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Topic: Obamacare: The GOP's Waterloo
Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:36 AM

Just FYI...

Canada 2010 Marginal Tax Rates

Alberta (AB) 39.00%
British Columbia (BC) 43.70%
Manitoba (MB) 46.40%
New Brunswick (NB) 43.30%
Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) 43.40%
Nova Scotia (NS) 50.00%
Prince Edward Island (PE) 47.37%
Ontario (ON) 46.41%
Qu�bec (QC) 48.22%
Saskatchewan (SK) 44.00%
Northwest Territories (NT) 43.05%
Nunavut (NU) 40.50%
Yukon (YT) 42.40%

Universal health care don't come free you know. Switzerland has about the same tax rates if you want to look it up and yes, they have universal health care too. I think we're all doomed but we need something, what do we do?

Is this income tax or all combined taxes and fees? For instance, the U.S. claims to only collect a couple thousand a year on "taxes" per person. However, they are only speaking of income tax. There are state income taxes, sales taxes, vehicle registrations, various permits, fees for licenses, social security, medicare, property tax, inflation, etc.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/08/13 04:55 PM

I don't care much for Faux Noise, but Judge Nap I do agree with!

Judge Napolitano: 'Nonsense' for Obama And Democrats to Say Congress Has to Fund Health Care Law


InvictusV's photo
Wed 10/09/13 09:43 AM
all the idiotic ideas to overcome natural selection by creating this "we" society will lead to nothing more than a modern day serfdom in which the billionaires like Soros make the serfs work for their rights.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Winston Churchill

no photo
Thu 10/10/13 12:07 PM

SNL Skit: "We Did Stop" Featuring John Boehner and Michele Bachmann- Hilarious


fixed it...



Bestinshow's photo
Fri 10/11/13 05:14 PM

all the idiotic ideas to overcome natural selection by creating this "we" society will lead to nothing more than a modern day serfdom in which the billionaires like Soros make the serfs work for their rights.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Winston Churchill

That bloated tick never worked a day in his life. Modern Capitalism is not doing very many people much good right now either.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/11/13 06:53 PM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 10/13/13 11:58 AM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.
Any proof?

no photo
Sun 10/13/13 09:23 PM

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.
Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force.
Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."

--Patrick Henry--

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 10/13/13 11:56 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 10/14/13 12:35 AM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.
Any proof?
yep,out of his Own Mouth!
Seems your God is tainted!
Face it,he is a Pig!
Well,Sunshine,just some of the Skullduggery your Hero is up to!
When he is through with the US,you wouldn't be able to recognize your Own Country!


It is a matter of public record!
But it seems you're afraid to check into Soros!

A nice sourced Article!
Your Hero is an immoral Parasite and Gangster!

Mortman's photo
Mon 10/14/13 01:19 AM
George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.

I wouldn't say I look up to George Soros any more than any other guy who's figured out how to make $billions. I do appreciate his support of people and movements I support, but I'm betting there are many, many things in his past that aren't pretty. Same for anybody else his age.

Are you trying to imply that Rupert Murdoch or the Koch Brothers are angelic, in comparison?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/14/13 02:11 AM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.

I wouldn't say I look up to George Soros any more than any other guy who's figured out how to make $billions. I do appreciate his support of people and movements I support, but I'm betting there are many, many things in his past that aren't pretty. Same for anybody else his age.

Are you trying to imply that Rupert Murdoch or the Koch Brothers are angelic, in comparison?
well,if you think they are,they must be!laugh
But Soros takes the Cake!The other ones are Orphans compared to him,there isn't enough Paint in this world to paint Soros as a Saint!
Afraid to check him out?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/14/13 02:13 AM

all the idiotic ideas to overcome natural selection by creating this "we" society will lead to nothing more than a modern day serfdom in which the billionaires like Soros make the serfs work for their rights.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Winston Churchill

That bloated tick never worked a day in his life. Modern Capitalism is not doing very many people much good right now either.

you wouldn't know Capitalism if it tweaked your Nose!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/14/13 03:25 AM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.

I wouldn't say I look up to George Soros any more than any other guy who's figured out how to make $billions. I do appreciate his support of people and movements I support, but I'm betting there are many, many things in his past that aren't pretty. Same for anybody else his age.

Are you trying to imply that Rupert Murdoch or the Koch Brothers are angelic, in comparison?
BTW,what makes Soros different from "Scarface" Al Capone?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 10/14/13 08:10 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 10/14/13 08:12 AM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.

I wouldn't say I look up to George Soros any more than any other guy who's figured out how to make $billions. I do appreciate his support of people and movements I support, but I'm betting there are many, many things in his past that aren't pretty. Same for anybody else his age.

Are you trying to imply that Rupert Murdoch or the Koch Brothers are angelic, in comparison?
BTW,what makes Soros different from "Scarface" Al Capone?

Soros bribes....er uh...lobbies.... gov't to do his dirty work for him. At least Capone got his own hands dirty on occassion

metalwing's photo
Mon 10/14/13 08:36 AM
Obamacare will not be so much of a waterloo when the general public learns what it actually costs.

The young and healthy will largely just pay the fine and the poor and "underprivileged" will flood the system. Wait till the illegals with severe medical problems get included ... the costs will explode.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/14/13 09:09 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 10/14/13 09:13 AM

Just FYI...

Canada 2010 Marginal Tax Rates

Alberta (AB) 39.00%
British Columbia (BC) 43.70%
Manitoba (MB) 46.40%
New Brunswick (NB) 43.30%
Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) 43.40%
Nova Scotia (NS) 50.00%
Prince Edward Island (PE) 47.37%
Ontario (ON) 46.41%
Qu�bec (QC) 48.22%
Saskatchewan (SK) 44.00%
Northwest Territories (NT) 43.05%
Nunavut (NU) 40.50%
Yukon (YT) 42.40%

Universal health care don't come free you know. Switzerland has about the same tax rates if you want to look it up and yes, they have universal health care too. I think we're all doomed but we need something, what do we do?


Constitutional limits to taxation[edit]

The federal constitution imposes certain limits on taxation at the federal cantonal and municipal levels. To begin with, it provides that no tax may be levied except where provided for by federal, cantonal or municipal statute.[7] Because statutes can at all levels be made subject to a popular referendum, Swiss tax rates are in practice set directly by the voters through instruments of direct democracy.[8]

The constitution mandates that taxation must be general and equal in nature, and it must be proportionate to one's ability to pay.[7] The Federal Supreme Court has interpreted this as prohibiting a regressive tax,[7] although flat rate taxes (as instituted in several cantons) are held to be constitutional by tax law scholars. Moreover, double taxation by several cantons is constitutionally prohibited, as is a confiscatory rate of taxation.[7]

Non-working foreigners resident in Switzerland may choose to pay a "lump-sum tax" instead of the normal income tax. The tax, which is generally much lower than the normal income tax, is nominally levied on the taxpayer's living expenses, but in practice (which varies from canton to canton), it is common to use the quintuple of the rent paid by the taxpayer as a basis for the lump-sum taxation.[18] This option contributes to Switzerland's status as a tax haven, and has induced many wealthy foreigners to live in Switzerland.

In 2011, the federal income tax varied from a bracket of 1% (for single tax payers) and 0.77% (for married taxpayers) to the maximum rate of 11.5%. Individuals earning below 13,600 and couples earning below 27,000 Swiss francs were exempt. On cantonal level, tax rates varies heavily, Obwalden adapted a 1.8% flat tax on all personal income following a cantonal referendum in 2007. In most cantons, the rate is proportional with a maximum rate of 6.5% in Bern, whereas in Zurich it was 13% and in Geneva 17.58-.76 % (depending upon taxes as single or jointly).[19][20]
Property tax[edit]

A proportional property tax of around 0.3 to 0.5 percent[21] is levied by the cantons on the net worth of natural persons. The tax is levied on the value of all assets (such as real estate, shares or funds) after the deduction of any debts.[22]

read the <Article,it's quite interesting!

BTW,our "Universal Healthcare" differs quite a bit from any other models!


Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/14/13 09:15 AM

Right now, we are witnessing an epic battle for the future of this country. And depending on how this battle turns out, America will either fulfill the ideals of its founders and become a society that works for everyone or surrender to the billionaire hustlers who want to destroy everything the Founders stood for.

The origins of this existential battle are pretty simple. Throughout this country's history, believers in two different visions of what American society should be have duked it out over every single aspect of public policy.

On the one hand, there is the vision of America as a "we society," a society that recognizes certain things, like health care or education, as basic rights, and agrees to provide these things in common to everyone, regardless of race or class.

This vision was shared by most of the founding fathers and by people like president Franklin Roosevelt, who proposed a Second Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address that would have made economic rights like education, housing, and Social Security protected under the Constitution just like the rights to free speech.

"We society" Americans believe that we're all in this together and want to create a country that ensures that everyone can, if they wish, enjoy "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." They believe the best way to do this is to use government to regulate business and to provide things, like healthcare, that the free-market makes too expensive for everyday people to afford.

The other vision of society that has shaped this country's history sees America as a "me" society. Believers in "me society" America, like the Tea Party's favorite "philosopher" Ayn Rand, want individuals to get as much wealth as possible, even if doing so comes at the expense of the economy, the country, and even the planet.

The best way to do this, believers in a "me" society say, is to shrink government and let private enterprise or private charities provide services, like education or healthcare, that everyone needs to survive.

The richest .01 of Americans are natural defenders of a "me society." That's because doing so works to their benefit, and they frankly don't give a damn about the rest of us. If they get sick, they can afford the best hospitals; if they have a kid, they can send them to the best schools. All they really care about is protecting their wealth, and they do so by lobbying for policies that deregulate big business and big banks.

Today, the difference between "me society" and "we society" America is probably best represented by two wealthy donors: George Soros and David Koch. Both men are multi-billionaires, but use their wealth to fund organizations with very different values and goals.

While Soros sends money to groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Council of La Raza, groups that ensure that our country provides equal opportunities for all, Koch and his brother Charles send their money to groups like the Heartland Institute and Mackinac Center, groups that work to dismantle protections for middle-class Americans and lobby for policies that benefit the corporate elite. Soros donates to programs which cut into the power of the wealthy and improve the lot of average read the rest at Americans; the Kochs donate to programs which increase the power of the .01 percent.


Obamacare is a Waterloo for the American People,foisted on them by a powergrabbing Body Politic!!

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 10/14/13 01:41 PM

George Soros used to ride around the country side with Nazis where he lived and point out the Jewish farmers. What a respectable guy you liberals look up too.
Any proof?
yep,out of his Own Mouth!
Seems your God is tainted!
Face it,he is a Pig!
Well,Sunshine,just some of the Skullduggery your Hero is up to!
When he is through with the US,you wouldn't be able to recognize your Own Country!


It is a matter of public record!
But it seems you're afraid to check into Soros!

A nice sourced Article!
Your Hero is an immoral Parasite and Gangster!
Not very credible ......

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