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Topic: ok can anyone answer this
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Tue 08/28/07 01:47 PM
The First Presidency is the highest ranking priesthood quorum of the church. The counselors assist the church president and work closely with him in guiding the entire church and carrying out the duties of the president of the church. The First Presidency has the theoretical authority to make the final decision on nearly all issues which might affect the church or its operations, though in practice the First Presidency has delegated much of its decision-making power to members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Seventy, the Presiding Bishopric, and local leaders of the church. Nevertheless, the First Presidency has retained its overarching decision-making power in a number of significant areas and may at any time choose to overrule the decisions of a lesser church quorum or authority.

In the case of an infirm president, his counselors may be called upon to perform more of the duties of the First Presidency that would normally be performed by the president. If needed, any number of additional counselors may be called to assist them, though the president of the church remains the only person on the earth authorized to use all priesthood keys. All members of the First Presidency are sustained by the membership of the church as prophets, seers, and revelators.

All members of the First Presidency are also members of the church's Council on the Disposition of the Tithes, a body which determines how the tithing funds of the church are spent.

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Tue 08/28/07 01:47 PM
The current First Presidency is composed of Gordon B. Hinckley, President, and Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor. The position of Second Counselor is currently vacant since the death of James E. Faust on 10 August 2007. Prior to his death, the composition of the First Presidency had remained unchanged since 12 March 1995 and had been the longest consecutive presidency in church history. It is expected a new second counselor will be announced at or before the October 2007 general conference of the church

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:06 PM
It seems you did little reasearch on the Hierarchy I am pleased to see some truth in your posting, However you made many more claims and as of yet shown me the proof of the other items I listed earlier in this post.

I am not here to teach you about the Mormon faith, that is up to the individual to find in his/her heart what they find to be believable. I was quite sure many of your claims could not be verified and my only intention was to show the errors you posted.

If I have questions about my faith I refer to the bible and do some soul searching. If I wish to find an answer to a question I search for the answers in Any book of doctrine that teaches humility, kindness, and serenity. If that means I need to read more than the Bible I will do so, or what really works for me is to attend church of some sort that has a Christian backround. That is my only requirement as to which church I will attend on either Saturday or Sunday, since those are the days I have off.

As for all your questions you have listed, maybe you should find those answers yourself. Read the Bible or the Koran or any other book that could help you find your answers. I for one follow a path of my own and am very happy with it, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit/Ghost walk with me as I travel the road before me. My beliefs are that simple. Take a look around and you will find the answers you are looking for they are usually right in front of you, at least they are for me.

:wink: bigsmile


no photo
Wed 08/29/07 10:34 AM
why cant you answer thos questions help us all out please we want to know isnt you job to witness to us and bring us all closer to the morman church with the intention of converting us i have asked these questions for years and again you or knowone else will answer them why is that are you afraid of the truth

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 08/29/07 06:04 PM
It seems to me you are asking the wrong person, it is obvious by your post that you wish someone else to do the leg work on your questions. If I want answers I find them. If I want something done I do it.

It is not my job to witness anything for you, and I have no intention of converting you to any religion. Why do you think I am here to convert you? I have stated on numerous occasions where I stand in regards to religion.

Tell me why I should answer any of your questions, you have posted all the answers, and on top of that you feel that by attacking you will get the answers faster?

Besides how can I convert anyone to any religion without an open mind? You have posted what you believe the Mormons practice and you have claimed to have been a member of the Mormon faith. Now you want me to convert you to the Mormon faith?

It seems you don't know what you want, so if you ever make up your mind, investigate on your own. If you really wish to find a religion that will save you from hell, search for the truth.

As for me being afraid of the "TRUTH"? Not likely I have been searching for it for several decades and it is still a little on the elusive side.

I wonder where I have heard all this BS before?

:wink: bigsmile


MrRight2008's photo
Thu 09/27/07 12:18 AM
bidright, i love what ur doin here man, but i just have ONE problem with it.....

u posted the scripture: 4. God said, “Is there a God beside me? Yea, there is no God; I know not any”.

this scripture right here, denies the trinity doctrine, which was created by man in 325 A.D. if God knows no other gods beside Him, and there are no other gods before Him, beside Him, or after Him, yet there is a trinity, then that means that Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are also gods, and should be worshipped equally.

the Bible says that Jesus is the express image of the invisible God. Isaiah 9:6 is a prophecy of Jesus Christ's birth, and it goes as far as to call Him "THE Mighty God, THE Everlasting Father." that is a claim in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the ONLY God.

The Bible also states many times that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the one which was which is and which is to come, the everlasting. In Revelation, Jesus Christ says "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the begging and the end, the Almighty."

at a service last Sunday night, we had what is known as tongues and interpretation, part of the interpretation was this: "I am Jesus, THE ONLY God."

so if there is a trinity, then that means that there are 3 gods, and that during the interpretation of the tongue the other night, Jesus Christ lied to His people. which every human knows that God CAN NOT lie. therefore, makes the Bible's statements of One God false.

There is only one God, and His name is Jesus Christ.

John 1:1 says: In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the word WAS God.

verse 14 says: And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

if the Word WAS God and was made flesh and dwelt among us, then that means that Jesus Christ is the ONLY God that was manifest in 3 different ways.

if others can not understand, ill put it like this. we apostolics believe that Jesus Christ is the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Ghost in regeneration, or the renewal of the human soul.

1 Timothy 3:16 says: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

let's break this down. when it says that God was manifest in the flesh, that is talking about Jesus Christ. Justified in the Spirt is talking about Jesus Christ, seen of angels...angels are the only part of creation that can see God and not die. being preached unto the Gentiles. who was preached unto the Gentiles? Jesus Christ was.

John 1:3-5 says: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

who do we christians claim that life is in? Christ. who do we Christians claim is the light of men? Christ. and who do we Christians claim is the light that shineth in darkness? Christ.

With that said, all these things, and sooo many more in the Bible point out one thing without contradiction. Jesus Christ is the ONLY God.

MrRight2008's photo
Thu 09/27/07 12:22 AM
bidright, i love what ur doin here man, but i just have ONE problem with it.....

u posted the scripture: 4. God said, “Is there a God beside me? Yea, there is no God; I know not any”.

this scripture right here, denies the trinity doctrine, which was created by man in 325 A.D. if God knows no other gods beside Him, and there are no other gods before Him, beside Him, or after Him, yet there is a trinity, then that means that Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are also gods, and should be worshipped equally.

the Bible says that Jesus is the express image of the invisible God. Isaiah 9:6 is a prophecy of Jesus Christ's birth, and it goes as far as to call Him "THE Mighty God, THE Everlasting Father." that is a claim in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the ONLY God.

The Bible also states many times that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the one which was which is and which is to come, the everlasting. In Revelation, Jesus Christ says "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the begging and the end, the Almighty."

at a service last Sunday night, we had what is known as tongues and interpretation, part of the interpretation was this: "I am Jesus, THE ONLY God."

so if there is a trinity, then that means that there are 3 gods, and that during the interpretation of the tongue the other night, Jesus Christ lied to His people. which every human knows that God CAN NOT lie. therefore, makes the Bible's statements of One God false.

There is only one God, and His name is Jesus Christ.

John 1:1 says: In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the word WAS God.

verse 14 says: And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

if the Word WAS God and was made flesh and dwelt among us, then that means that Jesus Christ is the ONLY God that was manifest in 3 different ways.

if others can not understand, ill put it like this. we apostolics believe that Jesus Christ is the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Ghost in regeneration, or the renewal of the human soul.

1 Timothy 3:16 says: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

let's break this down. when it says that God was manifest in the flesh, that is talking about Jesus Christ. Justified in the Spirt is talking about Jesus Christ, seen of angels...angels are the only part of creation that can see God and not die. being preached unto the Gentiles. who was preached unto the Gentiles? Jesus Christ was.

John 1:3-5 says: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

who do we christians claim that life is in? Christ. who do we Christians claim is the light of men? Christ. and who do we Christians claim is the light that shineth in darkness? Christ.

With that said, all these things, and sooo many more in the Bible point out one thing without contradiction. Jesus Christ is the ONLY God.

And I will point out, that when i was backslidden out of the Apostolic Pentecostal church, I tried going to a mormon church. had the missionaries at my house and everything. and whenever i would suggest reading the Bible to them, guess what they'd say? theyd get all hesitant, and avoid it and say: "Maybe some other time." "Maybe next time." and next time never happened. when i questioned their belief on the Oneness of God, we got into a small debate about it and it angered them to the point that they said some things that a Christian aint got no business sayin to someone that they are trying to win over, and ya know what? they couldnt come up with scriptural evidence to deny the Oneness of God. why? cause there is no scriptural support to the Trinity. and after that day, they havent come around not one time since then.

they don't follow the Bible, they denounce it. and how? if you claim to be a Christian, yet the Bible is of least importance to you in a list of other supposed "scripture", then you're in danger of hellfire and brimstone, and I fear for you.....

keep up the good work tho bidright, God Bless ya.

no photo
Thu 09/27/07 12:22 AM

Sorry, but who is J. Smith? huh

I know D. Smith (Daniel Smith), the young goodlooking USMC who was convicted of rape and was sentenced with reclusion perpetua in Philippine prison. huh

MrRight2008's photo
Thu 09/27/07 12:47 AM
J. Smith = Joseph Smith

no photo
Fri 09/28/07 07:36 AM
Isaiah 44:6
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Let's break this scripture down...

"Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts"

Two beings speaking, "the King of Israel" and the "LORD of hosts". Read what THEY say "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." Not "we", but "I". Two beings speaking as one.

God means an object of worship. The way I understand the trinity, God is a position of authority which belongs to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are all equal, but Jesus has placed himself below the Father and the Holy Spirit has placed Himself beneath Jesus, so that there is a clear order for decision making and so that they can be an example for us.

MrRight2008's photo
Fri 09/28/07 11:34 AM
here are 60 Questions on the Godhead. that prove (with scripture) the oneness over trinitarianism.

1. Is the word trinity in the Bible? No.

2. Does the Bible say that there are three persons in the Godhead? No.

3. Does the Bible speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Yes.

4. Do these titles as used in Matthew 28:19 mean that there are three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead? No, they refer to three offices, roles, or relationship to humanity.

5. Does the Bible use the word three in reference to God? Only one verse in the entire Bible does so-I John 5:7. It speaks of the Father, the Word (instead of Son), and the Holy Ghost, and it concludes by saying, "These three are one."

6. Does the Bible use the word one in reference to God? Yes, many times. For example, see Zechariah 14:9; Malachi 2:10; Matthew 23:9; Mark 12:29, 32; John 8:41; 10:30; Romans 3:30; I Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 3:20; I Timothy 2:5; James 2:19.

7. Can the mystery of the Godhead be understood? Yes. Romans 1:20; Colossians 2:9; I Timothy 3:16.

8. Has the Christian only one Heavenly Father? Yes. Matthew 23:9.

9. Then why did Jesus say to Philip, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (John 14:9)? Because Jesus is the express image of God's person. Hebrews 1:3. The Greek word for personin this verse literally means "substance."

10. Does the Bible say that there are two persons in the Godhead? No.

11. Does the Bible say that all the Godhead is revealed in one person? Yes, in Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:19; 2:9; Hebrews 1:3.

12. Is the mystery of the Deity hidden from some people? Yes. Luke 10:21-22.

13. Who is the Father? The Father is the one God, particularly as revealed in parental relationship to humanity. Deuteronomy 32:6; Malachi 2:10.

14. Where was God the Father while Jesus was on earth? The Father was in Christ. John 14:10; II Corinthians 5:19. He was also in heaven, for God is omnipresent.

15. Did the prophet Isaiah say that Jesus would be the Father? Yes. Isaiah 9:6; 63:16.

16. When God said, "Let us make man in our image" (Genesis 1:26), was He speaking to another person in the Godhead? No. Isaiah 44:24; Malachi 2:10.

17. How many of God's qualities were in Christ? All. Colossians 2:9.

18. How may we see the God who sent Jesus into the world? By seeing Jesus. John 12:44-45; 14:9.

19. Does the Bible say that Jesus is the Almighty? Yes. Revelation 1:8

20. Whom do some designate as the first person in the trinity? God the Father.

21. Whom do some designate as the last person in the trinity? The Holy Ghost. But Jesus said that He was the first and last. Revelation 1:17-18

22. How many persons did John see sitting on the throne in heaven? One. Revelation 4:2.

23. If Jesus is the first and the last, why did God say in Isaiah 44:6 that He was the first and the last? Because Jesus is the God of the Old Testament incarnate.

24. Did Jesus tell Satan that God alone should be worshipped? Yes. Matthew 4:10

25. Does the devil believe in more than one God? No. James 2:19.

26. Does the Bible say that God, who is the Word, was made flesh? Yes John 1:1, 14.

27. For what purpose was God manifested in the flesh? To save sinners. Hebrews 2:9, 14.

28. Was Jesus God manifested in the flesh? Yes. I Timothy 3:16.

29. Could Jesus have been on earth and in heaven at the same time? Yes. John 3:13.

30. Does the Bible say that there is but one Lord? Yes. Isaiah 45:18; Ephesians 4:5.

31. Does the Bible say that Christ is the Lord? Yes. Luke 2:11.

32. Does the Bible say that the Lord is God? Yes. I kings 18:39; Zechariah 14:5; Acts 2:39; Revelation 19:1.

33. How could the church belong to Jesus (Matthew 16:18) and yet be the church of God (I Corinthians 10:32)? Because Jesus is God in the flesh.

34. Will God give His glory to another? No. Isaiah 42:8.

35. Was there a God formed before Jehovah, or will there be one formed after? No. Isaiah 43:10.

36. What is one thing that God does not know? Another God. Isaiah 44:8.

37. What is one thing that God Cannot do? Lie. Titus 1:2.

38. How many Gods should we know? Only one. Hosea 13:4.

39. How many names has the Lord? One. Zechariah 14:9.

40. Is it good to think upon the name of the Lord? Yes. Malachi 3:16.

41. Does the Bible say that God alone treads upon the waves of the sea? Yes. Job 9:8

42. Why, then, was Jesus able to walk upon the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14:25)? Because He is God the Creator. Colossians 1:16.

43. Is God the only one who can forgive sin? Yes. Isiah 43:25; Mark 2:7.

44. Why, then, could Jesus forgive sin in Mark 2:5-11? Because He is God the Savior.

45. Is Jesus the true God? Yes. I John 5:20.

46. If God and the Holy Ghost are two separate persons, which was the Father of Christ? Matthew 1:20 says that the Holy Ghost was the Father, while Romans 15:6, II Corinthians 11:31, and Ephesians 1:3 say that God was the Father. There is no contradiction when we realize that God the Father and the Holy Ghost are one and the same Spirit. Matthew 10:20; Ephesians 4:4; I Corinthians 3:16.

47. When Paul asked the Lord who He was, what was the answer? "I am Jesus." Acts 9:5.

48. When Stephen was dying, did he call God Jesus? Yes. Acts 7:59.

49. Did Thomas ever call Jesus God? Yes. John 20:28.

50. How could Jesus be the Savior, when God the Father said in Isaiah 43:11, "Beside me there is no Savior?" Because "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself." II Corinthians 5:19.

51. Does the Bible say that Jesus was God with us? Yes. Matthew 1:23.

52. Did Jesus ever say, "I and my Father are one?" Yes. John 10:30.

53. Can it be proved scripturally that Jesus and the Father are one in the same sense that husband and wife are one? No. The Godhead was never compared to the relationship of a husband and wife. Jesus identified Himself with the Father in a way that husband and wife cannot be identified with each other. John 14:9-11.

54. Does the Bible say that there is only one wise God? Yes. Jude 25.

55. Does the Bible call the Holy Ghost a second or third person in the Godhead? No. The Holy Ghost is the one Spirit of God, the one God Himself at work in our lives. John 4:24; I Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19; 12:13.

56. Can Trinitarians show that three divine persons were present when Jesus was baptized by John? Absolutely not. The one, omnipresent God used three simultaneous manifestations. Only one divine person was present--Jesus Christ the Lord.

57. Then what were the other two of whom Trinitarians speak? One was a voice from heaven; the other was the Spirit of God in the form of a dove. Matthew 3:16-17.

58. What did the voice say at Jesus' baptism? "Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Mark 1:11. As the Son of God, Jesus was the one God incarnate.

59. Does the Bible say that God shed His blood and that God laid down His life for us? Yes. Acts 20:28; I John 3:16. God was able to do this because He had taken upon Himself a human body.

60. The Bible says that God is coming back with all his saints (Zechariah 14:5) and also that Jesus is coming back with all his saints (I Thessalonians 3:13). Are two coming back? No. Only one is coming back--our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13.

no photo
Fri 09/28/07 03:15 PM

The fact that Jesus talked to the Father throughout His life on Earth tells me that they have distinct minds and are not one being as we understand it.

MrRight2008's photo
Fri 09/28/07 04:19 PM
Jesus Christ was all man, yet all God. the FLESH still had to pray and be under subjection to the Spirit.

Britty's photo
Fri 09/28/07 04:40 PM
time out brothers.

I hope you do not object to that, but I believe both of you are very good christian men who love the Lord.

I have come to realize that the Holy Spirit teaches us new things as we spend time in the Word, and as we are able to accept it. Not every christian is at the same place in their spiritual walk. I believe God will get us all there in His time.

I believe both of you gentlemen know that salvation comes through Jesus. Would He want you to love one another or fight?
You both love Him.

I used to worry tremendously about things like which day is the sabbath. You know what, I realized whilst I was worrying about that I was not focused on God, the one that matters.

I hope that makes sense, would not wish to offend.

God loves you.

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