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Ann Coulter is rarely subtle- her "illegal immigrants are all horrible people" argument is as transparent and logically flawed as most of her arguments have always been. I can find a bunch of redheaded rapists if I try hard enough- does that mean all redheads are rapists? Hmmmm...
And as for the many who ask, "how can you have any sympathy for someone who is doing something illegal?" Personally, it's easy for me to sympathize with illegal immigrants because I live in Miami. We have boats of desperate, dehydrated, sometimes dead or dying, sick or injured Haitians and Cubans in our waters every month or more. Their only "illegal" action is having no other options. How can I not have sympathy for someone who longs for freedom with such passion that they are willing to risk a likely death for just a *chance* to be here? Wasn't that what this country was founded on- liberty or death? These people are willing to put that phrase into practice. |
My point was that it was an article written by Ann Coulter, just like I pointed out in the first line. But ignoring that, yes, it was a list of crimes that wouldn't have happened if those people had been deported. What's wrong with pointing that out? They are here illegally in the first place, if we enforced our own immigration policy, those people wouldn't be dead and wouldn't have been molested.
it also surprises you quoted somebody who wrote a book like "church of liberalism"
Or, alternatively, we could just do a better job of locking up killers, rapists and molesters- no matter where they came from, etc.
You know, concentrate on criminals that have actually harmed others? Not on fruit pickers and busboys.... |
"I'd bet you've never been through a serious illness, so you're blowing secondhand smoke about things with which you have no experience. "
I have made no effort to hide the fact that I have been sick for years with an undiagnosed illness. I haven't talked about it in detail before, but I'll tell you the condensed version. I have been to many doctors. One doctor put me on a powerful anti-biotic for one month, that anti-biotic has a rare side effect of causing arthritis, which I experianced. I'm 34 years old and I have trouble standing up from sitting or laying down. It's hard to walk some days and I live on pain killers. Another drug they gave me made it so that I react to sunlight by getting painful blisters on my exposed skin. That side effect is supposed to fade with time, but I've been off the medicine for over a year and the last time I took my kids to the zoo resulted in about 20-30 small blisters on my arms. I still have my original, undiagnosed illness, which causes fevers, chills, hot flashes, sweats, pains and swollen lymphnodes in my neck, groin and arm pits. I am always exhausted, so I don't do much more than go to work and lay in my bed at home. It's August now and I have used all of my sick time, all of my personal time and 1/2 my vacation to take time off due to my illness. My immune system has been so weakened by the drugs and illness that I have had an ear infection for about three months now. I get colds at the drop of a hat and this is one of the rare weeks that I haven't had earaches and a sore throat. I've had about a dozen HIV tests in the past three years. In the past three years, I have had mononeucleosis, epidydmitis and shingles in addition to dozens of colds and my other undiagnosed illness. My left testicle is swollen to 1.5 x it's normal size and is mostly scar tissue. I have a varicocele which for most people doesn't cause pain, but mine is so bad that I was supposed to have surgery to remove the vein, which would have killed my left testicle. So yeah, I know a little bit about being sick. But I still think that our healthcare system is pretty good, because I don't believe that any other country's doctors would have had any more luck at diagnosing me. |
anoasis said: "You know, concentrate on criminals that have actually harmed others? Not on fruit pickers and busboys.... "
============================================================== Because Mexicans can only be fruit pickers and busboys? Seems like they have more potential than that, but all I hear from the left is that they are fruit pickers and busboys. ============================================================== TheLonelyWalker said: "it also surprises you quoted somebody who wrote a book like "church of liberalism" " ============================================================== I like Ann Coulter and I enjoyed that book. |
i still struggle to understand what position she stands for
Spider- I certainly didn't say or mean "mexicans"- most of the illegals here are haitians, cubans, other caribean islanders and south americans.
But you do have a point that I should have been more specific re occupations- I was in a hurry and sloppy to say: "fruit pickers and busboys" without being clear that those were just 2 examples of the many 100's of useful occupations undertaken by non-violent illegal immigrants. Of course, although I was sloppy, i was no where near as specious in my arguments as Ann Coulter was and I certainly wasn't trying to get my brief spur of the moment thought published... there is or should be a higher standard for published works than for a random thought posted to a sight such as this, don't you think? |
Spider- sorry to hear you have been so very ill, my sympathys to you and I will pray that your pain eases...
Tell me who cares more about illegal aliens. Someone who wants illegal aliens to live off the books, getting paid less than minimum wage, with no benefits and no retirement plan. Basically living as slaves, but the benefit for the employers is that the illegals actually want to work for their employers. Of course, they are encouraged to never learn English, so they can't read or write, so they are forced into manual backbreaking work. -OR- Someone who wants illegal aliens to go back home and return legally, so that they can get good jobs and be treated like humans rather than slaves. Legal immigration requires that they learn English, so that they can compete with the natives and actually succeed in our nation. Which one cares more? |
why do they need to go back if they can do all what u r saying being here. It's cheaper for everybody. |
Because we only want those who have gone through the immigration process. Criminals aren't allowed to immigrat, no matter how many children they have in our country. We have enough crime already. We also want to know what illnesses they have. We have wiped out Smallpox, but it still appears in some countries. We have almost wiped out Malaria, but it still shows up from time to time. There are also diseases like drug resistant TB, which is extremely deadly. There is also the fact that we are a country that is ruled by laws and allowing illegals to receive amnesty would be an insult to the millions who immigrated legally. |
was an insult what happened in 80's when they gave amnesty to all those people who were illegals? i'm seeing and understanding your points. BTW i did not know you were sick, I hope you are much better now. May our Lord bless you and provide you with health. |
"was an insult what happened in 80's when they gave amnesty to all those people who were illegals?" Yes. It also set an unfair precident, which causes illegal immigrants today to expect the same treatment. But two wrongs don't make a right, we need a real change to policy that addresses the issues with immigration. The process needs to be improved and streamlined, because we need immigrants as our economy grows. I feel we need to make the immigration process more accessable to lower income foreigners who are looking to better themselves, but I don't think we should allow or encourage illegal immigration. I think Reagan was a great president, but he failed on immigration and terrorism. He was right on the economy and he dealed well with the nations who threatened us, but he did have his faults. |
SpiderCMB writes:
"So yeah, I know a little bit about being sick. But I still think that our healthcare system is pretty good, because I don't believe that any other country's doctors would have had any more luck at diagnosing me." I'm probably still alive and healthy because other country's doctors pioneered the techniques to treat my somewhat rare condition. Something on which one can't depend on a capitalist-based system to do (there's no big payoff at the end of the rainbow), so you can perhaps understand my POV. You seem awfully loyal to a system that's basically failed you-- perhaps you're taking a fatalist view of the situation. I can certainly understand that. Apparently, though, you have one of the higher tiered health plans through an employer with some clout, because you haven't related the types of the horror stories I and other people have been through with insurance companies. There's nothing like having a insurance company **** you around and take risks with your health to quickly sour a person on the Republican's <cough> compassionate conservativsm <cough> brand of for-profit. medicine. I'm sorry, but there are some things that just shouldn't fall under the purview of bean counters. The American people were very wise not to fall for Bush's disingenuous Social Security shell game. Some day soon I predict they're going to demand better from the PTBs for their healthcare. -Kerry O. |