Topic: God Loves All of Us
Toks88's photo
Sat 10/05/13 07:29 AM
HE sent His Son to die for our sins and to destroy the works of the devil also to bring us out from the evil foundation of our forefathers. The Son surfferd for all of us. And in all He went through, some people still say 'we don't need Him.'

Morrie99999's photo
Sat 10/05/13 11:00 AM
It's because they don't appreciate it.

corynski's photo
Thu 10/10/13 07:02 AM


Please post any evidence for the existence of gods or goddesses. Thank you.......

Seriously, if you were an omnipotent, omniscient 'God', would you have created a world such as this? How could a God that came from ?, where, where could a god have come from? Another god? From nothing? Perhaps the matter and energy of the universe, or multiverse, has always been here, that there is no nothing, it's all something that continually transforms itself into something else. Or not......

It's been said that humans have been made in 'God's image". Really? Was 'God' born? Does a god eat? Sleep, take vacations, get married, have children? Get the idea? God is perfect I'm told, doesn't need a job, or a doctor, or a lawyer, or a car, or medicine.

So how are we made in God's image?

Perhaps you've noticed that most of the creatures God has created have to eat each other alive, just to stay alive themselves. And as Christopher Hitchens was so fond of saying, "Where was God for the thousands of years while we were evolving from primates into humanoids with considerable difficulty, suffering and dying like flies from childbirth, toothaches, minor infections as well as plagues and such. Has God been watching? Until a few thousand years ago He said, hmmmm, maybe I should go do there and help the humans."

Fiction, mythology....... Just think of all the hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses that have been created by the humans, many of which are still worshipped today. I read of 'other gods' in the Bible, and wonder if these gods were real or not. Did the god of the Torah and the Bible really believe these 'other gods' were real?

Could it really be possible that we have three different religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, all created by the same God, with three different holy books, which don't agree? Islam says Jesus is not a god born of a virgin, Mary. Sura 5:7, "Unbelievers are those who declare: 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary." And sura 5:51, "Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another." And sura 62:6, "Say to the Jews: 'If your claim be true that of all men you alone are Allah's friends, then you should wish for death."

Hmmmm........ And I'm told that the Jews don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God. And why are these three religions are so violent, while Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism are very peaceful religions?

We need to rethink the religion issue........

charley, 76, lancing, Tn

Toks88's photo
Thu 10/10/13 11:00 AM


Please post any evidence for the existence of gods or goddesses. Thank you.......

Seriously, if you were an omnipotent, omniscient 'God', would you have created a world such as this? How could a God that came from ?, where, where could a god have come from? Another god? From nothing? Perhaps the matter and energy of the universe, or multiverse, has always been here, that there is no nothing, it's all something that continually transforms itself into something else. Or not......

The bible made us to understand that "IN the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. (GENESIS 1: 1)"
"IN the beginning" means that HE created the beginning. HE has been living and existing before the beginning began. HE IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD that eats nothing but our praises, thanks and HE begins not and has no end.
HE is a Spirit (JOHN 4: 24).
This world would've been a better place to live but the sins of men increases day by day and GOD grieves over it.
GENESIS 6: 5,And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
GENESIS 6: 6,And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.