Topic: Pics??
Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 07:48 AM
What kind of pics do women want to see? Down and dirty or wholesome good ole boy??

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 07:56 AM
Depends on what type of woman you want to attract.

Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 08:15 AM
I agree but they still can be picky about what they want to see. I've tried them all from straight forward d**k pics to standing in a grassy field. Still don't know what they like.

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 08:31 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Thu 11/07/13 08:32 AM
JMO..nothing will help..just read your profile..Your looking for an intimate encounter...and, as you desribe: a woman who doesn't mind being ~The other woman.

I copied and pasted this off your profile:
"I'm here looking for the same thing everyone else is. I'm straight to the point and I like what I like. I'm not interested in games. I am looking for a casual female partner who does not mind being the other woman. If that sparks your interest let me know. "

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 11/07/13 08:40 AM
Just ask your "Main" woman what she would suggest as to the pics you should put up. Go ahead, I dare you. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:20 AM
So I should lie about what I'm looking for? Hmm. That's a new idea.

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:23 AM

So I should lie about what I'm looking for? Hmm. That's a new idea.

No, not at are being honest in what you want,I would leave that..just saying, I wouldnt worry so much about the picflowers
I would use whatever pic you like:))

Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:26 AM
Love my wife but due to a medical issue she can't have sex anymore. But I'm afraid to tell her what I'm doing because it would crush her. At the same time I'm ready to burst!! No pun intended there.

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:38 AM

Love my wife but due to a medical issue she can't have sex anymore. But I'm afraid to tell her what I'm doing because it would crush her. At the same time I'm ready to burst!! No pun intended there. many things are going through my mind as I read this.

Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:43 AM
I'm listening?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:48 AM
Well I can solve this problem for this site at least. Nudity and vulgarity aren't allowed

Magnus69's photo
Thu 11/07/13 10:03 AM
Yep. Got that rose. Still the question goes in answered. What kinds of pictures of men do women like most?

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 10:30 AM
Edited by paintecards01 on Thu 11/07/13 10:33 AM
I can only speak for myself, but I don't like shirtless photos. I think they're tacky. Even if a guy has a nice body, it's still tacky. I've heard that men think women want to see if they're fit, so they post shirtless photos, but we can tell just fine how big you are when you're dressed. I'd prefer to see a clear shot of the guy's face, smiling, if possible, where he looks well-groomed and presentable. And it helps if you have more than one photo, because it's easy to just snatch one off the net and call it yours, having more than one gives you some credibility.

Good luck with all of that. Sorry about your wife, I feel sorry for both of you.

You also should list that you're married on your profile, just calling your situation "complicated" isn't fair, anyone can want to hook up, but it's different when you're hooking up with a married man who isn't planning to leave his wife. That makes it more than "complicated." Honesty, always....

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 11/07/13 10:56 AM

Your "junk", pot plants, motorcycle, bathroom mirror, the mirrors on the ceiling, or your liquor collection. Not your mangy dog, cat, rats, or snake. Not some ridiculous ponytail or soul patch, or wanna-be biker costume. Not looking at the dunlap, or the crack of your hiney and don't need to see your pants hanging down showing your bloomers. Don't need to see your dirty dishes in the sink, your weapons collection or your S&M toys. Really don't need to see your "gun" or lack there of or if you have hair on your belly. Could care less about your war wounds or your tats. Don't care to see pics of your Ex, your dead spouse, Mom's mug shot, or your welfare brats. Definitely not your current wife or live in "sister". lol

I like to swim but I really don't need to see you in your swim trunks without a shirt. Absolutely do not want to see you in the shower, nude, or scratching anything. EWWWWW!


Like to see a well lit head and shoulders picture of you smiling in my direction without a hat or shades that isn't more than a year old.

A picture of you clean shaven. Or at least well groomed facial hair. I could care less if you are balding, or greying, but a haircut in the last month will show some effort and justify the effort I will make.

A snapshot of You, and only you, in a shirt with a collar, a pair of pants that actually fit, and tied shoes with socks. Be nice if the outfit is something you actually picked out and will be close to what you show up on our first meeting in. Your choice is important because it is awkward to compliment your Mom, your daughter, or your ex-wife's taste and I really do want to know what you like. Puts me at ease if you are yourself.

One head to toe shot in your every day work clothes. It is ok if you don't want to show your employer stuff but it helps to have an idea of how you spend your work day and how others most often see you.

Really like to see a snap, or two, or three of you doing something you regularly do in your off time. This picture doesn't have to be magazine layout quality as much as it tells a little story about you. Be honest if you smoke or have a regular drink don't hide it but not a good time to show an out of character party either because don't want you to sell a persona you are not.

A shot of you graduating weather it is Kindergarten, religious training, high school, college, boot camp, a job promotion, or retirement. I am going to look at your age so "older" photos will make out of date styles obvious. This is the one time you get to give a little history, to brag about your accomplishments, show proud relatives or long time friends, and tell a happy note to start a conversation on.

If you have kids a picture that shows how many and genders even if it isn't current or show their face that well. Actually I am very comfortable if this picture is out of date if it generally give me an age frame of when you started/will be ending your full time "parenting journey". If you have a dependent sibling or parent this is a nice heads up. I personally am looking for common ground and someone that shows they are stand up about family gets bonus points in my book every time.

All kidding aside if you have pets show them. Most of us do. It is nice if they are going to be compatible. I get you are attached to your pet and I am not looking to change anyone so this is a really good time to honestly be yourself.

This is also a really good time to let a picture tell the facts if you have a disability. It can be a logo on a cap, T-shirt, or a lapel pin, even you at an event if it isn't obvious. Especially if diet or the durable medical equipment you use for accessibility is going to be something to just deal with. It gets the information out there and then we can talk about it further down the line. I don't want to hear a medical essay in your profile or on the first (few)dates. You are a PERSON FIRST but this is part of the person you are. I deal with facts better than surprises or lies by omission.

Last but not least pictures that show cultural and religious affiliations/celebrations are really helpful. If it is important to you my feeling is it will be important to us so why not show who you are. One word on race and religion is pretty limited but an interesting photo can tell me a lot how into something someone is. If you loath going to social events and only see your family when you are dragged kicking and screaming keep it real and don't put up any Norman Rockwell shots. Truth in advertising.