Topic: Athena's thinking thread... post what's in your head too
mig25's photo
Mon 03/11/13 01:34 AM

mig25......that write is 'sweet'

Thanks teasing

no photo
Mon 03/11/13 01:50 AM
We Need Each Other

we hold on
you and me
and we
a change
staying the same
in each others ways
and open hands
we expand
to include our thoughts
to include
them in us
each other
we must
for every “one”
has a double
to share in trouble
in good times “two”
will we combine
you and me
them and me
you and them
them and they
and will always

are we all in this camaraderie
with every eye we see
pupils dilating
looking closely
defining the lines
but who can read
the silence in rhyme
deeply seeking
that certain beat
to keep us steady
we can never break free
of you and me
of us
and we
even if we aren’t meant to be
always in harmony
too much energy
too much time
too much space

we need to concede
we need to succeed
we simply need
to be

©Athena Rose

waving 03/11/13 waving

no photo
Mon 03/11/13 04:11 AM
Let’s Play

Always together
Is where I see us be
The bond between us
We cling too secretly

We know a good thing
When it comes into view
And nothing ever deters
Thoughts to me from you

Through the air and water
We’re magically connected
And all the signs like fodder
Tells us how to reflect this

Getting clear of all the barriers
That some choose to raise
To hinder every challenge
Of their 15 minutes of fame

It’s obviously and only a game
So let’s roll the dice and play
And as we outwit our opponents
Our good luck will start today

Always rely on your instincts
As you make your way to me
So we can join our resources
And pick a brand new team

Out with the old, in with the new
A fresh mind-set is what we need
And together we’ll sing and dance
To the rhythm of our very own beat


:banana: 03/11/13 :banana:

no photo
Mon 03/11/13 11:18 PM
Keep Moving On

I feel the world it’s under my feet
The firm foundation of its concrete
I hear the sounds of music to my ear
So many voices perceiving them clear
In this time and space I choose to relate
We all need love and can do without hate
If only our hearts could learn to play along
Imagine the beauty we’d see with each song
Erasing the ugly we could right all the wrong
Looking inside we will explore each possibility
Life can be hard without the support we need
And we control directions to a certain degree
If we crave love we must first learn to give
The more that we share the better we live
When feelings sense hurt walls we erect
Reality of pain we don’t easily forget
Mistakes are the lessons we’ll learn
Most foolish patterns we'll discern
Keep moving past all negativity
To see if you can know happy


rynn1962's photo
Tue 03/12/13 01:55 PM

from small minds

"animals,which move,have limbs and muscles;the earth has no limbs and muscles,hence it does not move"-scipio chiaramonti,professor of mathematics,university of pisa,1633.....

"nature intended women to be slaves.they are our property.what a mad idea to demand equality for women! women are nothing but machines for producing children."-napoleon bonaparte....

"if excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer,it seems a minor one."-the national cancer institute,1954.....

most common plastic surgery performed on american men:breast reduction;that is just ironic-needless piece of information...


from great minds-mark twain":eloquence is the essential thing in a speech,not information." "let us endeavour so to live,that when we die ,even the undertaker will be sorry". "against the assault of laughter,nothing can stand." "do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain."

ruth74's photo
Tue 03/12/13 06:50 PM
I know that things never stay the same
and that we ought to become accustomed to change
I know too that to live is to die
and before we ever learned to laugh
we first learned to cry.

Angels hush and silken wings
calm me as I listen to them sing.
Looking up towards the sky
I shoulder this life
and know that I must continue to try.

Up towards an ever saving grace
step after step in even measured pace
the load is heavy and I am weary
beset on every side from dangers
of which I am ever leery

I rail against the unknown
wanting only to go home
wishing there was someone by my side
a hand to hold to
guiding me to that wide blue sky

d4tc's photo
Tue 03/12/13 09:17 PM
so many great writes in this post surprised

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 10:21 PM
Edited by KiK2me on Tue 03/12/13 10:22 PM
I always enjoy reading your writings and poetry

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 12:59 AM

from small minds

"animals,which move,have limbs and muscles;the earth has no limbs and muscles,hence it does not move"-scipio chiaramonti,professor of mathematics,university of pisa,1633.....

"nature intended women to be slaves.they are our property.what a mad idea to demand equality for women! women are nothing but machines for producing children."-napoleon bonaparte....

"if excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer,it seems a minor one."-the national cancer institute,1954.....

most common plastic surgery performed on american men:breast reduction;that is just ironic-needless piece of information...


from great minds-mark twain":eloquence is the essential thing in a speech,not information." "let us endeavour so to live,that when we die ,even the undertaker will be sorry". "against the assault of laughter,nothing can stand." "do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain."

Thank you for sharing this, and giving me the opportunity for deeper contemplation... to see the irony...

those who think they know everything, know very little instead...


to see the true essence of life, one need only look through the heart with an open mind, and not with the eyes of bias or pride...

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 02:27 AM

I know that things never stay the same
and that we ought to become accustomed to change
I know too that to live is to die
and before we ever learned to laugh
we first learned to cry.

Angels hush and silken wings
calm me as I listen to them sing.
Looking up towards the sky
I shoulder this life
and know that I must continue to try.

Up towards an ever saving grace
step after step in even measured pace
the load is heavy and I am weary
beset on every side from dangers
of which I am ever leery

I rail against the unknown
wanting only to go home
wishing there was someone by my side
a hand to hold to
guiding me to that wide blue sky

To journey together
and never be alone
how our hearts long
for a kindred soul

To think as one
we merge our vision
reflecting both ways
is the best decision

To share this life
ups with downs too
we accept the cost
of what we choose to do

To love the ones
who are meant for us
brings our lives joy
because in them we trust

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 02:29 AM

so many great writes in this post surprised

think flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 02:31 AM

I always enjoy reading your writings and poetry


no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:02 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Wed 03/13/13 03:03 AM
Change is Coming

do you feel it too
change is coming soon
who knows how lives collide
why strangers can see eye to eye
when an old "goodbye" is a new "hi"
cause and effect
is karma’s true vibe
be careful what you wish for
I hear my subconscious warn
then she nudges me to unlock my door
you’ve been down this road before
she whispers
while trying to implore
love is…
and can be real
and it’s what you need
you really need to heal
how long will you keep waiting
as each memory fades
there’s another
ready and willing
to take its place
life is a foot race
between time
and the empty space
voids only deepen
the longer we hesitate
if we have love
we should keep it
if we sow love
we will reap it
for now
I lay my old life on each line
releasing my soul
in music and rhyme
as my future reaches back
to take my hand
it guides me to the new me that I am
and no one
can change my path
with each step forward
I’ll refuse to look back
and yesterdays story
will be the remains of the past

flowers AR©03/13/13 flowers

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:10 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Wed 03/13/13 03:10 AM
I'm Cursed!!!

This is just too creepy
I can’t write
When you’re watching me
Self consciousness defeats my inner spirit
If there’s a voice
I just can’t hear it
I do
But there are too many
Not all are friendly
And each wants to be first
To quench my tongue’s parched thirst
Selecting one
Makes my head and heart hurt
Choosing wrong
Makes me feel even worse
So I stumble along
Falling over each verse
Closing an opening
Beginning at the ending
I understand now, I’m cursed!
It’s only your face
In front of me
It’s only your voice
From my fingertips heard
Once again
Is my reveling
As my focus becomes blurred
All I can think now
Is to keep breathing
Inhaling and exhaling our spirits igniting
The fire that burns our scarred minds
Keeping us blind
To the void we deny
Opening our eyes to the new love
We find
In each others life
Where we’ll always be
I’m the one for you
And you’re the one for me

pitchfork AR©03/13/13 pitchfork

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:15 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Wed 03/13/13 03:25 AM
I Don't Play Head Games

all I want is someone who
wants what I want
from the other one too
I’m not being arrogant
thinking first about me
because I look at love and life
what’s good for me
is gonna be good for you
when I give my heart
you get the rest of me too
I cherish and nurture
what and who is mine
I refuse to be used
that’s where I draw the line
whatever you dish out
is what you’re gonna get
so make sure you can swim
before getting your feet wet
I love a good challenge
but I don’t play head games
when it comes to real life
we both pay the same
and we’re not going to gamble
what we don’t want to lose
so before we commit
let’s test the waters
we’re diving into
by being completely aware
of our personal limitations
it allows us to envision the future
without unreasonable expectations
we won’t live in the past either
where memory ghosts dwell
any baggage still left there
will have to be expelled
and we don’t need a lecture
on minding our P’s and Q’s
because we’ll acknowledge in advance
that we’ve already paid our dues
so let’s move forward
with interest piqued this way
and we’ll have our happy tomorrow
by leaving behind us yesterday

Athena Rose © 03/13/13

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:39 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Wed 03/13/13 04:13 AM
We Learn and Grow

from within she unfolds
the simplicity to behold
even foretold
with elegant perfection…
as she embraces her dissection
even her correction
with her presence
seemingly undisturbed
she bandies nary a word
in anger or remorse
reflecting instead on the absurd…

scandals evolve… resolve
hearts assume… resume
each in its own melody
caressing and sweet
or… in melancholy
from it’s own memory
irked… yet replete
with love
voices sing, ring
sharing everything…


when emotions tide
rises high
we question why
ride each side
then decide
who… or what is right
truth… we can’t deny
before our eyes
we pry
we lie
we cry
we try
we die
when we’re alive…

we experience everything
eager to thrive
wanting to survive
we rely
on chemistry
on honesty
on what we see
this we believe
for security…

basking in the purity
of our convictions
obsessed in our addictions
and the ramifications
of our actions
that meet with satisfaction…

in all things
big or small
short or tall
when our backs against the wall
we come out fighting
wronging rights
righting wrongs…

we measure
with pleasure
the strength
of our weakness

so we can learn and grow…

Athena Rose © 03/13/13

rynn1962's photo
Wed 03/13/13 01:38 PM
re stranger danger exc. point too many actors in this world hiding behind pretty words

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:06 PM

re stranger danger exc. point too many actors in this world hiding behind pretty words

Yes... powerful words, like love and marriage... people just tell us what they think we want to hear, or whatever will get them what they really want from us.. or maybe we don't really know what love is, but it sounds good and feels right to say it to certain people at opportune times... I don't know anymore... thank you for taking the time to read my work... and for giving me your thoughts on it... I do appreciate your interest... flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:37 PM
Closed Caption

are my first…
my virgin ingenuity
YOU take…
I can’t fake
I give it away
and YOU take ME…
marry my soul
and respect
never neglect…
I am so happy
and I am ME
alive on the precipice
……… on the very edge
day after day
calling your name…
then suddenly
a whisper on the wind
catches my ear
and this is what I hear…
“we’re playing a game”…
“and you’re it”…
AM I?............
just a pawn
on this board of your life
to use, abuse and amuse….
or am I the queen
with free reign
and skill
moving in closer
you’re king backs into a corner
Unwilling to accept defeat
YOU come back for more
this time…
with your influence
to control my fate
YOU urge ME to play
with your superior intellect
hunting ME down
following ME around
YOU capture ME!
isolate my knight
in shining armor
doing to me all manner of unspeakable things
taking everything from ME
until in the silence
I feel such hate
slapping ME in the face...
opening my eyes
I have to cry
for only a moment
my part is over
it’s the end of the show…

“Closed Caption”

Copyright© Athena Rose 12/08/12

rynn1962's photo
Thu 03/14/13 10:33 AM

re stranger danger exc. point too many actors in this world hiding behind pretty words

Yes... powerful words, like love and marriage... people just tell us what they think we want to hear, or whatever will get them what they really want from us.. or maybe we don't really know what love is, but it sounds good and feels right to say it to certain people at opportune times... I don't know anymore... thank you for taking the time to read my work... and for giving me your thoughts on it... I do appreciate your interest... flowerforyou

i wish i had extra time to read all your work i wish i had some of your gentle tact to modify my blunt sarcasm.i hold a deep unabiding hatred for those who abuse thier authority and/or others i have a personality that could very easily fit in that catagory without a constant guard i readily see through the nice packaging many people use to hide the product.i very like the work you do that helps remind me of my imperfections..thank you for sharing your wisdom