no photo
Sun 11/24/13 10:26 AM
Edited by alleoops on Sun 11/24/13 10:29 AM

Professional hatemonger Al Sharpton demonstrates his orgasm face for all to see.

Al Tawana Brawley�� Sharpton, professional hatemonger and noted homophobe, has speculated that the countless instances of ineptitude, dishonesty, corruption and outright criminal behavior displayed by Barack Obama and his administration are evidence of a white conspiracy to make African-Americans look too stupid to be President.
Sharpton stated that Barack Obama, a piece of sewage from the cesspool of Chicago politics, was clearly unqualified to be President and displayed no particular abilities that would make any reasonable person believe such a shallow and lying demagogue could function as dogcatcher, let alone United States President.��

Sharpton and fellow buffoon Kanye West subscribe to the notion that White Supremacists intentionally engineered the Obama Presidency knowing that ��that f***ing moron would f**k up the economy and everything else he touched�� and would also let his criminal cronies rob the country blind��, therefore reducing the likelihood of African-American candidates being elected in the future.

Both men are now being subjected to IRS audits and their private phone calls are being leaked to the media. Sharpton and West are blaming these leaks on members of the so-called Tea Party, whom they say are behind the sinister conspiracy to have Little Barry Obama'��s incompetence and criminal behavior taint future African-American Presidential hopefuls.

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 10:30 AM
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!!rofl

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 11/24/13 10:33 AM

Al not so Sharpton makes black people look too stupid to be president, fortunately not all blacks are ignorant racists like not so Sharpton and Obozo.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/24/13 11:59 AM
you realize its satire, with no sources or quotes,,???

but it would be no more or less insane than any of the other 'government out to get you' conspiracies on the site,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/24/13 12:20 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 11/24/13 12:21 PM
a Tea-Party Plant!:laughing:
Sharpy really put on his Ugly-Mug in that Piccie!rofl

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 11/24/13 12:26 PM

you realize its satire, with no sources or quotes,,???

but it would be no more or less insane than any of the other 'government out to get you' conspiracies on the site,,,

Yes, but my statement is not satire.

willing2's photo
Sun 11/24/13 12:26 PM
Whatever It was, idiots voted for the loser twice.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/24/13 01:22 PM


no photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:38 PM

Whatever It was, idiots voted for the loser twice.

stop you're scaring me

....but wait what does that say? demos should not be allowed to vote? lol

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:51 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 11/24/13 02:52 PM
repubs voted bush twice

and we cant even really count the number of times the congressmen and women, who hold AT LEAST The same power being four hundred people as the president does being one person

have been elected and reelected

I think the election process works as it should , we just gripe when our guys aren't in and everything that goes wrong seems escalated and only BECAUSE someone else's guy won

,, instead of the natural downs that come with the ups and downs

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/24/13 06:45 PM
So, a blogger makes a wild claim about Al Sharpton without citing any evidence for his claim, and we are supposed to believe it?

I have been blogging for several years now, and there is no way would I post an alleged statement by a public figure without citing my sources.