I think that it's a bit rude to stand up a lady.
Have you seen the episode of "I'm Alan Partridge" when he takes a woman on a date to an owl sanctuary? I don't think that he did it because he was particularly fond of owls. He just seemed to think that she might have liked it. So, what do you think that it is about you that draws these women to you? Maybe that's your problem. You're attracting the wrong women. I seem to do that as well. Whatever it is, there's got to be something about you that attracts animal lovers but I can't imagine what it is. |
Ladies, is it really necessary for a man to "love dogs, kids and god" to be your friend? I would imagine if they're setting those restrictions, they're talking about more than friends. But, do all ladies think this way? Of course not.'s one more stupid generalization....nothing else. |
Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight?
I am one who expects a PARTNER or MATE to be an EQUAL mentally, physically and personally (not identical). I do NOT have the same expectations of FRIENDS. This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread. |
Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight?
I am one who expects a PARTNER or MATE to be an EQUAL mentally, physically and personally (not identical). I do NOT have the same expectations of FRIENDS. This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread. |
Perhaps the ultimate along these lines is a woman I encountered who had posted at the front door of her house a sign which read: "These premisses are maintained for the comfort and safety of animals. If you don't like that please go away." I did go away Oh no! A person who cares about animals and wants to keep them safe. What a terrible thing! |
This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly.
For some it did and became a venue for personal comments. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread.
Those with any sense have "qualifications" -- some of which are more "politically correct" or popular than others. Loving dogs appears to be more popular than maintaining physical condition. |
This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly.
For some it did and became a venue for personal comments. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread.
Those with any sense have "qualifications" -- some of which are more "politically correct" or popular than others. Loving dogs appears to be more popular than maintaining physical condition. Who cares? You have your qualifications. Others have theirs. Why just whine about it, rather than move on to someone else, whether you're talking about friendship or more? Clearly people who have pets are not for you. There are lots of people out there who do not have pets. Are you having trouble finding them for some reason? |
I suppose that it is a bit of an odd place to go on a first date but I would have given it a go and I think that it's a bit rude to stand up a lady.
There was no implication of a "date" so "stand up a lady" did not apply in any way. I just do not choose to spend time in kennels. Have you seen the episode of "I'm Alan Partridge" when he takes a woman on a date to an owl sanctuary? I don't think that he did it because he was particularly fond of owls. He just seemed to think that she might have liked it.
I do not watch television. However, an arranged visit to a wildlife sanctuary would appeal if there was mutual interest. I prefer a natural setting over commercial entertainment. So, what do you think that it is about you that draws these women to you?
There is no implication in anything I say that any women are drawn to me. In fact, I make some effort to discourage unwelcome attraction or attention. Maybe that's your problem.
Problem? What problem? You're attracting the wrong women.
Actually, the UN-attraction is mutual and warranted. I seem to do that as well. Whatever it is, there's got to be something about you that attracts animal lovers but I can't imagine what it is.
My comments do not stem from any "attraction" but rather from my observation that many women prioritize pets above relationships with human males. It simply eliminates them from any interest on my part if pets (or children or religion) are the focus of their life. |
must not use the term 'god fearing' is what I should put in there if I cared enough to mention it. I just pass by that profile if I see it. I dont get fear in religion. I would rather be with a person who makes good choices because they value good choices, rather than being afraid of the wrath of god. Im like singme in that I just dont get upset about other persons preferences. Waste of time. I do get the frustration of seeing what you dont want over and over and over and over. I really like what you are saying here both about preferences and about the POV where God is concerned. I have no fear of our loving god. I know this is not the religion thread but it is part of the OP. If someone does not view god as a loving entity we will have NOTHING in common ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I also do not "get" the "god fearing" thing ![]() Same here. I have always seen God as a loving an patient entity that could have the determination to make each person unique then why would (s)he see humans as junk and condemn them for minor failures. This as well as some of the thoughts that I have to like owning a responsibility that maybe is not a good fit at this stage in my life semmes overlooking the fact that many people don't have kids or pets because they don't like them but want them to be well cared for and find some people who have kids and pets they only half way care for intolerable. |
god? With a small g?
Is that one of the minor deities? I'm Catholic so I need a guy who's into one of the major deities. I'm not as picky about the dog though. A small d type dog is fine by me. |
This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly.
For some it did and became a venue for personal comments. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread.
Those with any sense have "qualifications" -- some of which are more "politically correct" or popular than others. Loving dogs appears to be more popular than maintaining physical condition. Yeah, you mentioned that you don't like fat girls. I used to be like that. Then I met a lady that was a bit on the cuddly side and it wasn't that she wasn't concerned about maintaining her physical condition. She was but she had a medical condition that made strenuous excersise painful. That was my ex girlfriend and I have dated a couple of women that were carrying a bit of extra weight since then. Both of them were concerned about their weight and were trying to do things to lose it, such as jogging and dieting. I am still friends with that ex of mine and she's one of the least politically correct people you could ever meet. She is concerned about her physical condition, although she says that people that want to call her ugly can go and shite. She does excersises that physiopherapists have recommended and she goes swimming regularly and she doesn't eat much junk food. It seems to me that people like you judge a book by its cover. Most women that have weight problems are concerned about it. Most people are concerned about their health. I never put on weight and I can eat whatever I like and I stay slim, whether I excersise or not. Political correctness has nothing to do with it. It's just rude to make personal comments about women being fat and it's rather ignorant to assume that they aren't concerned about maintaining their physical condition. I wouldn't really be attracted to someone that was morbidly obese either but people that are obsessed with food are rare and so are people that are obsessed with animals. You just sound like an ignorant snob. All of your jazz about people caring more about animals is just a smokescreen and you sound like the one with the obsessions. |
god? With a small g? Is that one of the minor deities? I'm Catholic so I need a guy who's into one of the major deities. I'm not as picky about the dog though. A small d type dog is fine by me. You've met her? She's told you this herself? Did she say anything about when the next flood is coming? My dad is looking at buying a new boat and I'm wondering if he should buy one large enough for two of EVERYTHING. |
No, no prying for me. She (God) doesn't like needy people. She's all about free will.
I'll tell my dad to go with the smaller boat. We can always leave the Elephants behind. Last time we had to leave the unicorns behind but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. |