Topic: Do You want to Know God? | |
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Sounds to me like your just preaching pantheism from a point of view that most laymen would never understand, nor even want to understand.
Whilst I agree that the observed quantum nature of the universe supports a pantheistic view, I’m not prepared to accept all of your conclusions in detail. Many are clearly speculation on your part. (assuming you are the author of this web book) I feel that pantheism is much better conveyed and understood intuitively. Ancient eastern mystics have understood pantheism long before quantum physics was ever discovered. When they heard about quantum physics they merely said,… “We told you so”. Same is true of Native American Indians, many of which also understood the world in terms of pantheism. So while the quantum nature of the universe supports the pantheistic view and even “reveals” how god works in some detail, it is not a conclusive dogma. There are much more beautiful and compelling ways to share a pantheistic view. Unfortunately, I’m not good at that myself, I too tend to want to share the knowledge of the quantum. However, that method can be full of pitfalls especially concerning any attempt to convey a pantheistic view to the masses. I would suggesting reading the works of Allan Watts. He wrote many books that explain pantheism in very beautiful and intuitive way without any need to resort to “scientific” explanations. All you are really doing is claiming to have scientific evidence for eastern mysticism, and Native American Indian pantheism. There's nothing new here. |
Ah, wonderful! An expert in religion/theology, to provide insight/analysis here, from a different perspective than pure Einsteinian and scientific.
I admit that I am no theological 'expert' in the current/modern 'sense' of Theology as pertaining to Religion. My education - D.Th.(In Esse-the Theology of Reality); D.Sc.(Quantum Physics) - comes from the Most Ancient Order of the (OA/OWB) and is thusly purely scientific as well as of Ancient Times, although spanning Past/Present/Future as a conjunctive with Einstein's Unitary Field of Oneness, Unity and Reality. So when you invoke Pantheism, as a possible 'influence' to Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics/Physics and the Science(s) of Incorporeality, I am truly a bit lost, as being no 'expert' therein such a 'religious entity/concept'. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but could not get a 'sense', in the reading thereof such an explanation, of any 'connection' with QUFD Physics, scientifically rather than religiously. However, the Wikipedia explanation did note one similarity of Pantheism with Incorporeality/QUFD: that of 'Reception'. I do find, in that Incorporeality involves the absence of, and even castigates, 'Belief'... The story is told of the Reporter who was interviewing Carl Jung, and had asked him (Carl Jung) the question, "Do you Believe in God?" To which Jung replies, "I don't need to Belive in God. I Know Him!" In other words, I am finding a somewhat 'difficult reception' for QUFD Physics among most Readers thereof who are 'Believers', of some Religion, Theology or another! It seems that most folks just cannot get beyond their doctrinairial 'attachment' to the Bible, as a 'Document-of-Truth-and-Revelation', to encompass both proven and unproven (instantaneous/incorporeal) evidence of a much greater time-span of Existence and Reality, for the Human Race and Civilization(s). I might also note, my old Friend (now deceased), the renown Philosopher/Editor-In-Chief of Brittanica Encyclopaedia, once noted: Anything that exists, in reality, should be fully explainable by Science. If, perchance, such might fail description, then the Logic and Reason of Philosophy might be applied thereto, in order to attempt to thusly gain some expedient of understanding of such. And Finally, if the matter-of-concern cannot be explained by either Science or Philosophy, then it can properly be turned over to Religion, to supernaturally attempt, via Belief and Faith, make such a matter, in some way, understandable to the masses of Humanity! As such, Religion was 'necessary' and expedient, in the olden days! However, in that there is really a 'simplicity' to QUFD Physics, now any Reader of QUFD Physics can really find a scientifically explainable and understandable description of God, Lucifer, the Human Mind, Consciousness, the Cosmos and more! However, Wikipedia did have a Reference that notes that Pantheism (although notably different than Incorporeality!), did have a similar 'difficulty' in the olden days, but was more eagerly accepted by Scientists and Technocrats of Modern Days. I Quote here: On the whole, one might be surprised that even in the seventeenth century pantheism did not gain a complete victory over theism; for the most original, finest, and most thorough European expositions of it (none of them, of course, will bear comparison with the Upanishads of the Vedas) all came to light at that period, namely through Bruno, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Scotus Eriugena. After Scotus Erigena had been lost and forgotten for many centuries, he was again discovered at Oxford and in 1681, thus four years after Spinoza's death, his work first saw the light in print. This seems to prove that the insight of individuals cannot make itself felt so long as the spirit of the age is not ripe to receive it. On the other hand, in our day (1851) pantheism, although presented only in Schelling's eclectic and confused revival thereof, has become the dominant mode of thought of scholars and even of educated people. This is because Kant had preceded it with his overthrow of theistic dogmatism and had cleared the way for it, whereby the spirit of the age was ready for it, just as a ploughed field is ready for the seed. – Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, Vol. I, "Sketch of a History of the Doctrine of the Ideal and the Real" So, however, I am not yet persuaded of a Pantheistic similarity, although I am open to expert analysis (which, I will mention, is already being done elsewhere as well!) Let me provide further specific info, from 'The QUFD Textbook' (which, incidentally, is listed by Google as being a 'large database', of over 2500+ webpages.) Also, the Website is Rated in the Top 1% worldwide, for Multidisciplinary Science and Philosophy Education, as well as Ranked in the Top 1% Across The European Union, by the Participating Voters of the VoteRank Organization-Germany! Here is the link (although, if you have already read the online Book completely, the following webpage has already been included in Part One of the Book): So, you might further explain your thoughts, as to 'jumping-over-that-invisible-Fence', between Corporeality and Incorporeality, and the scientific exploration of all those dimensions of Consciousness and Incorporeality (including Infinite Consciousness!), that are to be found on that Unknown side-of-the-Fence. The recent Documentary-Hollywood movie, "What the @!#$%(bleep)*&%$?", attempted to explain the latest scientific research concerning the Mind and Consciousness, but just couldn't get itself 'over the Fence' into Consciousness and the Unknown! I sincerely think that QUFD Physics does... AND it admirably explains God, Consciousness, the Mind and much more, even unto all 'Believers'... IF they would but Read the details, and open their Minds, to a new way of Perception, of the 'Realities' of Incorporeality, and put aside all of the 'programming', that they have been 'TOLD', only because they could not understand God for themselves! Here, I think, is the means for everyone's Understanding! And too long, has Mankind been 'Told'... What to 'Believe', Who to Kill, and on and on! It has to come to an End... or Reality shows that Our World and Ourselves, may not survive our own Debacle! |
You wrote in your previous post:
“However, in that there is really a 'simplicity' to QUFD Physics, now any Reader of QUFD Physics can really find a scientifically explainable and understandable description of God, Lucifer, the Human Mind, Consciousness, the Cosmos and more!” If what you say is true, then all you need to do is hand your book over to the people who give out the Nobel Prize for physics and I’m quite sure they would quickly hand you the prize and your name would become a household word world-wide. It’s quite obvious to me that you do not have a “scientifically explainable and understandable description of God”. Like I say, if you actually did have such an understandable and acceptable description then there is absolutely no reason at all why prominent scientists shouldn’t be able to understand it and accept it. So why do I feel that they would reject it? You already wrote the paper. Just present it to the scientific community and see what happens. If they reject it, then it’s probably not as “understandable” as you first thought. If they accept it then you’ll be more famous than Albert Einstein ever was. In the meantime, I imagine that your claim to have an understandable scientific explanation of God is a bit of a stretch. |
Hi, RealityProfessor, You're new, and new ideas are always welcome. Even new ways of presenting old ideas can be enlightening. So just wanted to say welcome!
At the moment I have a very limited capability of even attempting to understand much of the science that has been referred to in these posts. I don't believe I am totally clueless, nor do I think that of others. There are a great many journals and magazines devoted to keeping the interested layman in some kind of loop with regards to philisophical, scientific, medical, and technological advancements, both in theory and in breakthroughs. There is, obviously, a market for such informatin or it would not be a profitible venture. These are the sources from which I gain my knowledge and my insights, just as thousands of others do. I have attempted to advance my knowledge with more in depth publications, however, a self taught student with limited background, education and time does not get too far. My purpose in expliaining this is two-fold. First - it is to substantiate the views given by Abra. He has proven his knowledge on a great many occasions in these posts. He is able to accomplish this, with patience and with an understanding that he must teach as he goes, and of course, his quick witt and ability to lighten up a topic from time to time gives everyone a break. (this is not required) Second - When dealing with the general population, especially in an open forum, as stated above, you are dealing with few who are as advanced in knowledge and/or theory on any given subject as you may be. If you wish to have an honest discouse, or to exchange any decent rhetoric, it would be wise to consider the level of knowlege and understanding that your topics require. Teaching as you go, is what inspires the best discussions. Something else that I'd like to point out. Religion has progressed by taking hold of the uneducated masses. It was those in authority, those who took authority, those who claimed to have knowledge and education above the masses, who have continued to this day to control the course and doctrines of religion. You mention how difficult it has been for you to get past those who accept and adhere to the doctrine or dogmas of their belief. The vast majority of believers of such things accept them out of lack of knowledge. Like those of us who want to understand more of the sciences, we suffer both a lack of education and time to do so. Therefore, those who are religious, are not necessarily religious out of knowledge, they are religious out of acceptance of those who serve as their authority figures in such matters. Authority, because they have the knowledge and understanding that escapes their current capabilities. The way that you have entered this playing field, can be viewed as an attempt to attain the status of an authority figure. You burst onto the scene like a new evangelist with knowledge too complex for the masses to comprehend. Your proofs, for the most part we are ineptly qualified to argue. Your 'preachings'of the truths your facts provide, can be viewed as an intimidation factor, much like those used by religious authorities through the ages. While many do not understand the nature of psychology, they will instinctively arch their eyebrows, and view with skeptecism one who uses knowledge to gain a foothold. This comes from thousands of years of being fooled by those proclaiming to have knowledge that few can grasp. So are you setting forth the proclamations of a new religion, or are you looking for some respectible exchange of rhetoric? Having knowledge is not of value if it can not be assimilated by those willing to comprehend it, and it can not be assimilated without a good teacher. Are you a teacher? Want to talk? |
Oh Red, you stated my exact reaction wonderfully, including the raised eyebrows and throw in a couple of WTF's along with the fact I kept hearing Ray Stevens singing, "Would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?" in the background as I read.
Hey, all you guys... Wonderful! Exactly what I wanted to hear! And I say this because it has been a long road...
First of all, I agree completely with all of your 'assessments' that I have seen so far! And I will say that the reason that I agree, is simply because such as what you say is Reality! But it is Reality, not only from my perspective, primarily a scientific perspective, but also from a social/societal perspective as well, and probably even more! That is why, almost everything that you have mentioned here, such Facts/Truths ("Just the Facts, Ma'am! Just the Facts!" Sgt. Friday), is exactly what I have written about, over the past 20 years+ of my Life... my Works, which are all 'up there, on the Web', for the whole world to see, and to analyze, and to critique, and to Judge... strictly On-Their-Merits, as to exactly How/What/Why and more, that these... Yes! 'Purported Facts', might so 'resonate', within the Consciousness of another, and all, human beings! It has taken me almost 20 years to put my 'research' up there, on the Web, starting with my first Website about 1991. (If anyone might check the 'Internet Archive', you will find that the Archive has the original copies posted, of my first webpages, explaining the first research findings/thoughts that were posted at that time... which will show a Copyright Date of about 1991-1994, and all subsequent postings are Dated from then to Present! Thusly, as to any and all research by any other scientists, as to whatever anyone else might 'claim to find' over recent years... such as research into the quantum axion particle, which is yet 'on-going and inconclusive', by all current 'reports-from-investigators'... Well, as I have already referred this Community here thereto, in my previous Post in this Forum, i.e., as one can see therein, the scientific and quantum details and more, of the quantum axion particle, have already been fully and sufficiently described! ... and all of this is Copyright from 1991!) Okay, to get back to the point, and to the thread of this topic and of your Good Folks/Respondents 'out there', who have responded to my 'Request for an Analysis' of my Works... from your Perspectives... that of the common, ordinary Man-on-the-Street... BECAUSE THAT, You, is exactly Who I have written, and addressed my Works, to! I have always tried to make a most complex subject, as simple as possible, for the Reader thereof, to Read and to Understand. And fortunately, as My Good Friend Upstairs might so concur, the Reality IS... that it All really is, and can be, quite Simple! And thusly all of my Works (Google lists over 2500+ webpages, on 'The QUFD Textbook' Website alone, plus a separate website for my latest online eBook, which is complete in its entirety online and completely Free to all!) have been written, for the typical "Mad Scientist" 5 year old Kid-of-Today, who might reasonably be expected to have his/her First Doctorate degree, by the age of 10! (Yes! I have known such kids!) The further point here, is that, if these Works are simple enough, for a 5 year old Kid, then such SCIENCE... ("Oh, my Gawd! Science! I don't want anything to do with Science! I can't understand such things! Just TELL ME, what I need to Know! And then let me Be, here in my 'Cage', of my own 'creation' and reality! The world is 'TOO Much', for me to 'handle', outside-of-my-Cage, so just let me BE!" Or so Lucifer would have us to BE... rather than KNOWING exactly, WHO and WHAT we are, in order that we might thusly TAKE ACTION, as a People whose Words, Actions, and Deeds, are Our Own RESPONSIBILITY... NOT some Third-Party 'Agent-of-Responsibility', in Congress or elsewhere, TELLING US What-to-Do, etc., etc.) CAN CERTAINLY be 'Understood', by intelligent ADULTS! BUT, such 'intelligent Adults', do need to 'throw-off' ALL of their 'Shackles and Beliefs', have an Open Mind, and just Find Out exactly Who and What they are, and Have Been Born To Be/Do...themselves, and of their own Merits! And I do likewise Ask, that My Works also Be Judged in the same manner, On-Their-Merits! Who Am I? Nobody! As an Independent Scientist/Researcher, not affiliated with any Accredited secular organization... Although my Non-Secular 'ties', accreditations, affiliations and more, go way back! As such, you know exactly what I mean, when I say that it has been a 'difficult road', over the past 20 years (both personally and professionally, but I'm not going to discuss the personal here! But, my whole Life, both Personal and Professional, is already on-line, for the world to see and read!) Further, exactly What have I 'created'? Well, Read and Judge for Yourselves! Let me just state a few 'statistics' here, because this is already turning into a tome, already too long for a Forum (besides, it is already all ONLINE!) I have Published my Works online, under a Free/Open Copyright, when the U.S. Publishing Industry would have nothing to do with such Works, that did not have Million-Dollar Sales attached thereto! However, since my Works, Website and my latest Book, have no ISBN Book Registration Number, therefore any 'unauthorized copying', is therefore completely 'authorized' and permitted! And since my Works are listed within almost every Search Engine worldwide, a Search for, as an example, "Who am I?", or any other such query, of relevance to one's Life and Existence, would Result in my Works/Book, being Listed by the Search Engine! Thusly, I've been informed, by correspondents, that my Book has already been hard-copy printed in three (3) Chinese dialects, as well as in Denmark, Israel and Tajikistan! And my Book's ISP is currently reporting Daily Website Statistics, showing over 13,700+ Readers/Downloaders PER DAY! On an annualized basis, that million-plus figure, is quite comparable to Total worldwide Book Sales, of "The Da Vinci Code"! And my Book is entirely Free! As to myself personally, I have asked for no royalties/commissions, or income, whatsoever! In fact, I have not had a penny of IRS 'income', for almost 20 years now. I live simply, on a small VA pension, sufficient for my needs at this time, which is, again, non-taxable, non-existent, 'income'. And lastly, as to my Book/Works. I have been recently notified that 'QUFD Physics and the Science(s) of Incorporeality' (, have now been accepted by the Library of Congress, as a new, unique and never-before-existing 'Body of Human Knowledge', which will soon be Listed as such, in the Library Catalog! I am not a Member of the 'Scientific Establishment' (although I have had email discussions with Respected Researchers, all of which have been copied online on the Website!) and there is no Research Agency pursuing my 'Research', nor is there any scientific (and expensive!) Publication, about to Publish my Research. However, my Research/Works have been Submitted for Consideration, to the John Templeton Foundation, the Premier New-and-Cutting-Edge-Research Funding Agency for Scientific Research, and is, apparently, currently being Reviewed. However, as my 'Application' has so noted... All of the Research is ALREADY COMPLETE, and the RESULTS are online! Thusly, I am asking for Funding, to actually have George Lucas, and his LucasFilm/ILM, produce and direct, the Documentary-Video/Film Science-Series, of my online Book! PBS-TV, has already Reviewed (limitedly!), my Book, and has agreed to air the resulting Documentary, WHEN it is available (they were unable to produce the video/film). So, when the Video/Film will be available, I don't know. I understand that I will possibly be the 'Technical Consultant' to George Lucas, in 'creation'/production of such Video/Film Documentary! In other words, to answer here, your online questions, about myself and my Works... Yes! I am Nobody! My Works/Book come from Einstein, Bose and others, and the respected and accepted Laws and Principles of Science and Quantum Physics (BUT NOT Quantum Mechanics!), and from Myself, and My Good Friend Upstairs! And, just like all of you, I DO have to 'contend', with that Damn Guy Downstairs, as yet! BUT, we (Mankind!) can Change All of That! We CAN Change This World Of Ours For The Better! THAT... is What I have written about! And I'd like to Hear Your Thoughts, and Analyses, of the Merits of that which I have written about! And, please Excuse Me, but all of my 'Societal Interpretations-from-the-Quantum Physics', as to exactly How Incorporeality really does 'control' each and every aspect of our Corporeal lives, has been 'voiced' in Philosophia Perennis ( Enjoy! OH! I almost forgot! When you 'Step-Over-That-Fence', from Corporeality (the Known World!), into Incorporeality (the Unknown Worlds)... there is NO MATHEMATICS! That is exactly why Einstein could not 'Find' his long-sought-for Quantum Unitary Field before he died! Mathematics DOES NOT APPLY, within a Unified Field/Condensate, that is defined as Coherent, Oneness, Unity, of Undifferentiated Relativity, and in which the Past, the Present and the Future, are One and Unity! Mathematics needs to 'identify' separate and distinct 'realities', i.e., Differentiated Relativity, in order to perform its functions. THAT is Corporeality, this 'side-of-the-Fence'! Where everything is Corporeal, and of Differentiated Relativity, including your Heart and Brain! However, 'over there', everything is Unitary, of Undifferentiated Relativity, including your Mind, Consciousness... and God! Again, Enjoy! Aum, Peace, Amen Jerome |
Oh, by the way, very briefly here...
Here are some details, for anyone who might be about to delve into reading my Book and 'The QUFD Textbook' (website), as given in the links at the start of this Forum Thread: 1. As mentioned in the Posts above, Google lists over 2500+ webpages, on the QUFD Website, 'The QUFD Textbook'! 2. The complete Book, actually consists of about a dozen of the webpages from the website, just put together 'as is' from the website, making a continuing 'story', from Part One (Quantum Physics), to Part Two (The Present), to Part Three (The Future). Of course, each webpage in the Book, also refers to the many other webpages on the website, so it is best to be reading the Book online, whereby you can instantly click on any further pages (links), as you come upon them, for supplemental information. Additionally, those dozen-so webpages, of the Book, are now combined, in the Book, into ONE PAGE! One webpage, which, if you were to print out that webpage, might print out paper hard copies of hundreds of pages! 3. Consequently, many correspondents report that they are still Reading the Website, after many months, and yet finding new and fascinating details, of God, the Human Mind, Incorporeality, and so much more! For example, in a simple, yet detailed explanation, of both the quantum physics and the neurophysics, of the specific synapsial junctions of the Human Brain/Mind of Barry Bonds, that will/or will not 'fire', to determine whether Barry will hit the ball, or whether Barry will strike out! Enjoy! |
This is all very sweet.
But I’m afraid you lost me very early on. You’re so-called scientific reasoning doesn’t appear to me to be either scientific nor very reasonable. This is of course a personal subjective view, but I thought I’d share this with you just as feedback for whatever it’s worth. I’m neither 5-years-old, nor am I uneducated in the science of physics. So perhaps I’m not the audience you are seeking. |
RP: My initial response to Red was regarding your post to Abra. I was totally lost in that post. Fine, not a problem. I went to you're original post sites and this is my response to those.
Owwww. I have a major right-sided headache. No, I have not learned anything because frustration set in right off the bat. I continued reading trying to get to the point I could find what the initials OA/OWB?, I believe it was, stand for. I continued on to the handy dandy version of Father Jerome's dictionary. These initial's were not listed in this reference section either. |
<-------absolutely lost
just walks away |
OW! Sorry, folks! I'm definitely not used to chat rooms and discussions therein, but I merely thought that I'd jump in and seek some conversation with people of...
I didn't realize that one had to be somewhat less than themselves (and I make that statement with discomfort!) in order to communicate. I guess I'm just used to communicating with intelligent 5 year olds, who can understand the Queen's English! Yes, NOT American English! Enough of this. I must leave soon for a concert. Some friends of my neighbors have invited friends to a family concert. Their 3 year old daughter is performing the recital, and she will be performing her repetoire of Classical Music pieces on her violin. |
Oh, to Abra. Again, I am Sorry, but I now realize, by your statement, that I have completely lost you. I thought we were in a Religion Forum, and I specifically have noted that I was NOT talking about the "Science of Physics", which I don't know anything about, and which is on this side of the Fence, in the Known World! How can I get people to 'jump over the Fence' and explore the Unknown, when they seem to be 'stuck' within whatever Church/Religion/Cage they have created for themselves and thusly cannot see the Realities and 'Realities' of the World around them? Part Two of my Book explores just this, and philosophia perennis has Lucifer not only controlling all the educational systems of our World, but doubly insuring that every Educational System will guarantee that every Rich Man's son will inherit the 'Rich Man's obligation' to-rule-our-World, while every pedagogue and administrator further insures, on the other hand, that a poor man' son... gets nowhere in Life, as but a Lawyer, Scientist, Engineer or other such 'lowly profession'!
can She play the Devil went down to Georgia?????? now that's Violin Music........
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Non of You are a running candidate for the Pulitzer Prize. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
RealityProfessor Wrote:
“now any Reader of QUFD Physics can really find a scientifically explainable and understandable description of God” RealityProfessor Wrote: “I thought we were in a Religion Forum, and I specifically have noted that I was NOT talking about the "Science of Physics", which I don't know anything about” Sir, with all due respect you speak with forked tongue. In one breath you claim to have a scientifically explainable and understandable description of God, and in the next breath you claim to not know anything about the “Science of Physics”. My question is why the façade? I have a very deep interest in real science and trying to convey what scientists genuinely do know, and what they don’t yet know. So I find it a bit disturbing when I see web site that give completely erroneous definitions to scientific terms and explanations. You say that you know nothing about the “Science of Physics” so why hide behind that façade? Why not just present your ideas honestly from the true perspective from which they arose? RealityProfessor Wrote: “How can I get people to 'jump over the Fence' and explore the Unknown, when they seem to be 'stuck' within whatever Church/Religion/Cage they have created for themselves and thusly cannot see the Realities and 'Realities' of the World around them?” Well, starting your book off with a complete misrepresentation of quantum physics is probably not the best way to attract serious readers. RealityProfessor Wrote: “Part Two of my Book explores just this, and philosophia perennis has Lucifer not only controlling all the educational systems of our World, but doubly insuring that every Educational System will guarantee that every Rich Man's son will inherit the 'Rich Man's obligation' to-rule-our-World, while every pedagogue and administrator further insures, on the other hand, that a poor man' son... gets nowhere in Life, as but a Lawyer, Scientist, Engineer or other such 'lowly profession'!” You see I’ll never get to part two of your book because you’ve already turned me away with your bogus representation of physics and obvious erroneous claims. I do however concur with your sentiments concerning educational systems. In fact, I feel that much of capitalism and free enterprise has actually backfired into becoming a dog-eat-dog society where the rich become richer and more powerful, and the poor no longer have genuine opportunities. Modern societies have indeed become economically dependent and that can very easily be seen as a worshiping of mammon. I’m not happy with the state of world societies myself. A lot of people are not happy with the state of modern civilization. So why not just address those issues head on? Why claim to have “a scientifically explainable and understandable description of God”, and then in your next breath confess that you know nothing of the “Science of Physics”. This is where you’ve lost me. |
Ok, Abra, if you are as aware of Physics as you say you are, then you will, in all honesty, admit that there are numerous 'Science(s)' of Physics, which I am not even going to attempt to ennumerate here. All I said, in reply to your comment, was that the 'Science of Physics' (certainly NOT a singular 'entity'!), in the particular manner you obviously implied it, was, to my knowledge, one of the Sciences of Corporeality and the Known World... obviously on this side of the Fence, within Corporeality, when the 'Fence' actually now delineates any and all 'definitions' of anything, as to whether one is talking about, say, Physics of Corporeality (commonly known as Reality, or the Known World!), versus Physics of Incorporeality (commonly known as 'Reality', or The Unknown World!)
The 'Science of Physics', as the new scientific terminology defines it, that you seemed to be referring to, would be classified 'on this side of the Fence', and would include Classical Newtonian Physics and Quantum Mechanics, to list but a few of the 'Sciences of Physics' that are extant within Corporeality, or this side of the Fence! All of which... such Corporeal (or 'Traditional', or 'Old School'!) Sciences, I know very little about, in that they just do not apply to Incorporeality at all! Classical Newtonian Physics, Quantum Mechanics, etc., have no relevance on 'the other side of the Fence', within Incorporeality, where, as I have noted, everything is Unitary, One, and of Undifferentiated Relativity, as Einstein has so defined such! That is why the Library of Congress has defined any and all Sciences of Incorporeality, as a completely new and unique 'Body of Human Knowledge', that Mankind has never before known of! Except, that Incorporeality, and everything that exists within Incorporeality, i.e., 'on the other side of the Fence', was, as I have said, actually discovered by Einstein, working with the great Indian Theoretical Physicist Satyendra Bose, who, together, were the Founders of the scientific Laws and Principles of Bose-Einstein Condensates... exactly what defines Incorporeality, versus Corporeality! Einstein, as I have noted, actually discovered his long-sought-for Unitary Field, before he died, but he did not realize it, because he was looking for a Mathematical Definition, which he could not find! BECAUSE, in a Unitary Field, all is 'Oneness', or Unity, or Undifferentiated Relativity, and therefore Mathematics, which can only define separate entities, or Differentiated Relativity, DOES NOT APPLY! But, Einstein is still credited with a 'Discovery' that he did not even know about, because Einstein's Unitary Field CAN ONLY BE DEFINED Philosophically! In other words, Incorporeality, and the Sciences of Incorporeality, are all defined as a/the PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS! But that, in and of itself, does not detract at all from the fact, that all of Scientific Law and Principle, CAN (but not necessarily, as with Classical Newtonian Physics!) yet still apply to Incorporeality! But, it is PRIMARILY the Science(s) of Incorporeality that apply! Especially Bose-Einstein Condensates! NOT Condensates of Matter, but, instead, Condensates of Non-Matter, or Incorporeality! As I have also said, the Human Brain, body, heart, Barry Bonds, the United Nations, the Iraqi Nation, molecules, atoms, etc., etc., are all Corporeal, and exist on this side of the Fence, where they are subject to Classical Newtonian Physics and everything else that defines anything and any dimension, on this side of the Fence! (Yes! Your heart is a dimension, of Time and Space! Barry Bonds, is a completely different dimension, of Time and Space! The United Nations is also a man-made dimension of Time and Space!) On the other hand, the Human Mind, the Human Spirit, Consciousness, God, Lucifer, the Nether-World, Carl Jung's 'Collective Consciousness of Humanity' (where ALL of Human Memory and Experience resides, which can ONLY be 'accessed' BY the Human Mind and Soul, WITHIN Consciousness!), and many more 'Worlds' and 'Dimensions', of Incorporeality and Consciousness, that exist 'over there', on the other side of the Fence, which Mankind is only now beginning to explore! Let me quote one of my Mentors, Dr. June Singer, who was a Student/Protege of Carl Jung (and also, once upon a time, the Dean of Students, at The California Institute for Transpersonal Psychology (CITP), in Menlo Park, and also the Author of many books, including "Boundaries of the Soul", "Androgyny", "The Energies of Love", and more!) The following quote appears on several of the webpages of my website: (Actually, changed my mind... instead of the quote alone, I am hereinthefollowing, providing 4 links, to 4 rather old webpages, that are yet extant on the QUFD Website, which are Lectures, from about 1994, explaining to Students then, the Basics of What I have been trying to explain here, and Lecture 3 does include Dr. Singer's quote!) Following are the 4 links: YES, Abra! If you are referring to ‘Old Science’… this is not Old Science! It has already been recognized as New Science, in which case, many definitions of Reality (or Corporeality!), just do NOT APPLY, ‘over there’, in the Unitary Field of Incorporeality, that exists ‘on the other side of the Fence’! Incidentally, if you were to study such ‘New Science’, you will find that the ‘other side of the Fence’, actually has many names: the Unknown; Incorporeality; Spirit; Parallel Worlds; Parallel Dimension; Higher Dimensions; Non-Locality versus Locality; Condensates of Corporeality versus Condensates of Incorporeality; Oneness; Unity; Unitary Field; Undifferentiated Relativity; Consciousness; the Human Mind/Soul; the Cosmos; and… Infinite Consciousness (God)! |
Books are good for doorstops...
Debates are good for cementing one's OWN theories and themselves. Fences are useless ..they only keep things OUT. Gates are useful...they allow others IN. Labels, and concepts, and theories and rights and wrongs....grrrr... Where's the Disorder thread??? ![]() |
what an ego of this so called "professor"
Oh, I should probably add, that it is Most Basic and Fundamental, to understand the Quantum Axion Particle: |
<----the biggest ignorant
my knowledge hardly reaches 2+2=5 |