Topic: my prayers for you my homegirl
Belushi's photo
Wed 08/22/07 12:20 AM
2 things strike me here ... (neither are supposed to be inflammatory, but Im sure they will be)

1) If America is such a sh1t-hole, why do you stay?

2) If you got rid of all of the illegal immigrants, then the Native American's would get their buffalo back and Europe would be flooded with people with an American accent.

... because Im ill, I forgot to count ... there is another point ...

Just because your neighbour doesnt speak the same language as you, doesnt have the same education as you, doesnt carry the same passport as you, does that make him any-the-less human?

Does he/she eat, sleep, sh1t and breathe, the same as you?

Of course he does.

So, why not let him be as safe you you like to think you are?

I have been away from this site for about a month, through no internet access, work and illness, and nothing has changed.
How very sad and short-sighted! ohwell

davinci1952's photo
Wed 08/22/07 06:56 AM
sorry to hear you are ill....

gardenforge's photo
Wed 08/22/07 08:45 AM
lonely walker we have been down this road before. Tell me just exactly what part of ILLEGAL do you not understand. Come here legally, welcome to America, come here illegally get sent back home. Further I am not hopless, I am hopefull. Hopefull that someday soon we will round up all the illegals no matter what country they are from and send them home and bar them from ever entering this country again.

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 08:55 AM
"Hopefull that someday soon we will round up all the illegals no matter what country they are from and send them home and bar them from ever entering this country again."

That's too smart of an idea, it will never happen. We will continue the way we are going (illegal immigration being a political football), until a Nuke goes off in one of our cities. Then we will crack down extremely hard on illegals of all races and possibly even round them up and put them into camps. Arab looking people (especially Sikhs) will be attacked in the streets by people angered and terrorfied by the loss of millions of Americans in that one (we can only hope it's just one) attack. Mass panic and flight will happen in major cities. Our economy will be badly damaged. But there is a chance that people will finally take the issue seriously, but what will probably happen is that the Democrats will blame Republicans, the Republicans will blame Democrats and after a token gesture, we will be back to life as normal for the majority of the fat lazy Americans.

adj4u's photo
Wed 08/22/07 09:02 AM

hope you are feeling better soon

one flaw

new york city

was purchased from the native american

they just did not explain the boundry well enough

and what would happen if i entered your county illegally

just a thought

but hey what do i know

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 09:07 AM
Spidercmb, I do believe that's the most realistic and intelligent post you've ever posted. Seriously.

As long as we blame each other first, we'll never have a shot at solving the real problems that affect us.

I often wonder if our nation's politicians(from BOTH sides of the fence)actually "stir the pot" so we'll argue the never ending Democrat/Republican debate while they're all in Washington, laughing their collective @$$es off while robbing us blind, taking away our rights, ect.

Just a thought.

adj4u's photo
Wed 08/22/07 09:11 AM

it is about time you said it

politicians(from BOTH sides of the fence)actually "stir the pot" so we'll argue the never ending Democrat/Republican debate while they're all in Washington, laughing their collective @$$es off while robbing us blind, taking away our rights, ect.

i got tired of stating this point

it goes right back to hitler plotting groups against each other

look at 1930s germany

finnally someone else might see it

thank you

adj4u's photo
Wed 08/22/07 09:12 AM
just a thought

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

ya forgot the

but hey what do i know

:wink: :wink: :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 09:54 AM

You're absolutely right, "... we've been down this road before...".

And that your 'hope' for all so conveniently called 'illegal' immigrants to be rounded up and sent back somewhere, is so disconnected from reality, that you and your 'comprades' will only grow old, bitter and disillusioned.

It is not becandause some of you wish to believe in a Walt Disney fairytale America that America will actually listen or live-up to it.

You 'gardenforge' are now old enough to realize that while the law should be the law, it often isn't enforced or respected.

People from other countries, and in this case Mexico to a large extent, are not the illegals. Illegal entry to your country, especially from Mexico, is not only tolerated, it is encouraged by your central government.

The illegals, if any, are definitely your Washington admin., in profound collusion with 'Business America'.

The case is flagrant at all levels of possible federal enforcement. No one is enforcing, and no one shows any serious intention to do so.

They encourage this very type of immigration...
... the more officially 'illegitimate' the new 'entrant', the more he can be exploited through low wages,
... and the better for the real 'illegals': American citizens and their federal administration whom facilitate and enable the illegal practice.

Since there is no sense in changing the laws to make illegal immigration legitimate and legal,
... any elected official would lose his electorate shirt over it,
... and the wage advantage would lost in the process.

It is designed to remain this way for a while. And people hoping for the 'law' to prevail, should retire to Orlando, and apply for a job at 'never, never land!!!'

But whatever you hopeful or hopeless people do, stop taking your frustrations out on human beings whom are simple pawns, in a game that is run by gutless and immoral low life opportunists: ALL VERY MUCH LEGAL CITIZENS, AND ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE US OF A!!!

As the saying goes; "stop looking at the symptomatic FINGER that is pointing at the moon, and realize that it is the MOON that is at cause here!!!".

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:07 AM
Dirty Pool TLW!!
Half Truths!!!! Shame on you!laugh laugh

This woman is a criminal. A repetitive criminal!

Arellano was originally ordered to leave the country in 1997, according to a statement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement put out after the arrest.

In recent months, arrests of fugitives such as Arellano have been occurring at a pace of some 675 per week. Federal authorities have ramped up workplace raids and increased other types of immigration enforcement as part of a hardened approach to illegal immigration after a bipartisan bill that would have offered legalization failed in the Senate earlier this month.

Much of the anger from across the political spectrum surrounding illegal immigration has been crystallized by Arellano's story. After entering the country illegally twice, she became an activist shortly after she was arrested in 2002 during a federal sweep at O'Hare International Airport, where Arellano cleaned airplanes. She was later convicted of using a fake Social Security card.

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:10 AM need to serve me.....!!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:43 AM
lmao, what do you want?

Coffee or tea?bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:44 AM
Tea please.....with cream and sugar!!drinker bigsmile bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:49 AM
here ya go!flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 11:55 AM cookies?:wink: laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/22/07 12:04 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh
Do you think your the queen or something?laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 12:08 PM
hahahaha youre countrymen elected me!!!!! Now please pass the cookies!!!:tongue: laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/22/07 12:09 PM
choclate chip or oatmeal?grumble grumble laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 12:11 PM
I want peanut butter......laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 05:42 PM
she is hot. mabe one of us can marry her so she can get a green card. lol