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Topic: Why do you think this would be true?
krupa's photo
Sat 05/11/13 09:32 AM

Phew, your hitting my personal perspective. Take your idea with you and I would like to have my own. Anyway, this is a forum/discussion, it may or may not influence the mindset of someone..but afterall, its up to him/her.

I didn't think this was about your own personal perspective...I thought it was about "research"

Was it your research?

Didn't mean to get you booty hurt....unless you are vaguely quoting some bullschitt you read somewhere on the internet...

amiechristdisciple's photo
Sat 05/11/13 09:37 AM

Phew, your hitting my personal perspective. Take your idea with you and I would like to have my own. Anyway, this is a forum/discussion, it may or may not influence the mindset of someone..but afterall, its up to him/her.

I didn't think this was about your own personal perspective...I thought it was about "research"

Was it your research?

Didn't mean to get you booty hurt....unless you are vaguely quoting some bullschitt you read somewhere on the internet...

Since I believe on that research, now it became my personal point of view.

krupa's photo
Sat 05/11/13 09:44 AM
If you are good with someone else telling you what to believe....I am good with that.

Best of luck sister.

I hope love and fortune smiles on you.

amiechristdisciple's photo
Sat 05/11/13 09:48 AM

If you are good with someone else telling you what to believe....I am good with that.

Best of luck sister.

I hope love and fortune smiles on you.

I am no robot nor dumb stupid lady. I know what words to digest and what words need to be discharged. I am not taught what to do or what to believe cause I have wisdom to know what is right and wrong.

no photo
Sat 05/11/13 01:30 PM

Research indicates that couples who have sexual intercourse before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those who do not. Why do you think this would be true? or do you believe on the idea that sexual experience before marriage better PREPARES you for marriage?

Most people will probably disagree with that but then again most people are apparently wrong since so many marriages now days end up in divorce.

ridewytepony's photo
Sat 05/11/13 03:18 PM

Assuming the statistics to be true, which is probably a large assumption, I think I might see a correlation.

What this probably indicates is that people who are willing to use self discipline are actually putting in both time and effort to maintain a relationship. If they are doing that before the marriage, then they are more than likely to do that during the marriage.

Just a guess.

Yes, thats not big surprise, of coarse, these people are all more dedicated, self disciplined people aswell
most of these people's religious beliefs would make it complicated to startagain

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 05/11/13 03:43 PM

Research indicates that couples who have sexual intercourse before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those who do not. Why do you think this would be true? or do you believe on the idea that sexual experience before marriage better PREPARES you for marriage?

What research and by who?

I think there is a high divorce rate with or without premarital relations...The concept of marriage seems largely temporary, and the idea isn't nearly as credible today as it once was.

What is it? 60 something percent or roundabouts there divorce within the first five years? With or without premarital sex I don't think the number is going to take a dramatic leap in the other direction suddenly.

msharmony's photo
Sat 05/11/13 03:52 PM

Research indicates that couples who have sexual intercourse before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those who do not. Why do you think this would be true? or do you believe on the idea that sexual experience before marriage better PREPARES you for marriage?

What research and by who?

I think there is a high divorce rate with or without premarital relations...The concept of marriage seems largely temporary, and the idea isn't nearly as credible today as it once was.

What is it? 60 something percent or roundabouts there divorce within the first five years? With or without premarital sex I don't think the number is going to take a dramatic leap in the other direction suddenly.

the key word was 'higher'

there is a high rate of incarceration in the US,,,relative to other nations anyhow

but there is a HIGHER Rate of incarceration amongst the impoverished and undereducated,,,,

whether incarceration rates would take a leap with better financial and educational opportunity, is probably not something we will ever bother to really attempt to find out,,,and probably not something that will drop without something changing

likewise, divorce wont drop without something changing,, and Im also doubrful that our immediate gratification flesh and material driven culture is gonna experience that change anytime soon

no photo
Sat 05/11/13 04:09 PM

There are many kinds of research, is all. But I want to agree also that there are research that has been made and purely bias to the researcher/s hope as its result. Its a case to case basis afterall.

But given this topic, well I strongly vote that this is true for you can see the rate..I dont want to offend a race but in a country where premarital sex is pervasive, you can also see how obvious and high the divorce rate..compared to the country where premarital sex is not a culture or for them its a taboo..the divorce rate is very low.

But knowing this facts, there is a need to be openminded for there are circumstances that leads a couple to a succesful relationship.

excuse me, but in such countries women are also not permitted open choice of whether to marry or often whom to marry or whether to stay in a marriage. That is not a reflection on a lack of premarital sex, it is a reflection of the oppression of women

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 05/11/13 04:25 PM

Research indicates that couples who have sexual intercourse before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those who do not. Why do you think this would be true? or do you believe on the idea that sexual experience before marriage better PREPARES you for marriage?

What research and by who?

I think there is a high divorce rate with or without premarital relations...The concept of marriage seems largely temporary, and the idea isn't nearly as credible today as it once was.

What is it? 60 something percent or roundabouts there divorce within the first five years? With or without premarital sex I don't think the number is going to take a dramatic leap in the other direction suddenly.

the key word was 'higher'

there is a high rate of incarceration in the US,,,relative to other nations anyhow

but there is a HIGHER Rate of incarceration amongst the impoverished and undereducated,,,,

whether incarceration rates would take a leap with better financial and educational opportunity, is probably not something we will ever bother to really attempt to find out,,,and probably not something that will drop without something changing

likewise, divorce wont drop without something changing,, and Im also doubrful that our immediate gratification flesh and material driven culture is gonna experience that change anytime soon

I was more questioning the stat.

The divorce rate is higher more than likely due to the population boom more than premarital sex...More people means more people to make stupid decisions. I'd venture a guess that percentage wise we don't have any larger of a premarital sex population than that of the 60's, arguably when it was probably much larger on a percentage basis.

Which isn't even taking into account that premarital sex has been around for centuries with or without the population boom...My finding is that the statistic at best is questionable and without knowing the references or percentages of the actual stat, I'm liable to claim it as simply absurd.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 05/11/13 05:04 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 05/11/13 05:10 PM

I think there is a high divorce rate with or without premarital relations.

I agree with the above statement!

And, sexual experience before marriage does not better PREPARE anyone for Marriage. Imo

msharmony's photo
Sat 05/11/13 05:14 PM

I think there is a high divorce rate with or without premarital relations.

I agree with the above statement!

And, sexual experience before marriage does not better PREPARE anyone for Marriage. Imo

u aint kidding, so much more to marriage than the bedroom, and EACH new partner is a NEW partner ,,,its not really a one size fits all activity (no pun intended)...lol

anyone with any skill is gonna treat a new partner by learning that INDIVIDUALS body and what works for them,,,not just repeat what they have done ,,,in past relationships,,,

no photo
Sat 05/11/13 06:55 PM
I think that it is obvious that most people (in the western world) do not know what it takes to have a long term relationship/marriage by looking at the divorce rates. Perhaps our ideal of what love is, is not actually love at all?

Christinacospgs's photo
Sat 05/11/13 07:03 PM

I think that it is obvious that most people (in the western world) do not know what it takes to have a long term relationship/marriage by looking at the divorce rates. Perhaps our ideal of what love is, is not actually love at all?

(nods head in agreement)

CuteKittyKat's photo
Sat 05/11/13 11:01 PM

To me the existence or non existence of sex before marriage don´t have anything to do with the termination of marriage. People nowadays are getting lazy at solving their couple issues and if you combine the lack of commitment, respect, communication, honor, trust and love, well then you have no base to sustain any relationship even less a marriage.

no photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:35 AM

To me the existence or non existence of sex before marriage don´t have anything to do with the termination of marriage. People nowadays are getting lazy at solving their couple issues and if you combine the lack of commitment, respect, communication, honor, trust and love, well then you have no base to sustain any relationship even less a marriage.


Conrad_73's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:54 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 05/12/13 01:57 AM
Ferdinand Raimund:
Das Hobellied

Da streiten sich die Leut herum
Wohl um den Wert des Gl�cks;
Der eine hei�t den andern dumm,
Am End' wei� keiner nix.
Da ist der allerärmste Mann
Dem andern viel zu reich:
Das Schicksal setzt den Hobel an
Und hobelt alle gleich!

Die Jugend will halt stets mit G'walt
In allem gl�cklich sein,
Doch wird man nur ein bißerl alt,
Da gibt man sich schon drein.
Oft zankt mein Weib mit mir, o Graus!
Das bringt mich nicht in Wut;
Da klopf ich meinen Hobel aus
Und denk: Du brummst mir gut!

Zeigt sich der Tod einst, mit Verlaub,
Und zupft mich: "Br�derl kumm!"
Da stell ich mich am Anfang taub
Und schau mich gar net um.
Doch sagt er: "Lieber Valentin,
Mach' keine Umst�nd, geh!"
Da leg ich meinen Hobel hin
Und sag der Welt ade! >

Ferdinand Raimund:
The Planing Song

The people quarrel to no end
about what's happiness,
call stupid one another and
keep knowing less and less.
The man in abject poverty
is far too rich for some:
But fate will take its plane and free-
ly level everyone.

The young ones want their luck to last
forever and a time,
but once their early years have passed
they're likely to resign.
My wife - oh dread! - will scold and nag,
but I won't get upset:
some shavings off my plane I snag
and reckon: that's for that.

When Death will call, as well He may,
and say, "Come underground!",
a stone-deaf mule I'm gonna play
that does not turn around.
But when He says, "Dear Valentin,
don't fuss: it's time to die!",
then I'll set down my plane serene
and bid the world good-bye.

The "Hobellied" is actually a song from a well-loved play called "Der Verschwender" [The Spendthrift]. It premiered 1834 in Vienna and has since been performed regularly in Austria. The music, by Raimund and Conradin Kreutzer, is familiar to the vast majority of people whose mother tongue is German.

The thoughts expressed - never mind Raimund's swipe at his supposedly "better-born" wife, who never let him forget that - could be taken for a "Weltanschauung" [a philosophical view of the world] that would do Siddharta Gautama proud. And for most Viennese, Valentin, the carpenter with his good heart and ever-ready plane, personifies the simple, honest and content Austrian they may wish to have been.

laugh laugh laugh

so,why worry?bigsmile


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