Topic: why muslims are exempt from barrycare | |
during my most recent angina attack for which I had FIVE DAYS of hospitalization,,, and where my insurance had lapsed previously without my knowledge,,
![]() I didn't receive a notice, and hadn't been to the hospital, so I Wasn't aware it had lapsed Uh, if you had to pay monthly premiums, then why would you not be billed on a monthly basis? my wages were/are low enough to qualify for Medicaid, but I hadn't reapplied, so it lapsed,,, |
muslims only get a 'free ride' under the same conditions of any other religious exemption
in other words, they have no SPECIAL exemption for being muslim, although there are RELIGIOUS bases for not accepting government aid,, that extend towards ALL types of government aid if claimed,,, |
Edited by
Sun 01/19/14 11:55 PM
"Experience and the law of unintended consequences suggest the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" will neither protect patients nor make health services affordable. Actual caring will resemble that of the U.S. Postal Service. Services will be rationed and denied in arbitrary manner after long waiting, as in other countries with government health systems. Advocacy groups will institute something like a 'disease-of-the-month-club,' to apply political pressure to cover various conditions. In short, decisions which ought to be made by patients and physicians will instead be made by cold, distant bureaucracies. Switzerland has a market-based system which works. Care there is as good as in the US at 58% of the per capita cost. Such a system was not even considered here, because the goal is government control, not accessible, affordable or quality care." Steve C. written by a Friend of mine,American MD.. Licensed to practice both in the USA and Switzerland,thus familiar with both Systems! I would totally disagree with the above conclusion as Odumbocare and the Swiss plan are very much alike in concept and action. The main difference being the Swiss enacted their law in 1996. Take a look at the total analysis and you will see just where Odumbocare is headed if the people accepted it, which they won't. The Swiss are such sheeple and so used to a socialist vision. Besides,Krugman is a Krugscheisser! ![]() For him,Obummercare doesn't go far enough! Yep,the United Socialist Swiss Confederation! USSC for short! ![]() What Krugman, the link had nothing to do with that idiot. It is just an analysis by a two healthcare analyst that was updated by two others, one in 2011 and the other in 2013. And the Swiss system doesn't work, just another false illusion: "The country spends more than 10 percent of its GDP on health, placing Switzerland near the top of OECD countries for medical expenditure. This considerable investment means that the country possesses a wealth of medical facilities employing the latest technology, as well as one of the world's lowest patient-to-doctor ratio (and a high ratio of well-trained nurses to doctors)." Now if the people are capped at 8% of earnings, then the remainder must be pinned to taxes, a hidden cost. And with cost: "Affordability: Concomitant with health expenditure climbing to 11.4 per cent of GDP over the last decade, "��basic package" premiums have increased by an average of 5% per year and out - of - pocket expenditure is high compared with the OECD average. The Swiss system has not been very effective at containing costs and unsurprisingly there are now concerns that the premiums may be 'unaffordable for many people'." Sound familiar? Yep,sounds familiar! Besides,I live here,and I have no Complaints,regardless of what some Tools have to day,in some Article! The US would definitely fare better than with Obamacare,since Obamacare hasn't got anything to do with Healthcare! BTW,we even have managed to get a Multi-Party-Politicalsystem together in our supposedly Socialist System! I would class the Swiss political Climate leaning more toward Corporatism than anything else! Similar to what you have in the US! Careful, those rose colored glasses will make you go blind. Sure glad you are an expert on Switzerland! and moreso on our Healthsystem! |
Edited by
Mon 01/20/14 02:44 AM
Yep,sounds familiar! Besides,I live here,and I have no Complaints,regardless of what some Tools have to day,in some Article! The US would definitely fare better than with Obamacare,since Obamacare hasn't got anything to do with Healthcare! BTW,we even have managed to get a Multi-Party-Politicalsystem together in our supposedly Socialist System! I would class the Swiss political Climate leaning more toward Corporatism than anything else! Similar to what you have in the US! Careful, those rose colored glasses will make you go blind. Sure glad you are an expert on Switzerland! and moreso on our Healthsystem! Yeah, isn't being able to read and comprehend marvelous. Also not the first time I been at this rodeo and could really care less about Switzerland, don't ever intend on visiting, much less living there. But if you're happy with it, great, just don't insinuate that I would be because I wouldn't. I find the system just as repulsive as Odumbocare and the other socialist health care schemes. |
during my most recent angina attack for which I had FIVE DAYS of hospitalization,,, and where my insurance had lapsed previously without my knowledge,,
![]() I would guess it would be because it was just one of those facts, you know those thing seem not to need. Uh, only msharmony knows the answer to the question that I asked her. Really, so how did I answer correctly? It was just a detail and details, facts and definitions seem not to matter to a certain type of person. I would even go so far as to state you would also be a member of that group based on your posts. Would I be incorrect in that assessment? |
Edited by
Mon 01/20/14 03:16 AM
Yep,sounds familiar! Besides,I live here,and I have no Complaints,regardless of what some Tools have to day,in some Article! The US would definitely fare better than with Obamacare,since Obamacare hasn't got anything to do with Healthcare! BTW,we even have managed to get a Multi-Party-Politicalsystem together in our supposedly Socialist System! I would class the Swiss political Climate leaning more toward Corporatism than anything else! Similar to what you have in the US! Careful, those rose colored glasses will make you go blind. Sure glad you are an expert on Switzerland! and moreso on our Healthsystem! Yeah, isn't being able to read and comprehend marvelous. Also not the first time I been at this rodeo and could really care less about Switzerland, don't ever intend on visiting, much less living there. But if you're happy with it, great, just don't insinuate that I would be because I wouldn't. I find the system just as repulsive as Odumbocare and the other socialist health care schemes. so,what are your recommendations? and you're still no expert on Switzerland!! Actually you have no inkling about our Political System! Suffice it to say,it is quite close to the US-system,with a few perks,like the ability to vote on Issues,plus Referendums,Obligatory and other Ones! But you are THE Expert! Keep on voting in the RIGHT Politicians,some day you might hit the Combination who will respect the Constitution! But more likely you will get the same Old same Old,and end up with another 80,000 Pages of useless Federal Statutes and Regulations written by unelected Officials,appointed by the Guys you voted in to safeguard your Constitution! |
"Experience and the law of unintended consequences suggest the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" will neither protect patients nor make health services affordable. Actual caring will resemble that of the U.S. Postal Service. Services will be rationed and denied in arbitrary manner after long waiting, as in other countries with government health systems. Advocacy groups will institute something like a 'disease-of-the-month-club,' to apply political pressure to cover various conditions. In short, decisions which ought to be made by patients and physicians will instead be made by cold, distant bureaucracies. Switzerland has a market-based system which works. Care there is as good as in the US at 58% of the per capita cost. Such a system was not even considered here, because the goal is government control, not accessible, affordable or quality care." Steve C. written by a Friend of mine,American MD.. Licensed to practice both in the USA and Switzerland,thus familiar with both Systems! I would totally disagree with the above conclusion as Odumbocare and the Swiss plan are very much alike in concept and action. The main difference being the Swiss enacted their law in 1996. Take a look at the total analysis and you will see just where Odumbocare is headed if the people accepted it, which they won't. The Swiss are such sheeple and so used to a socialist vision. Besides,Krugman is a Krugscheisser! ![]() For him,Obummercare doesn't go far enough! Yep,the United Socialist Swiss Confederation! USSC for short! ![]() What Krugman, the link had nothing to do with that idiot. It is just an analysis by a two healthcare analyst that was updated by two others, one in 2011 and the other in 2013. And the Swiss system doesn't work, just another false illusion: "The country spends more than 10 percent of its GDP on health, placing Switzerland near the top of OECD countries for medical expenditure. This considerable investment means that the country possesses a wealth of medical facilities employing the latest technology, as well as one of the world's lowest patient-to-doctor ratio (and a high ratio of well-trained nurses to doctors)." Now if the people are capped at 8% of earnings, then the remainder must be pinned to taxes, a hidden cost. And with cost: "Affordability: Concomitant with health expenditure climbing to 11.4 per cent of GDP over the last decade, "��basic package" premiums have increased by an average of 5% per year and out - of - pocket expenditure is high compared with the OECD average. The Swiss system has not been very effective at containing costs and unsurprisingly there are now concerns that the premiums may be 'unaffordable for many people'." Sound familiar? Yep,sounds familiar! Besides,I live here,and I have no Complaints,regardless of what some Tools have to day,in some Article! The US would definitely fare better than with Obamacare,since Obamacare hasn't got anything to do with Healthcare! BTW,we even have managed to get a Multi-Party-Politicalsystem together in our supposedly Socialist System! I would class the Swiss political Climate leaning more toward Corporatism than anything else! Similar to what you have in the US! money still makes the world go round in America insurance is heavily tied to healthcare,,,so we have actually had 'insurance' reform,, labeled as healthcare reform a bill for a non insured person can run 54000 for a 5 day stay, yet an insured persons insurance will be billed maybe 5000 same services, same expenses,, but why the VAST difference in price? this is part of what needed to be reformed, as it was causing great financial burdens for people, along with those who really need insurance being turned down,, as opposed to having options that fit their circumstances,,, Tort reform would help to reduce medical expenses. Right now, physicians will order unnecessary tests just to cover their tails. Not likely with all those Lawyers in House and Senate working for the Lawoffices of Dewey,Shaftem & Howe! |
"Experience and the law of unintended consequences suggest the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" will neither protect patients nor make health services affordable. Actual caring will resemble that of the U.S. Postal Service. Services will be rationed and denied in arbitrary manner after long waiting, as in other countries with government health systems. Advocacy groups will institute something like a 'disease-of-the-month-club,' to apply political pressure to cover various conditions. In short, decisions which ought to be made by patients and physicians will instead be made by cold, distant bureaucracies. Switzerland has a market-based system which works. Care there is as good as in the US at 58% of the per capita cost. Such a system was not even considered here, because the goal is government control, not accessible, affordable or quality care." Steve C. written by a Friend of mine,American MD.. Licensed to practice both in the USA and Switzerland,thus familiar with both Systems! I would totally disagree with the above conclusion as Odumbocare and the Swiss plan are very much alike in concept and action. The main difference being the Swiss enacted their law in 1996. Take a look at the total analysis and you will see just where Odumbocare is headed if the people accepted it, which they won't. The Swiss are such sheeple and so used to a socialist vision. Look what Programs the US got! Seems "Socialism" has crept in under the Door! And again,what is your Remedy? |
"Experience and the law of unintended consequences suggest the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" will neither protect patients nor make health services affordable. Actual caring will resemble that of the U.S. Postal Service. Services will be rationed and denied in arbitrary manner after long waiting, as in other countries with government health systems. Advocacy groups will institute something like a 'disease-of-the-month-club,' to apply political pressure to cover various conditions. In short, decisions which ought to be made by patients and physicians will instead be made by cold, distant bureaucracies. Switzerland has a market-based system which works. Care there is as good as in the US at 58% of the per capita cost. Such a system was not even considered here, because the goal is government control, not accessible, affordable or quality care." Steve C. written by a Friend of mine,American MD.. Licensed to practice both in the USA and Switzerland,thus familiar with both Systems! Read it and Weep! ![]() |
Yep,sounds familiar! Besides,I live here,and I have no Complaints,regardless of what some Tools have to day,in some Article! The US would definitely fare better than with Obamacare,since Obamacare hasn't got anything to do with Healthcare! BTW,we even have managed to get a Multi-Party-Politicalsystem together in our supposedly Socialist System! I would class the Swiss political Climate leaning more toward Corporatism than anything else! Similar to what you have in the US! Careful, those rose colored glasses will make you go blind. Sure glad you are an expert on Switzerland! and moreso on our Healthsystem! Yeah, isn't being able to read and comprehend marvelous. Also not the first time I been at this rodeo and could really care less about Switzerland, don't ever intend on visiting, much less living there. But if you're happy with it, great, just don't insinuate that I would be because I wouldn't. I find the system just as repulsive as Odumbocare and the other socialist health care schemes. so,what are your recommendations? and you're still no expert on Switzerland!! Actually you have no inkling about our Political System! Suffice it to say,it is quite close to the US-system,with a few perks,like the ability to vote on Issues,plus Referendums,Obligatory and other Ones! But you are THE Expert! Keep on voting in the RIGHT Politicians,some day you might hit the Combination who will respect the Constitution! But more likely you will get the same Old same Old,and end up with another 80,000 Pages of useless Federal Statutes and Regulations written by unelected Officials,appointed by the Guys you voted in to safeguard your Constitution! So many assumptions, so little comprehension. My recommendations, let Switzerland keep their health insurance but don't try to say it is any different than the abortion we are dealing with. The main difference being, we will resolve our problem one way or another. Additionally, I don't even portend to be an expert on Switzerland and could really care less about the political system there. If it's so great, then live with it, I don't have to and don't want to. And now you try to make a gross assumption that I vote, I don't. Voting is that great bulwark of a Democracy, mob rule. I do not live in a Democracy, I belong to the Republic and refuse to reduce myself to become a "QUALIFIED" (can you say impaired) elector. I have no representative as I am perfectly capable of representing myself. Impinge my rights and we do battle in the courts so I care less what the idiots are doing. And oh yeah, those unelected officials are my favorites, they don't have the immunity they believe they have. So you may continue to play your little socialist games and here in America the idiots will continue to play their little socialist games in their presumed democracy and I will enjoy my freedom as I pursue happiness as only a free person can. |
Tort reform would help to reduce medical expenses. Right now, physicians will order unnecessary tests just to cover their tails. Not likely with all those Lawyers in House and Senate working for the Lawoffices of Dewey,Shaftem & Howe! Oh look, trying to make a funny with a childish antic. But here is one for you: Switzerland: A parasite feeding on developing world? I would take that Julian and his like aren't too thrilled on Switzerland. |
I would totally disagree with the above conclusion as Odumbocare and the Swiss plan are very much alike in concept and action. The main difference being the Swiss enacted their law in 1996. Take a look at the total analysis and you will see just where Odumbocare is headed if the people accepted it, which they won't. The Swiss are such sheeple and so used to a socialist vision. Holy Crap,you call others Socialist! Look what Programs the US got! Seems "Socialism" has crept in under the Door! And again,what is your Remedy? Yes and that includes America in it's current direction. But the difference is that America is not happy but the Swiss embrace it. America was born a Republic and will again reestablish that form. But Switzerland is a democracy and as throughout history, susceptible to the fate of democracies. So you live with yours and we will take care of ours. All will self correct in time and ours is near. |
"Experience and the law of unintended consequences suggest the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" will neither protect patients nor make health services affordable. Actual caring will resemble that of the U.S. Postal Service. Services will be rationed and denied in arbitrary manner after long waiting, as in other countries with government health systems. Advocacy groups will institute something like a 'disease-of-the-month-club,' to apply political pressure to cover various conditions. In short, decisions which ought to be made by patients and physicians will instead be made by cold, distant bureaucracies. Switzerland has a market-based system which works. Care there is as good as in the US at 58% of the per capita cost. Such a system was not even considered here, because the goal is government control, not accessible, affordable or quality care." Steve C. written by a Friend of mine,American MD.. Licensed to practice both in the USA and Switzerland,thus familiar with both Systems! Read it and Weep! ![]() So back again with the false analogies. Those rose colored glasses getting brighter? |