Topic: Looking for something worth while in CA
jdstep's photo
Wed 10/23/13 03:02 PM

I don't stay single for long so contact me Asap. I'd really like to get to know you. I don't like the whole online thing, but I like that this website is free and gives me the opportunity to branch out. I like going out and seeing new things, whether that be hiking, movies, walking my dog, going to SF, going to Monterey to see some friends. I'm an insurance agent with a sporadic schedule but I'm sure I could find the time to meet if there is a connection. Anyways, I hope to meet soon, thank you everyone that too time to read this.

dreamerana's photo
Wed 10/23/13 07:58 PM
Interesting way of phrasing things. Why dont you stay single for long? Why does anyone need to reply asap? . Your topic uses the word meaningful. Meaningful takes time. Wish you the best though