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Topic: Cho0sing death
no photo
Sun 06/16/13 11:17 AM

To0 much paim in my heart , i can't breathe , i can't laugh
S0 much pain that turns int0 tears ,escaping through my eyes ,running in my cheeks
I want to end this life ,it leaves me n0 opti0n
the 0nly choice i have
I want to escape this life
Do it in just one try than feel it day by day the pain that killing me inside
l00sing h0pe ,feels n0 0ne else care
Being s0 far away makes me cry each day
I want to end this life ,to end this pain
But yet i Still want to live and try again 0ne m0re time .

I want to see them Happy .


dovebear's photo
Sun 06/16/13 11:41 AM
Aww, Dhi. I feel that pain too sometimes. If you need a friend to talk to you have one here ok. Looks like you have lots of people who care. I know it sucks that we all live so far away. but you can use this site as a platform to vent and get the empathy you deserve. Keep your head up. Always look into the light of things and eventually everything you look at will become the light. Things will turn around for you.

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/16/13 11:53 AM

Aww, Dhi. I feel that pain too sometimes. If you need a friend to talk to you have one here ok. Looks like you have lots of people who care. I know it sucks that we all live so far away. but you can use this site as a platform to vent and get the empathy you deserve. Keep your head up. Always look into the light of things and eventually everything you look at will become the light. Things will turn around for you.

, .thank you :-) ,, i feel a l0t better n0w c0z i realized there's a l0t of pe0ple who care , .i am really grateful that i made it here ,.

Elyworld2's photo
Sun 06/16/13 12:15 PM
@ DHI06, AM YOUR brother haha only from a different mother. dont feel down we re here to lift you and happy the site is free to keep us connected

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/16/13 12:24 PM

@ DHI06, AM YOUR brother haha only from a different mother. dont feel down we re here to lift you and happy the site is free to keep us connected
. .0h my h0w c0uld my father d0 this to my m0m ,having a child fr0m an0ther w0man , .and he did'nt even tell us that he could travel fr0m an0ther c0untry ? .0ops just j0kin , i kn0w what u mean , .yeah tnx f0r c0mf0rting ,.

Elyworld2's photo
Sun 06/16/13 12:49 PM

@ DHI06, AM YOUR brother haha only from a different mother.
.0h my h0w c0uld my father d0 this to my m0m ,having a child fr0m an0ther
HAHAHAHA sister THIS CALS FOR CELEBRATION. hey who took the bottles of chil drinks

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