Topic: I AM THAT I AM:
Ploduwa03's photo
Fri 01/24/14 12:57 AM
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I
AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto
the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me
unto you.
Moses’ burning bush encounter remains a
classic example of how God relates with
His beloved children and leaves us with
several lessons today:
1) Because God is a Spirit, He uses mostly
supernatural things to get the attention
of His children who can discern spiritual
realities amidst the cacophony of their
physical environments. The burning bush
was burning without burning.
2) God commanded Moses to remove his
shoes because he was standing on holy
grounds. I rejoice today because since
anywhere God’s presence dwells becomes
holy, you may as well call me holy
Samuel, because the Greater One (God)
lives in me (1 John 4:4).
3) God told Moses that He knew the
sorrows and sufferings the Israelites were
going through in Egypt, in the hands of
Pharaoh. This is so comforting to me
today because God knows everything I’m
going through in life today. Everything!
4) He then told Moses that He has come
to solve the problems of His children even
without their asking! God is our refuge
and strength, A very present help in
trouble (Psalm 46:1). Wow, wow, wow, if
my God is your God, relax, you don’t need
prayers, help is on the way!
5) He told Moses exactly what and where
He planned for His children - a good land
and a large, unto a land flowing with milk
and honey (Exodus 3:8). Little wonder He
said that His thoughts for us are thoughts
of good and to bring us into an expected
end (Jeremiah 29:11).
6) Because He sees the end from the
beginning and the beginning from the
end, God told Moses exactly how Pharaoh
was going to behave and how His word
MUST come to pass in the final analysis!
It did. It will!
7) This is the biggest one. When Moses
asked God who he should tell the
Israelites sent him, this is what God said -
I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt
thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM
hath sent me unto you.
I have to stop here because I cannot
contain myself anymore! There is nothing
bigger or better than I AM THAT I AM!
He is not “I was”. He is not “I am going
to be”. He is I AM THAT I AM!!!
Hear me – wherever you are in life;
whatsoever situation you may be going
through today; however bleak, miserable
or unbearable your past or future may
look like, all you need is the I AM THAT I
Have a glorious
weekend in Jesus name. Amen!

donnalynn4536's photo
Fri 01/24/14 05:41 PM
I appreciate your reminder that God is God and can and will do whatever He wants to do. We get busy in this life and forget He is God. We forget we can't do anything without Him and try to do it ourselves. We think the world will see us as successful if we do it without any help. It just isn't so. So thank you again for the reminder. God bless!