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Topic: Where do I stand?
Morena350's photo
Sun 10/22/06 12:44 AM
ghost yu at it again

u r 2 smart 4 me

good night be well

ps. I always learn form your post

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/22/06 12:47 AM
Good night, thank for the help.

Morena350's photo
Sun 10/22/06 12:55 AM
always, thanks 2 u 2


Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:18 AM
No! really. I'm must be on a different plain then the rest of ya.

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:20 AM
you got that right recon, your a f'in space cadet lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:23 AM
Two shay King

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:28 AM
lol, i'm just messin with you recon. you know that right

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:30 AM
King. I thought you were going to bed. LOL

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:33 AM
i said good night to morena. i'll probably be up 4 awhile

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 10/22/06 06:55 AM
if people get offended from a difference of opinion thats there own
prob..........by the by were you get the spike pic from i really dug
cowboy bebop

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 07:00 AM
Debate is a good thing it offers up many different opinions on things
that we may not have thought of or about on our own. Personally I love
the debates, they challenge me to think harder and more about things in
this life. With out debating and expressing opinions we would all bcom
very boring sticks in the mud. So Captain keep expressing your thoughts
and opinions :)

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 10/22/06 07:31 AM
At least somebody emails you. I haven't got but a couple and 1 was

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