Topic: Global Warming Facts | |
I gleened this information from an article by Chirs Orr in todays Rapid City Journal. His source was research done by Stephen MacIntyre, an amature climatologist who forced NASA to recalculate their temperature statistics.
" The hottest year on record is not 1998, it was 1934. 5 of the 11 warmest years on record occurred before 1940. Only one of the hottest years on record occurred in this century, the years 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2004 have been recalculated to be cooler than 1900 yet advocates of global warming say these changes are insignificant. The data shows the warming trend in the past 10 years is 0.44 degrees. The warmest years on record are spread across decades not crammed into the just the past few years." The information in quotation marks is information from the article I seperated it with quotation marks to differentiate it from my own comments There is no doubt that there are serious environmental problems in the world but if they are every to be taken seriously, the environmental movement has to stop using junk science, hysteria and outright lies to further their cause. It is no wonder no one takes them seriously, with their weekly "the sky is falling" rants they have completely shot their credibility and in doing so they have jeapordized all the good they can accomplish. I fear that the environmental movement like any other organization has become rife with politics and it is now more about personalities, photo opportunities and face time on TV than about solving the problems facing this world. They continue to shout "the ship is sinking" while they rearrange the deck furniture, they argue about the location of the hole in the hull, what caused the hole and who's fault it is, and they use deception and junk science to assess the damage instead of plugging the damn hole and bailing out the water. Treat the Earth knidly, you did not inherite it from your your parents, you borrowed it form your grandchildren. |
Gobal warming a problem that shoudl eb fixed. You know how governments work they only put money to things that help there public image. The government would have to pay allot of money to conform to new environment standards. It is not cost effect to change our regulation rules when Mexico is nto going to change there regulations on smog and air pollution so bussiences will just leave the US even more.
This topic should be flagged. Because it will only draw people into debating abotu gobal warming. Topic that are desighed to draw people into debate are agaist Group rules.
I agree with both of you. I think you passion are failing to see that you and forge are actually in agreement with each other!
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Did you see the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth"? If so, what did you think about it?
Another interesting global environmental phenomena is "Global Dimming". Google it. It's interesting stuff. ![]() |
im all for saving the planet, but im really not sold on the global warming theory. That having been said, certainly we should do everything we can to reduce emissions regardless...i think its a scare tactic, but one with a good message.
This is a Current Event thread, debates aren't allowed? That's news to me.
I agree completely on Global Warming. Why don't we focus on real environmental issues and stop talking about the boogey man. |
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