Topic: Man nailed his balls to the Red Square in Moscow. Political
smart2009's photo
Sat 12/21/13 11:00 AM
UNCENSORED: Artist Pyotr Pavlenskiy nails himself to Red Square through his balls
[NOTE: please be warned that the following video is extremely graphic. We see a man's testicles nailed to the floor. You have been warned.]
MOSCOW - A Russian performance artist was hospitalised Sunday after stripping naked and nailing his testicles to a Red Square cobblestone in protest against the Kremlin's crackdown on political rights.
A video of the graphic action, available on Russian websites, showed artist Pyotr Pavlensky sitting naked outside Lenin's Mausoleum being covered with a blanket by police officers while horrified passersby looked on.
The state-run RIA Novosti news agency said Pavlensky was taken to a police station after being treated in a central Moscow clinic.
The Saint Petersburg-based artist said in a statement posted on the website that he was trying to draw attention to Russian society's inaction in the face of the development of a "police state".
Russia marked its annual Police Day holiday on Sunday.
It is not the first time the 29-year-old has resorted to eye-watering methods of protest.
He has previously sown his lips together to demonstrate against the jailing of two female members of the ***** Riot punk band who staged an anti-Kremlin performance inside Moscow's main cathedral in 2011.
He was also arrested after wrapping his naked body in barbed wire outside a Saint Petersburg government building in May.

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/21/13 11:03 AM
ironic, the authority he hates so much keeps saving his life,,lol

people are strange,,,

smart2009's photo
Sat 12/21/13 11:11 AM
The Mystery of the Russian Soul...rofl

willing2's photo
Sat 12/21/13 11:44 AM
Cobble stone. Rock.
His nuts must've took a beating .
What ya'll wanna bet, they quit ticking?

no photo
Sat 12/21/13 02:10 PM

Cobble stone. Rock.
His nuts must've took a beating .
What ya'll wanna bet, they quit ticking?

Let's pray for him.ohwell