Topic: President Bush...
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Mon 09/03/07 06:44 PM
Show of hands:


For the Republicans / Conservatives

Do you think that George Bush has done an all around good job?

Do you think that Bush has done anything worth criticism?

Do you think that George Bush represents the Conservative movement?


For the Democrats / Liberals

Do you think George Bush has done an all around bad job?

Do you think that George Bush has done anything worth praise?

Do you think that George Bush is moderate, right or far right?


Please post like the following and place comments following your answers. (Not trying to be controling, I just feel that it would be easier to read in this format)


No, Yes, No

mnhiker's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:53 PM
What if you're an Independent? huh

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:55 PM
If you are indenpendent, answer which ever ones you want to go for, just state which set of questions you are answering.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:25 PM
indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 02:26 PM
spidercmb, I read your answers. This is what I've said in previous posts. It's one thing for liberals to be against Bush. But, in my opinion, conservatives should REALLY be against him. He has basicaly dragged the Republican party down so far that it's basically a foregone conclusion that a Democrat will be elected President in 2008. The only way I don't see that happening is an embarrasing(ala John Kerry)meltdown by the Democratic candidate.

States' rights
Limited size of government
Fiscal responsibility
Respect for and adherence to the Constitution

Four of the conerstones of the Republican Party. For seven years now, the Bush Administration has trampled and mangled all four. The Republicans should distance themselves from Bush and repair the damage he's done to the party, before it become impossible.

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 02:33 PM
As for your 3 questions, as a Democrat.
1-Yes(mainly due the wrong people in his ear)
2-Yes(in the weeks following 9/11, he actually DID act as a uniter)
3-Bush himself, could possibly be moderate. But, as I said earlier, his handlers represent the furthest right you could possibly go.

Bush dissapoints me mainly, because when he was first elected, I felt he did have potential to be at least a good president. However, the people around him(Cheney, Rove) had their own agendas, and used Bush to further them. I'm mainly tough on Bush because of how easily Cheney and Rove(and others)managed to wrap him around their little fingers, making Bush essentially a yes-man for whatever they wanted.

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 03:06 PM
bush is god

no photo
Tue 09/04/07 03:29 PM
Hey, Sort, if Bush is God, what do you call your religion?

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 09/04/07 03:41 PM

Do you think that George Bush has done an all around good job?

Do you think that Bush has done anything worth criticism?
YES...His Immigration Policy sucks! grumble

Do you think that George Bush represents the Conservative movement? No more moderate..maybe just a bit to the right of centerlaugh

joshyfox's photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:34 AM


For the Republicans / Conservatives

Do you think that George Bush has done an all around good job?
-All around? No. I think he has done a good job with homeland affairs but concerning the war he ran in with the strategy of a video gamer. Surely if I rush in and defeat the boss, everything will be instantly good... I might even get an extra life!-

Do you think that Bush has done anything worth criticism?
-Who hasn't? Go ahead criticize him. The president always gets picked on when they are in power, even if they were competent. Bush has the kind of Personality, quirks and mess of an administrative history, that he will no doubt be the but of joke for years to come.-

Do you think that George Bush represents the Conservative movement? -Probably about as much as Osama Bin Laden represents Muslims...which is to say just barely if at all. He is doing such a poor job in my opinion that I am willing to wash my hands of him and walk away. -

(I answered from the conservative section because I believe I mostly am despite being independent.)

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Wed 09/05/07 03:24 AM
Being a proud Democrat I will say this. When 9/11 went down ANY president who would have been in office would for sure have done the exact same thing Bush did. The first election of Bush i did NOT vote for him. I went with Gore. The 2004 election there was Kerry and lets just say i RAN to the polls to vote for Bush. Kerry couldnt make up his mind about SQUAT let alone handle the Iraq war. My most humble opinion stands towards Bush. We can fight the terrorists HERE on american soil or keep it over THERE. Lets keep it there where it belongs. flowerforyou

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Wed 09/05/07 04:38 AM
Just seeing the bombs planned for the german airport and our military base thanks to al quaeda this just proves my point about fighting them OVER THERE.
Spider i saw a reply of yours recently re: family & friends serving in Iraq right now. Thanks to those DEDICATED to our country like yours PLEASE tell them from me "thank you". I woke up free this morning in AMERICA and so did my CHILD thanks to them.flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR TROOPS!!!drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/05/07 12:35 PM
Barbie Iraq didnt have anything to do with 9/11, and everyone would not have used it as an excuse to invade.

If you look around, you will see very few griping about the war in Afghanistan. Thats because the Taliban, the ones responsible for 9/11 were there. They deserved what they got!

Unfortunately, your hero Bush has very few troops there, and has almost ignored the very thing you praise him for!

Now, LMAO, I am neither a Republican, Democrat, nor an Independent, Im an Honest, hard working, "TAX PAYING" American,
Registered as an Independent!

Just for fun, because I believe everyone knows what I think about Bush, I will answer the questions posed on the members of JSH for both parties!

For the Republicans / Conservatives

Do you think that George Bush has done an all around good job?
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Do you think that Bush has done anything worth criticism?
Oh where do I start? Where do I end? GET IT!!!!

Do you think that George Bush represents the Conservative movement?
Scares me that he might! Thats why I there is "ZERO" possibility I will vote for a Rebublican anytime soon!!!


For the Democrats / Liberals

Do you think George Bush has done an all around bad job?
See Above Please, and attached an unequivicable "HELL YEAH!"

Do you think that George Bush has done anything worth praise?
This is the fun part! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh NO,laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Is that cleared up?

Do you think that George Bush is moderate, right or far right?
Where exactly does "DUMB ASS" fit in here!!!

Now can I do some more of this???laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 09/06/07 12:41 PM
Whether all around good or bad, depends how one defines ‘JOB’. It is therefore essential IMO to clarify the essential elements of the ‘JOB’. Let me propose the following as the essential few criteria most people would agree GWB ‘good’ or ‘bad’ job might be assessed:

GWB took the risk that he could capture Osama bin Laden with a small group of CIA operatives and U.S. Army Special forces - and he failed.

GWB took the risk that he could invade Iraq, misrepresenting the facts, modifying the US war’s act to include pre-emptive strike capability (as opposed to defensive strike as it was), and control the country with fewer troops and less planning than the generals and State Department told him would be possible - and he failed on all those counts.

GWB took the risk that he could ignore the criminal laws prohibiting torture and the warrantless wiretapping of Americans without being caught - he failed.

GWB has taken the risk that he can cut the taxes for the rich and run up huge financial deficits without hurting the economy. This too, is failing now, and will fail further, though the consequences will likely fall on future presidents and generations who must repair Bush’s irresponsible actions, and repay Bush's huge debt escalation (nearly 9 trillion and climbing).

He took the risk of fixing the immigration mess of the country and is failing miserably.

He took NO risk of addressing the environment, and on the international front, summoned the rest of he world to be with him or against him, and failed miserably on those two additional counts.

The US people agree that these are the critical few issues which define the GWB presidency, and give the president a historical low failing grade.

Being Republican, Democrat, Independent or any other tribal denomination won’t change those simple facts.

GWB was neither a worthy ambassador of the conservative movement, nor a moderate center right unificator. On the political spectrum, GWB and his close buddies CRYPTO-FASCISTS style, has succeeded in raising anti-american sentiments to a historical high.

You will find in Republican, Democrat or Independent camps, that there are equal number of great, good, incompetent and dangerous elements. The important part, is that the People remain sufficiently responsible of their ultimate democratic responsibility to tell the difference, regardless of the ‘club’ to which they belong.

Trizar's photo
Fri 09/07/07 12:55 AM
Hi friends... I also voted for bush cause the other party had a crap person running... been a wile since i have been on.. ya know how I think, Bush is the president and commander in chief and has my loyalty as will the next president... democract or replublican... I say Bush has done the best job he could do... what would have Gore done.... peacing out alll --luv Jack