Topic: aquarium hobbyists? | |
tell me about what fish you own or what fish you like
tell me about what fish you own or what fish you like |
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![]() Loool i guess this applies |
i always found chiclids to make the best fish to keep.
they fight, eat other fish and breed like rabbits. |
![]() Wow! She's got a nice set of gills. |
Oh, and I've got a ninety gallon tank full of angels.
Very peaceful to watch. |
Sounds awesome i love angels
Cichlids are my favorite very beautiful yet hardy fish
North American Signal Crayfish!
I have beautiful discus from Singapore and I think they are the most incredible fresh water fish? What do u Guy's think?
My favorites are Angels.... I've had mating pairs, watched the F. lay eggs and then the M. would fertilize I get them when they are about the size of a dime and rise them to the size of your fist. The plecostomus..... just a neat looking fish,great cleaner, they don't conflict with anyone and the longest I had one was at least 10 yrs The clown loach.... the only fish that I have seen that will lay on it's side when at rest, if you ever have a problem with snails don't use chemicals just get a clown, the down side to that is you can never have crustaceans with a loach around Then just to put more life in the tank I will use Danio's , barbs ,tetras, mollies and platy's are always great for color. |
I had 2 goldfish for my classroom. Tippy didn't make it past breakfast. Daddy made several days then bit the dust. Now i have to buy more goldfish. I'm wondering how long I can just keep the bowl of water up there before the kids realize he's not hibernating
Tiger soar cichlids are my favorite, but I have a Betta with a school of rosabora heteromorphas
Saltwater all the way!!! X)