Topic: 10 Reasons Why Women Date Jerks Over Nice Guys
bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:09 PM
i'll respect you in the morning while you are making me breakfast...ahhhh

Native_Grl39's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:24 PM
Bob then you and IRon should hook up!!!!!!!!!!!!

laugh :wink: huh bigsmile

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:25 PM
does he do muffins? i love blue berry muffins

TheShadow's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:31 PM
Well ill put it this way. With out jerks there would be one less things for you guys to complain about laugh hell if a girl likes a jerk, thats her fault and for any guy to complain about it, is because he can't have her. SO move on people. The Jerk topic is worn out...

TheShadow's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:32 PM
Oh hell, it's spey. Ops, forgot BOB laugh

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:34 PM
i'll take a nice guy over a jerk any day!!!!
some romantic gentleman that tells me i am beautiful and special every day is more of a challenge for me!!
i would want to make him feel special every day in return

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:36 PM
reaches for the barf bag in the compartment in front of him

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:37 PM
was that for me?

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:50 PM
i am special.....puts on his little bike helmet and gets on the bus...

soundedmind's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:53 PM
Oh yeah?
Well... I think... you're all jerks!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


Hadeeya's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:55 PM
Sounds like women date jerks for the same reasons men date B*tches


soundedmind's photo
Sat 09/01/07 03:57 PM
For money and potato soup?

no photo
Sat 09/01/07 04:30 PM
yuc..potatoe soup..rather have french onion... after all I've been trying to erase that "jerk come hither" all my life!

no photo
Sat 09/01/07 04:35 PM
I'll date for soup....It beats standing in those long lines at the missionlaugh laugh laugh

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 09/01/07 05:21 PM
really? soup at the mission? damn, i been getting bread and water

no photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:07 PM
don't waste my time on jerks
time is a precious commodity..
have known my share of jerks, but will invest none of MY time with them

misery1983's photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:18 PM
so thtas y i am alone im 2 nice mayb i should try being a jerk any advice on how?

no photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:19 PM
jwaddy knows what he talking about :)

no girl wants to date a nice guy who is pushover...does what she says, agrees what she says, u know...women get bored...they crave drama and will start fights on purpose to see if you will put them in their place.

no photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:20 PM
We don't want a complete pushover...we need to respect them.....but they should give us what we want about 98% of the time!!!!:tongue: laugh

texasrose9's photo
Sat 09/01/07 08:07 PM
I'd take the nice guy any day. I think women like men who exude confidence, and unfortunately, there's some jerks in that category. A woman is attracted to a man who is assertive and stimulating. There are certainly nice guys in that category, too.Bottom line...a woman wants a man who will stimulate her passions and imagination and who will appreciate her as a woman.
It only takes a few go arounds with the "jerk" type of personality to make a woman look for something else entirely nice guys don't have to give up....some might just have to "rev" it up a little.