Topic: what kinds of pets do you have? | |
i prefer a wild animal you dont have to pay to look after them. i have three wild magpies that eat from my hand & sit with me & enjoy my time, i also have three wild ringtail possums that also eat from my hand & play with me!
I have a black cat named Ozzy. He's an old man at 14 but still has plenty of energy.
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Kim Thomas
Wed 11/24/21 06:20 PM
I have a dog breed not many people know about. One of the oldest purebreds recorded. Her name is Xena.
Ozzy sounds like a good cat.
I have four cats, semi-ferrel, Big Bubba, Wishbone, Bubba Sh#ts, and Whitey.
How are the semi ferral cats doing.
Ozzy sounds like a good cat. He is for most part except he can be super bossy and yells at me A LOT!! We have a lot of stupid arguments, he always wins. ![]() |
How are the semi ferral cats doing. Quite well, two I let in the house, they all like belly rubs. two don't use the cat boxes (3:) , so they don't get home privileges.l |
I have a cat, his name is Baxter. He's 5
Edited by
Wed 12/22/21 09:05 AM
I have a cairn terrier who runs after anything with fur... His name is Booty!
i have a male chihuahua. he is all black with a bit of a white chest and paws.
i got him when he was eight weeks old and lets just say he was very clingy to me. i had him in dog crate near my bed every night with my hand in there, otherwise he got all mopey. has a dog kennel on balcony and loves it there now (yay i can get stuff done), just waiting for him to be able to hold his bladder and not pee and poop everywhere, i keep moving his poop to the open dog crate next to his kennel but he isnt getting the hint yet, but when he does im gonna allow him indoors. |
I have 4 snakes(3boas & reticulated python), Nile & Bosc Monitors (Varanus Niloticus & V. Exanthematicus), fishes, rats, rabbits, triops + carnivorous plants
not much of a "pet person" my self.
I've had several cats over the years, as mousers. and a few dogs as well. mostly mid sized to make noise if strangers are about. in high school, I had a hybrid coyote/ sheperd mix she was a great dog but the sheriff noticed her running with me, and asked for my permit to own her.(I dint know it was illegal. and he took her away when I told him I did not have one. for all I know. he put her down. |
Free range spiders and geckos
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I have 1 chocolate pit, 2 hairless rats and 1 rat with hair.