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Topic: Hey
LaceyElizabeth's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:33 AM
what's everybody up to today?

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:38 AM
Hi, Lacey

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:39 AM
hi, lacey

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:40 AM
Hi, Morena!

spay's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:43 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:43 AM
wat up

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:44 AM
hi Ontario
was good how are you today?

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:46 AM
Hey Lacy what's new with you i need to go to class but I'm still here

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:46 AM
hey terrence how are u ?

what was that about the whip cream hu?
don't act like you don't know wat im talking about

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:47 AM
Well, its about 11:00 a.m. here, I,m about to go to a meeting/lunch and
then handle some more job issues.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:49 AM
Hey all hope everyone is doing good!

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:49 AM
Sorry girlfrind I spell your name wrong Lacey there that's better LOL

LaceyElizabeth's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:50 AM
I'm not doing too much i finished class at 12:30 this is my early day so
i don't have anymore classes for the day. I don't know what i am going
to do but i'll figure out something i'm sure. It is really cloudy here
and is making me tired lol. So what is everyone else up to?

TERRANCE0's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:51 AM
hi morena then ill spread some cold ice cream and make a sunday out of
both your ass cheecks

LaceyElizabeth's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:52 AM
Thay's ok i don't mind if u spell my name wrong usually it bothers me
but i didn't even notice this time!

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:52 AM
Not as good as you!

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:53 AM
well ya know spelled either way its still a pretty name.

TERRANCE0's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:54 AM
wat up txs gal

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:57 AM
lmao don't think you can hang terrence
when a man talks like that is because he is not able to do it
I dare you and doble dare you
you can't handle this,
too much meat for your green banana.

and is all good
talk to you later

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/19/06 10:58 AM
Whoa, its like that Morena!

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