Topic: ok can anyone answer this | |
Why did J. Smith wait so long to publish what was given to him by “God?”
Funny how these gold plates just came out of nowhere, just when Smith happened to need them? Are some Mormons made up these supposed “lost tribes of Israel?” Couldn’t Joseph Smith have come up with a biblical name for his church? How is it that a book that was supposed to have been written almost 1400 years before it was published, had all the questions and topics they had been talking about in New York for the last 10 years? Why were the “plates” returned to heaven, and why did only a few get to see them? Could it be that they just didn’t exist in the first place? With over 3200 grammatical changes made, of which 100 changed the meaning in the text; how is it that you can claim truth? God explicitly says in His word, that His words never change nor are we to change them. Wouldn’t this apply to your Book of Mormon, hasn’t it been discredited? John the Baptist visited Joseph Smith? Isn't it funny how Peter, James and John also happened to show up a few weeks later? Nowhere in the Bible does it mention any prophecy where these 4 men are supposed to show themselves. Why did Smith fail to mention the high priests, high counselors, and presidents when he had his revelation? Did he forget to add them? Who added them and by what right, and are they a prophet too? Did Smith not realize that when he referred to Elijah and Elias that they were the same person? Even a rudimentary knowledge of the Old Testament would give him that. What exactly were the parts of the Bible that had been taken away by the corrupt church? (Do you realize that when they found the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947, that they were written in the Massoretic text? The King James Bible was right on target because that is what it is based on. Now that you know that, how do you look back and not condemn what Smith did to the Bible by taking away and adding to it!) Why did it take Smith nearly 47 years to restore the corrupted parts of the bible? Shouldn’t that have been his first priority, or did he not think of it till then? What was a mummy doing with a traveling showman, and how did it happen to be carrying a piece of papyrus written by Abraham? How is it that that the papyrus had not deteriorated at all? How did Smith read it, did he just unroll the thing and start reading? The year 1820 when Smith received his “vision” plus 56 years makes the time 1876 when Christ would come back. Or did the countdown begin when he published his works? So was Christ to come back in 1932? At any rate, Christ should have come back by now, according to his predictions. How can a prophet be right one time but be off for another, aren’t prophets judged according to their accuracy when they say, “Thus saith the Lord.” This alone should discredit Smith entirely! A prophet needs an accuracy rate of 100%. According to Smith’s “revelation,” destruction was coming; so what happened to that prediction? Smith said that Independence was the place to be, but got kicked out. Then he said that Far West was the place to go. Then the place was a city named Nauvoo, only to get killed in that city. If he was in communication with God as he claimed, why was he kicked out of three cities? Did God make a mistake, or was it that Smith was acting on his own and not even hearing from God? |
hadn’t realized that the Garden of Eden was in the middle of Missouri? How did he come up with that conclusion? It was Brigham Young who led them into the Salt Lake Valley, who was he? Was this the 4th place that God told them to go, or was it just out of desperation of not being able to find something? You’ll notice in the Bible, that God mentions the land of Canaan as the land of milk and honey. God sticks with this decision never wavering, eventually the children of Israel make it there; and that God didn't take them anywhere else. The track record for Joseph Smith and company is not good, as they have made constant changes. I propose, if it were God’s will, there would have been no changes. What about all the splits inside the Mormon church? One faction does not recognize the plurality of gods or polygamy. Another chooses to ignore official material put forth by Smith, changing the theology and making Smith a “fallen prophet.” Polygamy, I find it funny how it was a man who came up with the idea and not a woman? If Smith had been born a female, would he have agreed to polygamy? Would it not more accurate to say that Joseph Smith had a strong libido and thought that he might as well take it as far as he could! Where does Smith arrive at the conclusions that the Son is the Father, but later change it to Father and Son being 2 separate beings? I thought that a revelation had come to him, so why change the Godhead? God is not like that, He says something and it stands, God never changes His mind! Achieving Godhood? Not a term found in Bible. Just how does one go about creating “spirit children?” Are they in the flesh, do you get to see them? If Smith knew that Elohim meant plural, how did he misunderstand the quote in Genesis 1:26 when God talks about making man in “our” image. That meant that Jesus existed then! Jesus created Adam, walked with him in the garden, so how did Adam procreate with Mary? Did Smith forget that Adam had died long before that? When did God the Father ever adopt a physical body? How did Smith arrive at that conclusion, what scripture was used to back it up? How did Jesus become a “spirit child?” It is blasphemous to say that Jesus was the product of anything else but the Holy Spirit. No one knows where heaven exists! How did Smith come up with the name Kolob? If God wanted us to know what planet He lived on, you would think that He would have mentioned it in somewhere in the Bible? Did Smith believe in reincarnation too? I thought that it was only your mom and dad that decided what race and hence what color you were to be? Why would God go against the word He has given us and tell us that we can be saved by works? Salvation comes by grace through faith and is not anything we do! (Ephesians 2:8-9) So where did Smith get this idea that salvation comes by striving to reach the highest degree of glory, to godhood itself? |
Did God tell Smith that he must go through baptism and other temple ceremonies on behalf of his dead relative’s spirits, so that they would be released from prison and onward to exaltation? How did Smith ever come up with that?
According to Smith, Godhood was dependent on a man’s ability to produce innumerable children throughout eternity. Having multiple wives made this job easier, and I don’t think that there was one Mormon man complaining about all the sex he was having with his wives. Is it any wonder why Mormonism was so popular? Smith has done what he himself said he was going to fix, the corruption of the Bible! He has contaminated the Bible by adding and subtracting scripture as he has seen fit. He has committed blasphemy by claiming to speak for God, when it was proven time and again that there was no divine guidance behind him. He has made a mockery of the Bible by saying that Adam was God, that Jesus and the Father are one, that Jesus and the Father possess flesh and bone bodies, that Jesus was a spirit child made by Adam and Mary not the Holy Spirit. Joseph Smith will stand and be judged for all those he has led astray by his false teachings! Beware that you do not accept blindly what is taught you, but that you question everything according to the bible to see that it stands! Let me tell you a story... There was a man who wanted a bear skin rug for his home. So he picked up his umbrella and went into the woods and when he saw a bear, pointed the umbrella at it and yelled, "bang!" The bear fell down dead and the man got his bear skin rug. If I told you a story like that, you would have a hard time believing me, and yet this is precisely what Joseph Smith, the author of Mormonism wants you and I to believe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The god of Mormonism is indeed a very busy man; according to Joseph Smith, this Mormon god is having endless sex with his wives on the planet Kolob and the spirit babies produced are sent to earth. The number of babies born on earth is expected to increase to approximately 94,348,800 for the year 2004. According to these statistics, the god of Mormonism is having sex with three women every second in order to keep up with the number of babies being born here on earth! Amount of babies being produced by the god of Mormonism! 94,348,800 / 52 Weeks = 1,814,400 every Week 1,814,400 / 7 Days = 259,200 every Day 259,200 / 24 Hours = 10,800 every Hour 10,800 / 60 Minutes = 180 every Minute 180 / 60 Seconds = 3 every Second There are 3 babies born every second on earth. |
I understand that you are very interested in Mormonism. It is obviously a HUGE issue for you and I respect that, however, I wonder if you could just keep one thread going on this topic at a time? It becomes confusing and, speaking for myself, overwhelming to have so many posts about what is basically the same topic going at the same time. Thanks. ![]() |
just more facts
So did you use to be Mormon?
yes i was can you tell i asked all these questions to the elders and the bishop i couldnt get an answer they said i was being disrespectful and un faithful i shoulnt have these thought i shough go and pray
From wnat I have seen of your posting I honestly don't believe you were a member of the LDS church. You have posted far to many things that were in left field for me to believe. As of yet you have not shown me scripture nor any doctrine to support very much of what you posted. It seems you feel that you were mislead somewhere, and as for whether or not you were shown the path that the majority of Mormons follow. You can make any claim you wish however until I see where you found the so-called beliefs you have posted in the last week or so I will have to resist calling a spade a spade, or a Mormon a Mormon. I believe you know of what I mean. I ask you to stop posting the deciet you have posted in the last week or so, your posts have been walking a fine line of lies and deciet from what I have seen. It would be nice if you were to read the Forum rules of bashing and of attacking without cause, and doing so to try and get someone like me booted from these forums for calling you something other than honest. Have a Nice evening ![]() ![]() ![]() G |
ask anything i will show you in the lds doctrine were to find it
Show me where Joseph Smith had 48 wives?
Show me Why polygamy was started in the LDS Faith, and why the Church decided to use polygamy in the early days. Show me One of the Ten commandments that are not followed by the Mormon Faith. Show me One scripture that backs your statement that the Mormons do not believe in the Bible. Show me one One place that it states Joseph Smith wore a hat during his translations. Show me How much stock the church has in Alcoholic beverages or Caffienated products. Show me where in the Bible or the Book of Mormon what heaven is like and how it is structured. This one should be real easy if you were Mormon, How is the Hierarchy of the LDS faith Structured? IE Priesthood, and offices of the Mormon faith.... I will go over your statements of beliefs if you wish however I think this should be enough for a few hours of reading for our fellow members of this forum. ![]() Oh and by the way it would be easy to fabricate some of your information, people have been doing it for eons. Ever heard of the spanish inquisition? That was one of the Biggest lies ever perpetrated by any religion. ![]() G |
Oh this is too good to pass up, where did you find this one?
God is having kids. Surrounded by what must be 1,000 or more wives, God is having little spirit babies which will inhabit the people born on the earth. The number of babies this requires Him to produce daily is incredible! No explanation is given why their God of flesh and bone, having babies through physical sexual contact with his wives, has only spirit babies. They teach that Mary married God to have Jesus (or else He would have been illegitimate) and then divorced him to marry Joseph. Mormon scripture consists of four books. They are: (1) The Book of Mormon (2) Doctrine and Covenants (3) Pearl of Great Price and (4) The Bible (in that order). The first three books seriously contradict the Bible. Mormons often ignore the Bible, claiming it is "mis-translated. Excuse me Sir, since the Bible has been translated from a dead language to god knows how many other languages before it was finally translated into English, it seems to me that the Bible's translations at best have been questioned by scholars for centuries. Just because the LDS make a statement that "We Believe the Bible to be the Word of God as Far as it IS Translated Correctly" Does that make the leaders beliefs any different than the scholars that have questioned the Bible for Centuries? As For you order of importance, I am amazed. Rarely do the leaders or anyone else in the LDS faith put an order of importance. You contradict yourself, you tell us there is an order of importance yet The ten commandments are at the top of the list of importance and these commandments are in the Bible the last time I looked. ![]() ![]() ![]() G |
There are many Gods. Brigham Young-Journal of Discourses 7:333 "How many Gods there are, I do not know. But there never was a time when there were not Gods.
the bible says There is only one God. (Dt 6:4; 33:26-27; Isa 43:10; 45:5; 46:9; 1Ti 2:5)
God the Father is an exalted man (a man who has progressed to godhood) with a body of flesh and bones.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1973 ed., p. 346 - "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man...I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in a form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." D & C 130:22 "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also." bible says The Bible is most explicit in stating that God is not a man (Nu 23:19; 1Sa 15:29; Hos 11:9). God the Father, the eternal God is Spirit (Isa 55:8-9; 6:1-5; 57:15; Pss 90:2; 113:5-6; 123:1; Jn 4:24: 8:23) Jesus said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones (Lk 24:39) |
God the Father has a wife, through whom he procreates spirit children.
"Implicit in the Christian verity that all men are the spirit children of an Eternal Father is the usually unspoken truth that they are also the offspring of an Eternal Mother. An exalted and glorified Man of Holiness (Moses 6:57) could not be a Father unless a Woman of like glory, perfection, and holiness was associated with him as a Mother" (Mormon Doctrine, 1977 ed., p. 516) bible says The Godhead determined to make man in their image, not to procreate spirit children (Ge 1:26). Nowhere does Scripture even hint at the existence of an Eternal Mother |
mormon doctrine God is not a uniquely eternal being. All spirit is self-existent matter and is eternal (without beginning or end). Such "matter (called intelligences) sometimes becomes organized into a spirit being through birth to celestial parents. Then that spirit is born through human parents on earth. Like all people, God took this course and eventually reached Godhood.
God would stop being God if intelligences stopped supporting him as God. (D&C 93:29, 33; Abraham 3:18-23; Mormon Doctrine, 1977 ed. p. 751) bible says God is not God unless He is all-powerful, all knowing, absolutely in charge. If God exists only as God because of support given from other intelligent forms, He is not God at all (Isa 44:6; Ro 3:4; Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13) God is unchangingly omnipotent, and no purpose of His can be thwarted. He is not overruled by anyone (Ge 17:1; Job 36:22-23; 42:2; Isa 14:26-27; 40:13-14; Jer 32:27; Mt 19:26; Lk 1:37; Ac 17:24-25; Rev 19: |
mormon doctrine Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be" (D&C 93:29)
Life, intelligence, mind, the 'light of truth' , or whatever name one gives to the center of the personality of man, is an uncreated, eternally existent, indestructible entity...In the first stage, man was an eternally existent being termed an intelligence...The next realm where man dwelt was the spirit world....eternally-existing intelligences were clothed with spirit bodies...numerous sons and daughters were begotten and born of heavenly parents into that eternal family in the spirit world" (The Gospel Through the ages, pp.126-127 bible saysMan is a finite being, not an eternal one. The first man Adam was created at a specific point in time (Ge 1:26-27; 2:7; 1Co 15:45-49). Man did not exist in the beginning when God was creating the universe, for if he had, God's question to Job would have made no sense (Job 38:4). Man was created lower than the angels, so that David wondered why God is even mindful of him (Ps 8:3-5; 144:3). Not a single verse in the Bible suggests that God has a wife, but Isaiah 44:24 explicitly says that the Lord made all things by Himself. Moreover, several passages in Isaiah indicate that there is only one God and there is none beside Him (44:8; 45:6) or like Him (46:9). |
mormon "...these spirit children were organized, possessing divine, eternal, and godlike attributes, inherited from their Heavenly Father and Mother. There in the spirit world they were reared to maturity, becoming grown spirit men and women prior to coming upon this earth" (The Gospel Through the Ages, p. 127).
"Jesus is man's spiritual brother. We dwelt with Him in the spirit world as members of that large society of eternal intelligences, which included our Heavenly Parents and all the personages who have become mortal beings upon this earth or who ever shall come here to dwell...Jesus was the 'firstborn,' and so He is our eldest brother" (Ibid., p.21) |
bible Jesus was and is Almighty God from everlasting to everlasting. He is the creator of all that exists and is "firstborn" over all creation in the sense that He is the preeminent originator of life and the universe (Mic 5:2; Ps 90:2; Jn 1:1-3; Ac 3:14-15; Col 1:16-17; Heb 1:2). This meaning for the word "firstborn" can be understood by comparing Genesis 41:51-52, which states that Manasseh was Joseph's "firstborn" son while Ephraim was the second, with Jeremiah 31:9, where God calls Ephraim the "firstborn." Obviously, "firstborn" does not always mean the one literally born first.
mormon Death and sin came through the fall of Adam and Eve. But their deed was not actually a "sin." It was really a blessing because it enabled man to continue progressing on toward eternal life. "They (the Christian world) have been long taught that Adam and Eve were great transgressors...We, the children of Adam....should rejoice with them, that through their fall and the atonement of Jesus Christ, the way of eternal life has been opened up to us" (Articles of Faith, p. 476)