Topic: How do l control my rage | |
Oh that's right, you drink tea in the UK. You obviously can't appreciate getting hyperjacked on Mountain Dew. Those Mountain Dew stealing aliens are soabs! ![]() That's what they are! Always trying to steal my Mountain Dew! Also I don't have a clue what Irn Bru is but it sounds awful. ![]() Cheers to that ![]() ![]() Tea my arse! I don't drink tea or coffee. Ice cold beers after work is what I like! Mountain Dew is crap! I tried it, so I know! Irn Bru, is class. Ask any Brit on here, or look it up online? Tea? Ha ha ha, you're having a laugh? Some Americans, haven't got a clue about us Brits? Exactly ![]() ![]() To the OP, hopefully you don't drink coffee, as that can have deadly effects on your mental health. It makes me bad-tempered if I drink it. So I only drink it on occassion. |
I have a problem with controlling my temper,m a very nice person,very quiet @ times,m caring but when i get angry there's no stopping me... I get seriously worked up by small things that when m calm they sound silly bt aren't when m angry,i've been like this since my childhood do one outgrow this or what else must i d,any advice? Try getting a grip of yourself and grow up. Bollocks to all this crap about thereapy. A bit blunt but it is meant to help. |
Anger is generally a fight reaction to physical or mental pain.
An effort to gain control of a situation where you had none. Clearly sounds like your case. Start of with an apology that the world was not a better place for you as a child and that you had every right to the protection that you did not get. I am not big on entitlements but you were entitled to that and you have sympathy that that did not occur. Second I would remind you that you did survive so now when you feel the panic setting in try and ground yourself in the now that tells you "Hey I survived and I am thriving here this feeling is just shaking out some leftover stress." Journaling about what and when you get angry can tell you more about what lead up to this. Catching it early lets you control the run off of extra energy. I do NOT recommend trying to always suppress your anger. It is really IMPOSSIBLE in the long run and in the short run it will eat you up inside. Planning times and safe places and ways to let it out is the tried and true method that seems to be the most healing. Because Anger in anyone is not pretty it is especially hard for women to express it with out getting even more control and put downs. If you can find a way to do something that lets that anger explode out of you and conquer what made you so miserable in even a remotely positive way I would encourage you to do that. What works for me is gardening. I can chop the life out of weeds and create something beautiful in it's place. Same way with creating anything on a blank and lonely canvas. At first you may just draw annilating your enemy but later you can just bust you out of that darkness and put all the color and wonder of the world forward. Study art history even a little and you will see a lot of powerful emotion. For some it is singing, or dancing, or athletics. Try several sometimes it takes a combination of things. Even just giving yourself the right to grieve and cry it out or lie silent and at peace. Often meditation is not taught but thoughtful letting go is a blissful escape . One that those who torture others rarely can ever acquire. They could not control themselves so they tried to control and victimize you. They may have had a tiny moment of your life in the past hidden away bug of a moment. But you have NOW, and ALL your future. You control it. Be brave. Stand in your own sun light. Let the majesty of your survival free you like beautiful flowers flowing in a stream. Something you might want to check into is if there is any chronic pain that you are going through. Often children that have been abused do have physical injuries and that low grade nagging pain can wear down the body and the mind , effecting sleep, and digestion, and the more noticeable mood. When you are feeling angry are you tired, tense, have tight body language? Do you hunch over when you walk or grip your hands, blink, lick your lips? These are pain signals. You may need some physical therapy or even yoga to slowly heal your muscles and let your body heal. I have seen adults who were crushed, had hip dislocations, bladder injuries, retinal injuries from being asphixiated and when they did what was possible to remediate the injuries the anger subsided. Body recall associates pain with trauma. I do want to agree with the one poster that said there are a tremendous number of charlatans and rip off treatment cures. If you need help look up RAINN on the Dr.Phil site and they can direct you to certified legit treatment programs plus give you immediate trained peer support for FREE. |
Thanks Pacific I really enjoyed reading it,much appreciated,yes will look it up thank you very much
Do what I do and take up cagefighting ( MMA ) and smash everything that gets put in front of you! Very good way to release any anger you have and live a chilled out life away from it! We all have to release our tension someway, eh?
Attendig to anger management groups could help. Sometimes as in your case people can't see why they react the way they do. As a few people have mentioned it's rooted deep inside you and you need to be open to be truthful to yourself in order to work with it and go passed it.