Topic: U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars. | |
Most Americans are probably not aware of this and the vast majority would not agree with there country being involved, so how does this situation come about. The U.S. Military is active in 20 different countries in the middle east alone.
Since Obama has been in power he has deployed Special Forces in Fifteen[15] different countries. Obama is carrying out a well devised plan that was in place long before he came to be POTUS. No point in blaming Obama for this situation, it only helps to distract from what is really going on.
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Mon 05/13/13 05:52 AM
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Mon 05/13/13 06:58 AM
Without peace there is no freedom. War is not a good promotion for peace, therefore under these continuing actions there is no hope for peace or freedom.
There is only an agenda..... to what end? |
Without peace there is no freedom. War is not a good promotion for peace, therefore under these continuing actions there is no hope for peace or freedom. There is only an agenda..... to what end? |
Without peace there is no freedom. War is not a good promotion for peace, therefore under these continuing actions there is no hope for peace or freedom. There is only an agenda..... to what end? Conspiracy theories like the illuminati are a distraction welcomed to those who can't face the truth. The culprit in human despair isn't the Illuminati, or the Bilderbergs, or the Rothschilds, or the Freemasons, or the Zionists, or the Satanists, or the Jesuits, or anything resembling those. It's easy to believe it's one of those, because in your subconscious you are thinking, "Well if the _______ is revealed as the controllers of the world and if we depose them, the world will go back to being sunshine and rainbows and perfection!" The reality is that it is never going to happen like that. Conspiracy theories, like voting, only show that people still place blind faith in the "right" person in authority instead if the "wrong" person. Either way, people who believe this refuse to see that it is and has always been the State that oppresses people. It is the nature of government itself to oppress. Daniel Hawkins (High-Schooler) seems this young Guy has more sense than many Grownups! |
What have you against George Soros?
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Mon 05/13/13 09:46 AM
What have you against George Soros? Everything about him and his abilities to corrupt and manipulate ![]() |
What have you against George Soros? Everything about him and his abilities to corrupt and manipulate |
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Mon 05/13/13 12:17 PM
What have you against George Soros? Everything about him and his abilities to corrupt and manipulate It would seem more investigation is needed on your part into the full scope of his agenda. Believe me, I am far from being any kind of scholar in any subject or topic, but what I have read or seen of George Soros, his political contributions and affiliations,the agendas he supports and those he influences or influence him...... it's indeed worrisome! It seems his whole agenda is to destroy the American Republic and what it stands for, its constitution, bill of rights and sovereignty, thereby, peoples rights under them. You can put frosting on a turd, but it's still a turd! A democracy is mob or majority rule, a Republic however focuses on individual rights! America is a Republic.....thanks to its founding fathers and the efforts of everyone who has died or sacrificed defending it! ![]() |
Most Americans are probably not aware of this and the vast majority would not agree with there country being involved, so how does this situation come about. The U.S. Military is active in 20 different countries in the middle east alone. Where do you get the figure of 74 current wars? Does that include the "War on Drugs" and "War on Poverty?" As far as sending special forces to other countries, I know from my time in the military, the US sends troops to allied countries for joint training exercises. For example, when I was in the Army, my unit and I went to Germany. We did not fight a war. Maybe you could post a link? |
So why does George want to destroy America?. What comes after that?.
So why does George want to destroy America?. What comes after that?. |
So why does George want to destroy America?. What comes after that?. |
Most Americans are probably not aware of this and the vast majority would not agree with there country being involved, so how does this situation come about. The U.S. Military is active in 20 different countries in the middle east alone. Where do you get the figure of 74 current wars? Does that include the "War on Drugs" and "War on Poverty?" As far as sending special forces to other countries, I know from my time in the military, the US sends troops to allied countries for joint training exercises. For example, when I was in the Army, my unit and I went to Germany. We did not fight a war. Maybe you could post a link? |
Most Americans are probably not aware of this and the vast majority would not agree with there country being involved, so how does this situation come about. The U.S. Military is active in 20 different countries in the middle east alone. Where do you get the figure of 74 current wars? Does that include the "War on Drugs" and "War on Poverty?" As far as sending special forces to other countries, I know from my time in the military, the US sends troops to allied countries for joint training exercises. For example, when I was in the Army, my unit and I went to Germany. We did not fight a war. Maybe you could post a link? There are more than a few links on the topic |
Thank You.
i'm not sure where you get your info at, but right now, the only war we have active is the war on terror... we are not at war with any nation...
George wants a One world Social Democracy. One Currency, One Language, One Government. . . Sounds wonderful to me.
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