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Topic: Help
sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:36 PM
ok where to start.....i started out being friends with a guy who told me he was seeing a girl he worked with and she had a bf she was with for 12 years.....well one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping togather....then he told me he wanted to be with me then he went back and forth between me and her i finally got fed up and dumped him....he called the other night and i felt sorry for him and he said he wanted to see me on sunday(2 weeks ago)...when i called him on sunday he told me that he was now seeing a different girl......SO anyways i finally moved on and met someone else, but now i have trust anybody have any advice? I guess i'm just looking for people to talk to.........

GG2's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:45 PM
Find out if he's trustworthy before you sleep with him. happy

MiSSLiNDS's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:46 PM

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:47 PM
Thanx ladies.....i know its gonna be hard to trust again

Mariely's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:48 PM
For one girl, there would of never been no going back and forthe between me and another girl dude would of been gone grom the get-go if he was trying to make me his side dish... if u know what i mean.. Never settle for less, u should always be #1 not number#2 if u settle for whatever, thats all ur gonna get exactly whatever so let me tell u to stick with your entress and get rid of your sides!!!

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:52 PM
Great advice mariely...too bad i didnt learn that sooner...laugh

elegantlady's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:56 PM
I think one of the problems that exist with relationships and pending relationships these days is that we really don't take time to really get to know a person before we become intimate with them. Casual sex is kind of the in thing but what usually happens is guys or girls get what they want, it is a temporary fix for what ails them so to speak. They are most likely trying something new and then it's next.... Don't allow yourself to be used and if someone is engaging in sex with you and someone else, it is clearly not cool! STD's are for real, be safe, get to know someone first and don't be fooled by the games people play.

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 04:59 PM
Ya thats the first thing i did is go to the everything is good there....i think ur right about the sex....u get lonely and its the easiest way to be close to someone.

whitewolfus007's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:03 PM
take things one day at a time and if he tryes to sleep with you before you 10 date then he's out for one thing but give him a chance and take it slow

HillFolk's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:06 PM
Did ya happen to watch that cell phone commercial where the father asked about the children's circle of friends? The daughter named her friends and her brother gave the same names. He said all her friends were hot. She was upset so her father said she should have uglier friends and then the mother agreed that she should have uglier friends.

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:07 PM
wow i have to wait 10 dates? laugh laugh thanx :smile:

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:08 PM
so i should get ugly friends? laugh but he didnt sleep with any of my friends cause most of them are marriedlaugh

shutterguy's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:10 PM
he's playing you to get what he wants then he will be gone again

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:11 PM
i realized that...thats why i dumped him and moved on:smile:

no photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:12 PM
just take your time, pay attention and try your hardest not to make him pay for what some other dumbass has done. don't really have anything else because i've never really seen someone with trust issues come out of it.

Claudette's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:12 PM
just take your time to get to know this guy

more importantly get to know yourself and find out what you deserveflowerforyou

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:13 PM
so there is no hope for me? :tongue:

sherry4382's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:14 PM
thanx claudette flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:15 PM
It takes years to build up trust in a relationship, and only a few seconds to destroy it.

whitewolfus007's photo
Sun 09/09/07 05:17 PM
no you don't have to wait ten dates but if he trys to force or pressure you then you know he's out for one thing wait at least five or 6 but just take it slow and make sure you know what you want first in your life

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