Topic: When Thinking About Marrying a Non-Believer | |
If you're thinking about marrying a non-believer, here are some future questions you may have to answer. by Shana Schutte Following Christ is the most important decision you'll ever make. The next most important decision? Choosing a mate who shares your faith and who will support you in your spiritual growth. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Apostle Paul says that believers should not "be unequally yoked with non-believers." While it's true that this passage does not specifically mention marriage, it does refer to being bound in a relationship with another person—no relationship is more binding than marriage. The picture of two oxen bound (or yoked) together is often used to explain this Scripture. The oxen must pull in the same direction. Otherwise, they will fight with one another and experience exhaustion. The same is true of two people who marry but don't share a common faith. Like the oxen pulling in different directions, a couple who doesn't share a Godly foundation will clash and experience conflict. Perhaps you're not convinced yet, and you wonder, Two people enjoy one another and are mutually attracted, so that's enough to sustain the relationship, right? Absolutely not. If you're thinking about marrying a non-believer, here are some questions you may be faced with answering in the future: Who will the come first, Christ or your husband? And how will you explain—and help him understand—this? Will your spouse's indifference to God affect your own spiritual growth? How will you explain to your spouse how God guides your decisions if he/she does not know Him? What if you believe that God wants you to accomplish something together as a couple? What if God leads you to stop practicing a particular habit? Will your mate understand? Will she think you're being unreasonable, especially since "everyone else is doing it"? If you have children, will your mate agree to let you raise them to know Christ? Will he object when you want to take the kids to church and/or Christian functions? Will your spouse's unbelief hinder your children and grandchildren from trusting in Christ and, ultimately, affect their eternal destiny? When you and your spouse have a disagreement, will your mate have the capacity to forgive? (After all, forgiveness is often a choice that many people find difficult even with God in their lives.) Even well-meaning Christians can fall into the trap of marrying non-believers. The most important piece of advice is that saying he knows Christ doesn't mean he has a relationship with Him. Marriage based on a common faith is for our benefit, blessing and protection. God wants what is absolutely best for you. Make the decision to follow Him and allow Him to help you find the right mate for you. |
I think marrying a non-believer would cause miscommunication and strife.
Yes, I turned down dating a couple of Men, because they had no Real faith in Christ.
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Sun 09/01/13 04:24 PM
Excellent post, ToodyGirl!
BTW, is that from the show Car 54, where are you? The character Gunther Toody. Loved his character! It's hard to find a believer, especially in today's brainwashed, anything goes society. I look at a number of women's profiles. Agnostic, Non-religious. These people are just looking for a party, and to shack up with someone. And for non-believer type men, a quick lay. I hope either I can meet a lady off here who is a believer, or meet one at church. It was difficult enough as a person who believed, but really didn't know enough about Christianity or the Bible to know that sex before marriage isn't ok. I was also shocked to find that a spouse that divorces another shouldn't marry or have sex with another person, until that other spouse dies. |
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Sun 09/01/13 04:57 PM
Excellent post, ToodyGirl! BTW, is that from the show Car 54, where are you? The character Gunther Toody. Loved his character! It's hard to find a believer, especially in today's brainwashed, anything goes society. I look at a number of women's profiles. Agnostic, Non-religious. These people are just looking for a party, and to shack up with someone. And for non-believer type men, a quick lay. I hope either I can meet a lady off here who is a believer, or meet one at church. It was difficult enough as a person who believed, but really didn't know enough about Christianity or the Bible to know that sex before marriage isn't ok. I was also shocked to find that a spouse that divorces another shouldn't marry or have sex with another person, until that other spouse dies. ![]() There are many single Christians out there looking for a Christian mate. Try other Christian sites, often times they work better than secular sites in match making a Christian. I have dated from other sites before coming to Mingle. We all are learning to walk with Jesus but with His help we can make it. Study your Scriptures and Pray for guideance. ![]() If a person divorces because of Adultry, they are free to remarry another Christian. Adultry frees a person from that marriage. (Matthew 19 Chapter 9 verse) NIV I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. |
Excellent post, ToodyGirl! BTW, is that from the show Car 54, where are you? The character Gunther Toody. Loved his character! It's hard to find a believer, especially in today's brainwashed, anything goes society. I look at a number of women's profiles. Agnostic, Non-religious. These people are just looking for a party, and to shack up with someone. And for non-believer type men, a quick lay. I hope either I can meet a lady off here who is a believer, or meet one at church. It was difficult enough as a person who believed, but really didn't know enough about Christianity or the Bible to know that sex before marriage isn't ok. I was also shocked to find that a spouse that divorces another shouldn't marry or have sex with another person, until that other spouse dies. ![]() There are many single Christians out there looking for a Christian mate. Try other Christian sites, often times they work better than secular sites in match making a Christian. I have dated from other sites before coming to Mingle. We all are learning to walk with Jesus but with His help we can make it. Study your Scriptures and Pray for guideance. ![]() If a person divorces because of Adultry, they are free to remarry another Christian. Adultry frees a person from that marriage. (Matthew 19 Chapter 9 verse) NIV I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Ahhh, got'cha! Ooooo-oooooo! ![]() ![]() I chose this site because it's free. Some others cost money, and they're not cheap. I'm on here primarily now for the forums, and the good people I've met while here. If I do meet someone here, then great. I'm trying hard. I was/still am a believer, but there are things I didn't know, and took for granted before. I also bought a Bible, which isn't in olde english, thankfully! ![]() other sites which are helping me to understand some of the verses and passages from the Bible itself. I also didn't think it was a big sin to please oneself. I didn't think God frowned upon that, if one was unmarried. I do remember now, how a woman can remarry if her or vice versa commits adultry. In any other circumstance, it is not permitted. |
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Tue 09/03/13 10:36 AM
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Tue 09/03/13 10:35 AM
I totally agree. I would not want to marry a non-believer. Its so hard to find a true Chistian guy to have a relationship with that eventually leads to marriage. I only plan on getting married once, no divorce. I want to fall in love and meet the right guy. I do believe God has someone special planned for all of us, who want to get married.
I totally agree. I would not want to marry a non-believer. Its so hard to find a true Chistian guy to have a relationship with that eventually leads to marriage. (Also I think marriage should be only done by a man and a woman, like it says in the bible. Sorry, nodbody is homophobic, and I dont make the rules.) It is tough, because over the last 40 some odd year, our parent's, through television and music, had been brainwashed into living a lifestyle that went against Christianity. And it still goes on til this very day. The bombardment of lust, sex and violence hitting people between the eyes on not just the TV anymore, but the internet. A lot of our parents,your GP starting from the hippie era in the 60's, may have come from Christian parent's, but they broke away to live the free love, do whatever you want lifestyle. We see the result today. And today is just the extension of "sin giving birth to sin". I grew up in a family, where my parent's had to go to church as kids, but broke away when they hit their teen years. I'm sorry I didn't get into the church when I was a kid, and stayed there. But hey, God has directed me toward doing the right things for him. |
Excellent post, ToodyGirl! BTW, is that from the show Car 54, where are you? The character Gunther Toody. Loved his character! I have dated from other sites before coming to Mingle. We all are learning to walk with Jesus but with His help we can make it. Study your Scriptures and Pray for guideance. ![]() If a person divorces because of Adultry, they are free to remarry another Christian. Adultry frees a person from that marriage. (Matthew 19 Chapter 9 verse) NIV I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. How did it go on these other pay date sites? Which one is the best? |
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Wed 09/11/13 12:24 PM
IHow did it go on these other pay date sites? Which one is the best? I had some real nice dates, that were planned out well. My dates all traveled here, Locally I didnt date anyone. Paid sites seem to match me up better, Men that Pay, usually don't waste time to find a date. lol I had two proposals in person, however, guys that are Christian sometimes do not always agree on Personal issues with a lady. So, I declined marriage or engagement. I am still talking with couple of Men I met thou. Friendships are nice. Mingle is FREE so I am here til I go back on a paid site. Some are expensive. But you heard the saying, " You get what You Pay for!" I am Older lady, I do not have time for ONLINE game players. I do not think we are to post other dates sites here. |
I don't think marrying an unbeliever is a great idea... All of God's creation according to Genesis were with their kind!
I agree. Much of the world is so brain washed. Its like people don't know how to think for themselves
Its difficult
In no way is this intended to bash on where someone is at in their walk or even bash on people outside our faith.
I married a non-believer. I never planned to. I fully valued friendship first, virginity, true love, etc. From age 19-23 life became so so so severely difficult and, by 23, that's when I became perfect prey for the enemy disguised -poorly, I might add- as a friend who was "seeking." He seemed so lost, and i wanted to give him a glimpse of God's love. I wanted to believe in him. I thought it was enough and that I could be enough. I also felt guilt for loosing my virginity to this man which really helped to keep me trapped. But only God is enough. Four years of abuse and adultery later, I have found the strength to walk away for good. I ask God, "why did it have to be him?" Why not the 3 guys right before him who weren't Christian and went MIA when I wouldn't give it up, but at LEAST were decent guys? What kind of trick. . .? God knows everything. He even knows when Ur starting to let the challenges of life create a hole instead of growth in Ur heart that u want to fill with another human being instead of Him first. I have found God to be incapable of letting His kids go. I'll get angry, but His truth absolutely refuses to leave me throughout this quarter life crisis. He wants the best for us if we are going to have a second love. Many things are trivial, but faith and the level that Ur at is fundamental when it comes to ur other half. |