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Topic: Lifestyle?
msharmony's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:44 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 04/06/13 11:45 AM

I'm just going to assume....that you love your "loved ones", your community, and every choice you've ever made,......because it made you "the person you are today".

but if you weren't "You."

What "other" Lifestyle would appeal to you?

the dominant submissive lifestyle would probably appeal to me, I think the right trustworthy take charge guy could truly cherish the right type of woman, enough to make her feel specal and secure enough to trust him completely

that type of absolute ability to trust, and absolute trustworthiness,, would be appealing,,,

of course, I am from too independent a lne of women to ever have that sort of thing fly with my family,,,so its not gonna happen,,,

and, although its appealing to ME, I would never want my daughters view to be defined by that lifestyle,,,so thats another reason it will never happen

Goofball73's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:48 AM
Hugh Hefner. Well, the younger version of Hugh. laugh

ViaMusica's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:54 AM
I could see myself:

- Living in some smallish town or village in the UK, writing books and engaging in people-watching as a regular at the local pub. (I'm actually a big-city gal in the US, though I do write and I do people-watch at my local.)

- Engaged in a line of work that took me to multiple cities, preferably in Europe, so that I could mix travel with my livelihood. Of course, I'd want to be fluent in enough European languages that I wouldn't encounter language barriers often or have to rely on other people speaking English. (I love languages, so this would actually be kind of cool. Je parle français, pour example.)

- Singing in a Celtic folk band. Of course, I'd need to pick up the pace on learning Gaelic, heheh.

- Married, with children. (No, not the TV show. *shudder*) When I was younger, that was what I wanted most. Funny how life sometimes just doesn't work out the way we planned, isn't it?

Mortica7's photo
Sun 04/07/13 12:32 AM
A vet at Sea World San Diego.
It's been a dream of mine since I was 6 years old

Mortica7's photo
Sun 04/07/13 12:32 AM
A vet at Sea World San Diego.
It's been a dream of mine since I was 6 years old

PrintsCharming's photo
Sun 04/07/13 12:49 AM
Navy Seal

no photo
Sun 04/07/13 09:04 AM
Edited by fearlessfool67 on Sun 04/07/13 09:05 AM
Terribly wealthy...no job necessary ...living in a beautiful old home on the gulf of Mexico with the white sand at my doorstep and the salty breeze forever blowing against my tanned skin. A grassed,fenced yard for my dogs and a Jeep and a new Camaro parked in the driveway. Friends always visiting...and the flower beds forever whispering for my attention.

no photo
Sun 04/07/13 09:06 AM
...or a rodeo clown. :tongue:

krupa's photo
Sun 04/07/13 09:30 AM
Nymphomaniac nun.

PrintsCharming's photo
Tue 04/09/13 12:23 PM

jaded72's photo
Sun 04/21/13 07:52 PM

James Bond - Secret Agent

I'd be your female counterpart


A paleontologist

A modern dancer/choreographer

And I would definitely live in a secluded house in Hawaii!

PrintsCharming's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:33 PM


Graffiti Artist

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