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Topic: Neil Cavuto sums it up pretty well......
InvictusV's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:04 AM

Cavuto is the numbers guy at Fox News, in the same way that Paul Ryan is the numbers guy in the Republican Party. They’re both clueless. There were three things missing from Cavuto’s little rant. 1). Facts 2). Data 3). Truth.

Neil Cavuto didn’t get to be an executive at Fox News by not knowing the style. Cavuto sounded tough. He sounded like he was taking on the president, but he was lying. His words were empty. He had no data to back up his claims. Everything he said was a Republican talking point, and absolutely none of it can be proven with facts. Fox News embarrassed itself, and demonstrated how weak the argument against the ACA has become.

As the data comes in, these bogus claims are falling apart. In their response, Fox News proved Obama right. These critics have nothing but distorted talking points and empty scare tactics on their side.

The only thing that smells here is the BS that is another Fox News


Fact #1..

America’s biggest employers, from GE to IBM, are increasingly moving retirees to insurance exchanges where they select their own health plans, an historic shift that could push more costs onto U.S. taxpayers.


Fact #2

(Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.


Fact #3

Fewer American doctors are treating patients enrolled in the Medicare health program for seniors, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts.

The number of doctors who opted out of Medicare last year, while a small proportion of the nation's health professionals, nearly tripled from three years earlier, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government agency that administers the program. Other doctors are limiting the number of Medicare patients they treat even if they don't formally opt out of the system.

Even fewer doctors say they won't accept new Medicaid patients, and the number who don't participate in private insurance contracts, while smaller, is growing—just as millions of Americans are poised to gain access to such coverage under the new health law next year. All told, health experts say the number of doctors going "off-grid" isn't enough to undermine the Affordable Care Act, but they say some Americans may have difficulty finding doctors who will take their new benefits or face long waits for appointments with those who do.


Fact #4

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare

The Department of Health and Human Services put out a press release this week forecasting that Obamacare premiums would be 16 percent less than projected. However, the projected costs were estimates that attempted to project the cost of a policy in 2016. Consumers are receiving the real costs in notices from their insurers now only a few weeks before the law is set to go into effect. For healthy consumers who have existing policies, many of the premium hikes are proving massive.


I could keep going, but I proved my point..

what point? some people are unhappy about it?
some people are projecting the worse and bailing out?

that's not really a newsflash or an unexpected reaction to see in SOME,, with something this big,,,

There were three things missing from Cavuto’s little rant. 1). Facts 2). Data 3). Truth.

The point is that what Cavuto said was based in fact.

There is data to prove his points.

He was telling the truth.

The economy in its current state cannot support this.

This administration miscalculated where the economy would be when this was implemented.

That is the biggest reason this entire mess is very dangerous.

msharmony's photo
Wed 10/02/13 09:54 AM

Cavuto is the numbers guy at Fox News, in the same way that Paul Ryan is the numbers guy in the Republican Party. They’re both clueless. There were three things missing from Cavuto’s little rant. 1). Facts 2). Data 3). Truth.

Neil Cavuto didn’t get to be an executive at Fox News by not knowing the style. Cavuto sounded tough. He sounded like he was taking on the president, but he was lying. His words were empty. He had no data to back up his claims. Everything he said was a Republican talking point, and absolutely none of it can be proven with facts. Fox News embarrassed itself, and demonstrated how weak the argument against the ACA has become.

As the data comes in, these bogus claims are falling apart. In their response, Fox News proved Obama right. These critics have nothing but distorted talking points and empty scare tactics on their side.

The only thing that smells here is the BS that is another Fox News


Fact #1..

America’s biggest employers, from GE to IBM, are increasingly moving retirees to insurance exchanges where they select their own health plans, an historic shift that could push more costs onto U.S. taxpayers.


Fact #2

(Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say.


Fact #3

Fewer American doctors are treating patients enrolled in the Medicare health program for seniors, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts.

The number of doctors who opted out of Medicare last year, while a small proportion of the nation's health professionals, nearly tripled from three years earlier, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government agency that administers the program. Other doctors are limiting the number of Medicare patients they treat even if they don't formally opt out of the system.

Even fewer doctors say they won't accept new Medicaid patients, and the number who don't participate in private insurance contracts, while smaller, is growing—just as millions of Americans are poised to gain access to such coverage under the new health law next year. All told, health experts say the number of doctors going "off-grid" isn't enough to undermine the Affordable Care Act, but they say some Americans may have difficulty finding doctors who will take their new benefits or face long waits for appointments with those who do.


Fact #4

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare

The Department of Health and Human Services put out a press release this week forecasting that Obamacare premiums would be 16 percent less than projected. However, the projected costs were estimates that attempted to project the cost of a policy in 2016. Consumers are receiving the real costs in notices from their insurers now only a few weeks before the law is set to go into effect. For healthy consumers who have existing policies, many of the premium hikes are proving massive.


I could keep going, but I proved my point..

what point? some people are unhappy about it?
some people are projecting the worse and bailing out?

that's not really a newsflash or an unexpected reaction to see in SOME,, with something this big,,,

There were three things missing from Cavuto’s little rant. 1). Facts 2). Data 3). Truth.

The point is that what Cavuto said was based in fact.

There is data to prove his points.

He was telling the truth.

The economy in its current state cannot support this.

This administration miscalculated where the economy would be when this was implemented.

That is the biggest reason this entire mess is very dangerous.

as I Said,, I am suspicious of news pieces without data, sources, or numbers

without those elements, it is indeed just a commentary,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/03/13 10:50 AM
why do people believe that employees cutting jobs and hours to turn better profit are a result of the ACA?

as I Said,, I am suspicious of news pieces without data, sources, or numbers

Wow, msharmony, apparently you haven't paid much attention to the U.S. national news during the last year.

As I said earlier, Neil Cavuto summarized the information that has already been reported by the U.S. media, including the fact that employers have been changing full-time jobs into part-time jobs in response to the ACA.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/03/13 11:29 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 10/03/13 11:37 AM

why do people believe that employees cutting jobs and hours to turn better profit are a result of the ACA?

as I Said,, I am suspicious of news pieces without data, sources, or numbers

Wow, msharmony, apparently you haven't paid much attention to the U.S. national news during the last year.

As I said earlier, Neil Cavuto summarized the information that has already been reported by the U.S. media, including the fact that employers have been changing full-time jobs into part-time jobs in response to the ACA.

I do pay attention to news Dodo. But 'news' covers lots of things including uncorroborated opinion pieces called 'commentary'

While I recognize commentaries for their value in questioning things, I find it hard to rely on then as PROOF of anything

for that I prefer some source, numbers, and facts.

This was an opinion piece, because it offered none of the above.

I prefer something more 'balanced' with 'media information' offered on both sides, and there is ALWAYS Media that espouses just about any side of an argument one chooses....


information being in the media is not proof of anything, but I do choose to have access to the information to research rather than taking it as proof merely because a commentator says its true,,,

look at 'global warming' and see all the different things in the 'media' about whether its real or not,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/03/13 12:07 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 10/03/13 12:09 PM

why do people believe that employees cutting jobs and hours to turn better profit are a result of the ACA?

as I Said,, I am suspicious of news pieces without data, sources, or numbers

Wow, msharmony, apparently you haven't paid much attention to the U.S. national news during the last year.

As I said earlier, Neil Cavuto summarized the information that has already been reported by the U.S. media, including the fact that employers have been changing full-time jobs into part-time jobs in response to the ACA.

I do pay attention to news Dodo. But 'news' covers lots of things including uncorroborated opinion pieces called 'commentary'

While I recognize commentaries for their value in questioning things, I find it hard to rely on then as PROOF of anything

for that I prefer some source, numbers, and facts.

This was an opinion piece, because it offered none of the above.

I prefer something more 'balanced' with 'media information' offered on both sides, and there is ALWAYS Media that espouses just about any side of an argument one chooses....


information being in the media is not proof of anything, but I do choose to have access to the information to research rather than taking it as proof merely because a commentator says its true,,,

look at 'global warming' and see all the different things in the 'media' about whether its real or not,,,

And we still as yet have not seen a single "fact" to back up your assumptions while everything that Neil stated has been said time and again, not only by him, but even the "Commie News Network" (the Dem propaganda channel), (P)MSMBC, PBS, ABC, NBC, the Unions, Congress, 70% of Americans, and anyone else who is watching or suffering from this nightmare as it is unvieled on the working class.

If it's so great, why is the gov't doing everything in its power to exempt itself, change the guidelines to better suit themselves, or delay their required participation in the exchanges?

Evidence is the best "fact" I know of, and you don't need to believe a network commentator to see what is happening around us as a result of this stinking turd called Obozocare!

How much will it cost you?

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/03/13 12:36 PM

I prefer something more 'balanced' with 'media information' offered on both sides, and there is ALWAYS Media that espouses just about any side of an argument one chooses....



Media Matters is grossly biased in favor of liberal Democrats.

Back in 2007, NBC journalist Chuck Todd wrote, "Is Media Matters a liberal/Democratic media watchdog site or a Clinton watchdog site? Judging by this list of "don'ts," it's not easy for one to tell the difference."

In 2012, The Daily Caller managing editor Vince Coglianese wrote the following:

Media Matters has made no secret of its adherence to progressive principles, but flagging Christianity as having undue influence in media is the latest revelation about the group’s treatment of religion.

The Democratic-aligned ARCA Foundation specifically supplied Media Matters with a $50,000 grant in 2006 “to support a Religious Broadcasting Project to expand the monitoring and fact checking of religious broadcasts,” TheDC reported in February.

A present-day search of the Media Matters website for the terms “religion” and “Christianity” yields a steady stream of anti-Christian criticism and posts aimed at dismissing Christians’ religious concern over President Obama’s contraception mandate.

In 2011, Politico reported the following:
The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel. . .

. . . Media Matters has transformed itself into a pillar of the progressive movement with its aggressive new brand of media campaigning.

So, Media Matters is a liberal Democrat propaganda machine, the kind of site that is favored by people who are devoted to living on the Democratic Party plantation.

By the way, when it comes to the two major political parties in the USA, Neil Cavuto routinely says "A pox on both houses."

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 10/03/13 01:07 PM

I guess that makes Cavuto a liberal

CASE IN POINT, he used no statistics, fact, or logic,,,lol


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