Topic: God vs. Santa
JohnDavidDavid's photo
Fri 01/31/14 08:44 AM
Edited by JohnDavidDavid on Fri 01/31/14 08:45 AM
It's your loss.

What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"?

You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge

I gladly forgo "knowledge" that cannot be shown to be anything more than imagination, fantasy or fiction

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 01/31/14 08:52 AM

I lost 45% of my blood easter morning.

Sure enough, people recover from injuries, accidents, diseases -- often with medical assistance.

It's your loss.

What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"?

You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge

Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: "My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly." This stranger is a theologian.
-- Denis Diderot, Addition aux Pensees philosophiques, from John Daintith, et al, eds. The Macmillan Dictionary of Quotations (2000) p. 34, quoted from R, Rotando, in a personal letter to Cliff Walker (December 17, 2001)

BTW,your Heart is a Lump of Meat that reacts to the Body's Stimuli,and Emotions are unreliable to ascertain Reality and Truth!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 10:05 AM

It's your loss.

What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"?

You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge

I gladly forgo "knowledge" that cannot be shown to be anything more than imagination, fantasy or fiction

those who refuse to see never will.. They have hardened their hearts. Knowledge is so deep science still has not caught up with it. and they never will. Isaac Newton without his knowledge of the scripture science would not of grown and start to understand it. Nostradamus using the health laws who apparently the scientific community did not understand basically stopped the plague. Knowledge from the Bible. it is true today as it was then the answers were their but like u they did not believe neither did they want to try and believe. u like to put down the bible and u r fulfilling prophesy

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Fri 01/31/14 02:15 PM
those who refuse to see never will..

Yes, those who refuse to see (learn about) the real world around them will continue to "explain" events as the product of "miracles" or interference by unseen, undetectable "spirits" or "gods."

According to many religionists diseases, droughts, storms, etc are caused by "sins" or "curses" or "displeasing gods" -- and recovery is a "blessing" or an "answer to prayer" -- but most seek medical attention when ill or injured (perhaps consciously or subconsciously recognizing that science / medical knowledge is far more likely to help them than "prayer."

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:03 PM

those who refuse to see never will..

Yes, those who refuse to see (learn about) the real world around them will continue to "explain" events as the product of "miracles" or interference by unseen, undetectable "spirits" or "gods."

According to many religionists diseases, droughts, storms, etc are caused by "sins" or "curses" or "displeasing gods" -- and recovery is a "blessing" or an "answer to prayer" -- but most seek medical attention when ill or injured (perhaps consciously or subconsciously recognizing that science / medical knowledge is far more likely to help them than "prayer."

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:55 PM
Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary):

1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved.

When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate.

Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing).

I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 09:37 PM

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary):

1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved.

When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate.

Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing).

I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved.

seeing u will disagree with any possibility that the scriptures could be true.

What is your purpose on a religion forumn when u do not believe at all? Trying to convert us?

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Fri 01/31/14 10:15 PM

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary):

1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved.

When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate.

Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing).

I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved.

seeing u will disagree with any possibility that the scriptures could be true.

Some bible tales COULD be true, some could be partially true, some could be completely untrue. Which ones can be shown to be true?

What is your purpose on a religion forumn when u do not believe at all?

It is a public forum that is not limited to supernaturalists. I often choose to question public statements that claim KNOWLEDGE of supernatural events or entities.

Trying to convert us?

It is of no concern to me what anyone believes or which of the thousands of proposed "gods" they choose to worship or idolize.

Responses by religionists may well have the effect of DE-converting others. The more irrational and emotional the posts the more likely they are to have negative effect on readers.

Religious promotion, propaganda, advertising, proselytizing deserves a response.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 10:29 PM

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary):

1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved.

When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate.

Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing).

I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved.

seeing u will disagree with any possibility that the scriptures could be true.

Some bible tales COULD be true, some could be partially true, some could be completely untrue. Which ones can be shown to be true?

What is your purpose on a religion forumn when u do not believe at all?

It is a public forum that is not limited to supernaturalists. I often choose to question public statements that claim KNOWLEDGE of supernatural events or entities.

Trying to convert us?

It is of no concern to me what anyone believes or which of the thousands of proposed "gods" they choose to worship or idolize.

Responses by religionists may well have the effect of DE-converting others. The more irrational and emotional the posts the more likely they are to have negative effect on readers.

Religious promotion, propaganda, advertising, proselytizing deserves a response.

good luck

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Sat 02/01/14 07:13 AM
good luck

Thank you. However, I do not depend on "luck" but on information, reasoning, and verification of claims.

I have no interest in the belief choices of others -- but do have interest in knowledge that is based on truth and accuracy (not upon emotion, opinion, conjecture, ancient tales, testimonials, fanciful claims -- none of which can be shown to be true).

When supernaturalists make grandiose claims for their favorite "god" in PUBLIC, I often question those claims.

singlecowboy4370's photo
Sun 02/02/14 10:04 PM
Santa = Satan , santa is palso pagan. GOD (YAHWEY) is the creator and judge and iffees salvarin if we repent get baptised and accept Jesus (YESHUA) as our saviour

singlecowboy4370's photo
Sun 02/02/14 10:05 PM
Santa = Satan , santa is palso pagan. GOD (YAHWEY) is the creator and judge and iffees salvarin if we repent get baptised and accept Jesus (YESHUA) as our saviour

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Mon 02/03/14 02:06 PM

Santa = Satan , santa is palso pagan. GOD (YAHWEY) is the creator and judge and iffees salvarin if we repent get baptised and accept Jesus (YESHUA) as our saviour

How, exactly, can anyone verify that this is true and not just imagination, fantasy or fraud?

That someone said or wrote their OPINION and stories (ancient or modern) about a favorite supernatural entity (among thousands proposed) is NOT evidence that what they say is true or accurate.

no photo
Mon 02/03/14 02:09 PM
Santa must love God, he always helps us celebrate his son's birthday

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Mon 02/03/14 04:08 PM

Santa must love God, he always helps us celebrate his son's birthday

Santa and gods seem to have a lot in common

no photo
Mon 02/03/14 04:10 PM

Santa must love God, he always helps us celebrate his son's birthday

Santa and gods seem to have a lot in common

Yeah I love them both

singlecowboy4370's photo
Mon 02/03/14 04:46 PM
santa = satan ,christmass and all other secular celibration are pagan , they are direct violation to the law and commandments of YAHWEY any real Christian with a relationship with YESHUA would have nothing to do with these Satanic rituals

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Mon 02/03/14 05:50 PM

santa = satan ,christmass and all other secular celibration are pagan , they are direct violation to the law and commandments of YAHWEY any real Christian with a relationship with YESHUA would have nothing to do with these Satanic rituals

Millions / Billions of people worshiping thousands of different "gods" each profess to have chosen the right one (with a half a percent chance or less of being right) -- and maintain that the "gods" worshiped by others are "false" but their favorite is "real."

The Satan character makes a convenient evil "adversary" for the good "god" in some belief systems -- and is often used to scare people (particularly children) into conforming to the dictates of self-identified "priests", "prophets" and amateur worshipers.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 02/04/14 05:23 AM
I know you don't believe and My way which I try to do Yahshua's way Because He is The Way. That's the 1st believers called themselves. Only pagans called them Christians but that stook.

So in my fairy tale land I will show my Alice in Wonderland you stand by us. The way of tradition is the way of destruction.

Guess what. Tradition Rules. Then the scriptures even mention a small prophecy about a time that we are in. just read it closely'

2 Peter 2:12-16

But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption, 13 and will receive the wages of unrighteousness, as those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children. 15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 16 but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man's voice restrained the madness of the prophet.

Amazing equates to day to the only thing the world would listen to would be a talking donkey.. then you would maybe believe you might want him over for dinner and see what a donkey eats.

The Word is the Bread of life.

Matt 4:4

4 But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"

I definitely believe u have to believe in something to actually believe it. That's what u r saying I believe show me physical proof so then maybe u believe.

always doubt. So many people on here trashing the Holy Scriptures with same ole same ole stuff. he's a murder and every evil thing u can think of. I mean is it fun? to everyone who does this. That Prophecy u should look hard at what the Bible calls evil.. I am not judging u just showing you my belief ,my life my world. Hope that does not offend you that I try to live in the world but try not to be of this world.

2 Peter 2:13-15
They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children.

Know one knows it all.. Don't we here open your mind to new Possibilities. Wow Look in the Bible its endless with possibilities on the lifestyle you choose.

When running down calling them fairy tales and I mean all of you that do this. u very well maybe enticing young souls away from faith. and its Pre-meditated.

The wording even in these few verses is very strong and has never been like it is now.

We are a country of accursed children because of the decision of Row vs wade.

Since that time the morals of this country has changed when a society decides does not consider a beating heart a life their for it can be killed . a demoralization started. The bible did not want to be believe. Why?

It tells you what sin really is and it convicts you. so do away with it. run it down. 10 commandments in school.. oh sp bad.. teach homosexuality in HS as an alternative lifestyle .. well I see whay they had to get rid of the 10 commandments now. Prophesy. Nothing but prophesy.

Yea I know u will not even look at those scriptures but to you wo believe these are people that u can see are prophecy see what they have to say.. like the old adages says.. keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. I say welcome their challenges. They will prepare you.. great way to learn in the real world what non believers say. Knowledge they are helping the believer if you will accept them as a learning too to build your faith.. Always have Faith it will keep you in line cause the bible tells me so,, Just love those words.

Sodom and Gomorrah was way more than Gays and sodomites. If we go back when Lot seen the angels we see a very important way of life.

Gen 19:1-2

Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom . When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. 2 And he said, "Here now, my lords, please turn in to your servant's house and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way."

Servitude. he ran to them to wash their feet ( NT Foot washing)

Hospitality. These people partied and did homosexual acts. these men wanted the angel whp apparently they did not know they were angel and does not say lot did. else where we r told in the NT that to treat a stranger as a guest because you main be entertaing and Angel. They look just like us.. Just like in lots day.

People say Lot was horrible when he offered up his daughters. was he?

Lot and his family lived their. notice they did not want the daughters . never in history has their been a time like now. u can believe what u want and what u say I learn from. so keep up the good work .. shalom

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/04/14 08:06 AM
Know one knows it all.. Don't we here open your mind to new Possibilities. Wow Look in the Bible its endless with possibilities on the lifestyle you choose.

Many are Non Religious BECAUSE they have read the bible and competing religious texts and concluded that tales about talking donkeys and snakes, dead bodies coming back to life days after death, gods flying through the air unaided, etc are FOLK TALES, legends, fables.

Thousands of years ago people did not distinguish between fantasy and reality – and many in modern times believe tales from that era are literal truth.

Yes, there is SOME wisdom in the bible just as there is SOME wisdom in millions of other books – even those written by people we consider evil monsters. So what? There is some truth in the lies of politicians. So what?

Shall we accept entire works as truthful and accurate if we can find an occasional truth?