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Topic: 10 Reasons Why Women Date Jerks Over Nice Guys
iRon's photo
Mon 08/27/07 01:36 AM

1. Its more fun to complain about the jerk to her friends.

2. Guys who actually like her just aren't challenging or exciting.

3. When she does date nice guys, she turns them into jerks anyway, so why not save time and go for the jerk in the first place?

4. She won't get as emotionally attached to a jerk so being treated like crap is less painful.

5. All the other women want them, so they must be worth having.

6. Affection means more when you have to beg for it, or wait your turn to get it. Getting affection form a nice guy who is there waiting to give it is not a challenge and not as rewarding.

7. Being cheated on by a jerk adds drama to ones life. Not being cheated on is boring and safe and there is no fun in that.

8. No need to feel guilty for abusing or deceiving a jerk they deserve it. Abusing or deceiving a nice guy that has treated them with respect and kindness is just to guilt ridden.

9. Jerks will actually tell her when they don't like something and make her feel like crap about it now. Nice guys will take their time and try to talk to her like a normal person and resolve the issue with kindness and understanding and there is just no fun in that and a woman are incapable of understand acts of kindness anyway.

10. Marring someone she can't trust and will abuse her mentally, physically and financially gives her a chance to meet another jerk with money, THE LAWYER.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Mon 08/27/07 03:48 AM
and you make this sound like a bad thing...

jwaddy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:01 AM
jerks spark the same response in women as supermodels do in men.

attraction isn't a choice. try being a semi-jerk, with the attitude but without the cheating, lying, dishonesty, etc. women don't like pushovers, like being told when they grind your gears, and want you to tell em to get their own stuff instead of getting it for them. be a challenge!

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:10 AM
Here's the deal: jerk + jerk = jerk

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:34 AM
I'll take a nice guy over a jerk any day...

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:32 AM
How come all the jerks always "claim" to be nice guys???? Is it because they have no idea they are jerks??? Thank god I point it out to them!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Tneal's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:36 AM
There are times that Jerks are nice guys in Jerks clothing.

These are reasons we have our girl friends, and credit check programs... laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

sherry4382's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:42 AM
Now i know why i dated jerks....jeesh :tongue:

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:44 AM
I think women are more quick to see a guy as a jerk, because it helps some of them NOT TO SEE THEM SELVES as one.
And I think Women are quicker to TAG a dude than guys are to TAG a women,,as WOMEN TALK ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS MORE to EACH other than guys do..
This is not a bad thing, just what I have seen in some.

Guys when asked about a lady will just say "she's ok,just not one for me"..

Where SOME women will say, "GIRL" That man has some BIG issues"

Or WOMEN says, THAT GUY WAS SOOOOO, blaw, blaw, blaw,,,lol

Some women HAVE to give other women more details as to how THEY seen their MAN....

And the word LOSER, I think started from a women to women conversation, lol
Lets face it, how many guys say "MAN, SHE WAS SUCH A LOSER"!,lol

But YES, I KNOW,,,some guys are also guilty of this same tagging or talking problem.....bigsmile :heart:

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:49 AM
I work with a couple of men who gossip more than most women!!! I think they are really women dressed up as men though..:wink:

sherry4382's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:52 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Tneal's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:56 AM

Redmond2007's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:58 AM
The reason why most women date jerks is because they are so jaded they don,t know the difference.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 08/27/07 10:59 AM
Tneal now you KNOW thats right! laugh laugh laugh

jwaddy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 11:55 AM
i think a lot of women date jerks because they appear to be "top dawg" or alpha male among their friends. they tend to be the ones with the confidence and leadership to take over and get stuff done. a lot of women love the thrill with being around the best of their group, and assume he'll naturally be the best of her group as well.

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 11:58 AM
I think you could be right about the alpha male where is my beta man???:wink: laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 11:58 AM
This should be in the jokes forum...LOL..sorry i had enought of jerks in my ready for a nice guy...

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 12:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

VERY TRUE H-GURL.....:heart: bigsmile flowerforyou

jwaddy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 12:18 PM
gypsylaugh laugh

the best of both worlds is to find that encouraging compassionate leader who'll take charge but treat his followers, including you, with respect. they're rare, but every once in a while you'll catch one. i see them around, usually the high-up managers who aren't pricks, but also the ones who aren't pushovers.

not "i need this done, and i need this done now, or your balls will be served to my dog"

not "ok, i'd love if you could possibly do this, pretty please? there's no rush at all, i really like it if you could put it on my desk in the next seventeen months and it doesn't have to be perfect. here, let me get you a coffee while you get started."

how about "hey, i'll give you something you're good at. i'll show you how to do it now, and if you get it on my desk by lunch i'll treat you to my favorite place so you can explain where you think we should go from here on this project. i'm counting on you."

iRon's photo
Mon 08/27/07 08:49 PM
I thought of another reason why women date jerks. We will call this one #11

Daddy did not treat her or her mother so well when she was a little girl.

No guidance of what respect is, unconditional love is or being treated like a human being is.

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