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Topic: Ladies A Question
GLrider's photo
Wed 06/26/13 08:12 PM

But also...it's not realistic to think that anyone over 40 is EVER going to look like they did in high school. noway

So quit looking at the pictures of your football days...it just aint gonna happen. slaphead rofl

We can still be fit though. :thumbsup:

Not so. Granted, I'm thinning on top, and I'm sporting a few wrinkles, but I'm still a 34 waist.

And high school was just a mere 39 years ago.

1Cynderella's photo
Wed 06/26/13 08:35 PM
Edited by 1Cynderella on Wed 06/26/13 08:37 PM

But also...it's not realistic to think that anyone over 40 is EVER going to look like they did in high school. noway

So quit looking at the pictures of your football days...it just aint gonna happen. slaphead rofl

We can still be fit though. :thumbsup:

Not so. Granted, I'm thinning on top, and I'm sporting a few wrinkles, but I'm still a 34 waist.

And high school was just a mere 39 years ago.
Okay then there are more exceptions here than I expected. All the men I know who were in athletic shape in high school tell me it's not possible once you gain weight to ever go back to THAT shape again. They are obviously wrong. My bad, fellas. flowerforyou

What do I know, I'm a girl listening to boys make excuses for why they want to get back to buff, but can't. laugh

ridewytepony's photo
Wed 06/26/13 10:19 PM

I am good with safety pins.

Just sayin...suck it up and wedge back into that micro mini....I am good with it.

Yeah, the time I actually tried that ended badly. whoa

Let's just say it started lying on the bed with a wire hanger and ended with a stuck zipper and pair of scissors.

If you're confused, just ask any woman who wore skin tight jeans in the 80's...they know how to use a wire hanger! rofl

As we called then pained on jeans, I was reading thinking, I bet that was in the eighties
guys weren't any better! My buddy used to do the same thing.:laughing:

JulieMP's photo
Wed 06/26/13 10:34 PM
I am absolutely not attracted to men with "6 packs" or "washboards".

Men with strong arms I like. Men with big warm hands I like.

If a man is a stripper wearing a thong it turns me off so much. why do women like a man in a thong shaking around??? it looks girly to me.

a man with strong arms and perhaps a strong jaw and a bit of a gut...not talking about a beer belly but please NO skinny ridiculous waist.

(no waist over 38 as an ideal but if he is, not a problem, only a problem if they are going into the 45 waist range ) ;)

NO MALE STRIPPERS!!!! THEY LOOK GAY. .and usually are

I would pay money to watch men chop wood.

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:45 AM
Like with anything people tend to like body types like they like food. Its all a matter of their personal taste. Some girls like big guys some like smaller guys. Its all a matter of personal taste and finding one who likes you the way you are.

unsure's photo
Thu 06/27/13 01:07 AM
Every one of us prefer different types of bodies, IF we all liked
the same type...we would all be in trouble. I myself am a lot
smaller now then I was in High School. I lost a lot a weight due to
what they call the cancer diet. Not a good way to lose weight but
it is what it is.
I myself prefer a man to have some meat on his bones. BUT IF the man
I happen to fall in love with wants to be thinner, it is totally his
choice. I just want whoever I am with to be healthy. Life is to short
to judge someone by a number.
Life is to short anymore not to be healthy. If you are healthy and a
little bit more on the heavy side and you are happy with yourself,
God Bless!!! I consider myself still on the fluffy side but I like how
I look in my clothes so if someone don't like...who cares, I do!!
Confidence is what is sexy..if you have self-confidence, then you are
doing good. If you are happy with you, keep smiling!!!

no photo
Thu 06/27/13 01:21 AM

I am absolutely not attracted to men with "6 packs" or "washboards".

Men with strong arms I like. Men with big warm hands I like.

If a man is a stripper wearing a thong it turns me off so much. why do women like a man in a thong shaking around??? it looks girly to me.

a man with strong arms and perhaps a strong jaw and a bit of a gut...not talking about a beer belly but please NO skinny ridiculous waist.

(no waist over 38 as an ideal but if he is, not a problem, only a problem if they are going into the 45 waist range ) ;)

NO MALE STRIPPERS!!!! THEY LOOK GAY. .and usually are

I would pay money to watch men chop wood.

cool lady....

no photo
Thu 06/27/13 02:09 AM

I am good with safety pins.

Just sayin...suck it up and wedge back into that micro mini....I am good with it.


women who had children, particularly multiple children can maintain their weight, tho it is harder because our metabolism slows as we age. but once a woman has children her body shape changes at the skeltal level. naught can be done about it.

It happens to all woman after childbirth and particularly after multiple births, her hips will disjoint and widen for the birthing and subsequently will not EVER be totally rejointed or go back into their pre childbirth position or width

this is a permanent change and an anatomical fact and no female is immune. I can lose weight to where I am skinnier than in HS but my hips will always be wider. Many women also undergo surgeries in childbirth that make it impossible to regain their pre childbirth form compleltely. the fact that, despite this, most of us stay in better shape than our (ex) husbands during our 40s & 50s is an amazing testament to the female will.

childbirth is something men do not have to deal with so I do not think it's appropriate for a man to be comparing women to his body standards.

Plus krupa your body type is ectomorphic (google will help you with that one) were you endomorphic, weight loss would be more difficult and and mainitaining a "skinny" frame impossible

so even with successful weight control there is only so much we can control and weight control is much easier for ectomorphic body types

frankly I don;t give a damm what anyone thinks of my appearance...but that 's me.

I am generally attracted to men who have reasonably good fitness.

no photo
Fri 06/28/13 01:10 AM
I am generally attracted to men who have reasonably good fitness.
good health first choice of ladies....

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