Topic: Israel: You Don’t Have A Right To Exist Or Defend Yourself
mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/08/13 08:57 AM
By Dr. Laurie Roth
February 1, 2013

The U.N. continues its anti Semitic tirade against Israel demanding Israel completely withdraw from Judea and Samaria where at least a half a million Israelis live and work. The Muslim controlled and agenda laden U.N. screams and quotes endless clauses, article 49, ‘preconditions’ highlighting Palestinian persecution at the hands of the dreaded Israelis.

When one looks at the anti Semitic history of the U.N. and its Islamic handlers, you vividly get the game. Cry victim, war crimes, Apartheid evil of Israel, while stealing and manipulating chunk after chunk of Israeli sovereign land and putting it in the hands of the Palestinians and other Muslim strong holds.

Support, fund and escalate the power of Hamas, Hezbolla and other Muslim groups who will regionally attack and kill Jews, while smuggling in more and more missiles and other deadly weapons. Obama isn’t the only one who demands redistribution of wealth – so does Islam.

GOAL of the U.N. and radical Islam

1) Threaten and murder Jews while stealing great chunks of property from Israel assigning it to Islam. Turn world opinion and America against Israel. Convince the world that Israel is a bully and evil while Palestinians are victims and good.
2) If Israel won’t comply and give away her land to the Palestinians, plan larger strikes at major cities with weapons of mass destruction and an escalated propaganda campaign worldwide.

Now, to the other headline which might make more sense now.

‘Israeli Jets Blast Arms Shipment Inside Syria’ Israel stuck a convoy of trucks inside Syria, west of Damascus transporting Russian-made SA-18 missiles to Hezbollah an avowed enemy of Israel.

Naturally Iran and Syria are screaming because Israel had the intelligence and ability to destroy a missile convey going straight to their enemy Hezbollah that Iran backs and funds for the destruction of Israel. The usual, International sound bite theatre of the absurd is floating everywhere like a putrid ‘mushroom cloud of lies and denial’.

Professor Timor Goksel, a Hezbollah expert said: “An attack of any kind is a major escalation” and “Why would Israel do this out of the blue?” Oh yes! It is such wonderment as to why Israel would attack. Hezbollah has only attacked and murdered Israelis since 1982, heavily funded and supported by Syria and Iran.

Goksel’s statement only reflected like clockwork the horrified responses from around the world. People were dumbfounded and horrified that Israel would dare fly over Syrian airspace and attack.

Here is the bottom line for sane people

Israel was brilliant and had every right to attack the missile carrying convey going to Hezbollah. It was the perfect time to stop the missiles from getting into the hands of Hezbollah, whether it was in Syria, Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Turkey. The perfect time is before Jews die. Any Islamic country surrounding Israel who supports and funds Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist groups who chronically attack and murder Jews are fair game if Israel is to survive.

Israel knows it will cease to exist if these growing and manipulated battles have to be fought in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv which according to Hezbollah’s own words is where they want the fight to go, Tel Aviv.

I think it is time for the Middle east to take this attack on the missile convey in Syria as a warning. You may be next if you continue to fund and ship missiles to the list of Islamic murderers who plan to attack Israel.

Bravo Israel – Destroy more missile conveys and kill some bad guys along with it.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 02/08/13 10:07 AM
Too bad America doesn't have Israeli guts to do what needs to be done.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/08/13 10:13 AM

Too bad America doesn't have Israeli guts to do what needs to be done.

no, america likes to play in the shadows and then blame someone else...

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 02/08/13 12:00 PM
Roth presents herself as a religious Christian, yet advocates the opposite of what Jesus stood for as right and proper behaviour (pre-emptive acts of war, etc.).

This obviously makes her the worst of hypocrites. The last thing I would ever consider as having merit, would be her warmongering, satanic views, advocating heinous violations of international law as the right thing to do. Only a complete chump would fall for anything she has to say.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/08/13 01:05 PM

Roth presents herself as a religious Christian, yet advocates the opposite of what Jesus stood for as right and proper behaviour (pre-emptive acts of war, etc.).

This obviously makes her the worst of hypocrites. The last thing I would ever consider as having merit, would be her warmongering, satanic views, advocating heinous violations of international law as the right thing to do. Only a complete chump would fall for anything she has to say.

only a complete chump wouldn't listen to it... are you one of those that blames Israel for everything?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 02/08/13 03:10 PM

Roth presents herself as a religious Christian, yet advocates the opposite of what Jesus stood for as right and proper behaviour (pre-emptive acts of war, etc.).

This obviously makes her the worst of hypocrites. The last thing I would ever consider as having merit, would be her warmongering, satanic views, advocating heinous violations of international law as the right thing to do. Only a complete chump would fall for anything she has to say.

only a complete chump wouldn't listen to it... are you one of those that blames Israel for everything?

...Only when I find them doing something wrong, like breaking international law, which like most of the countries today, they do on a regular basis.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 02/08/13 03:25 PM

Roth presents herself as a religious Christian, yet advocates the opposite of what Jesus stood for as right and proper behaviour (pre-emptive acts of war, etc.).

This obviously makes her the worst of hypocrites. The last thing I would ever consider as having merit, would be her warmongering, satanic views, advocating heinous violations of international law as the right thing to do. Only a complete chump would fall for anything she has to say.

only a complete chump wouldn't listen to it... are you one of those that blames Israel for everything?

...Only when I find them doing something wrong, like breaking international law, which like most of the countries today, they do on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, Israel is singled out unfairly and international law is
misapplied to virtually all their actions without regard to the history
of the conflict their and the egregious antisemitism and hypocrisy of the
UNHRC for example.

No wonder the Israelis feel that they are discriminated against in the UN
and refuse to accept the Kangaroo Court.

Roth is pretty much right in her analysis overall.

The U.N. continues its anti Semitic tirade against Israel demanding Israel completely withdraw from Judea and Samaria where at least a half a million Israelis live and work. The Muslim controlled and agenda laden U.N. screams and quotes endless clauses, article 49, ‘preconditions’ highlighting Palestinian persecution at the hands of the dreaded Israelis.

When one looks at the anti Semitic history of the U.N. and its Islamic handlers, you vividly get the game. Cry victim, war crimes, Apartheid evil of Israel, while stealing and manipulating chunk after chunk of Israeli sovereign land and putting it in the hands of the Palestinians and other Muslim strong holds.

Support, fund and escalate the power of Hamas, Hezbolla and other Muslim groups who will regionally attack and kill Jews, while smuggling in more and more missiles and other deadly weapons. Obama isn’t the only one who demands redistribution of wealth – so does Islam.

GOAL of the U.N. and radical Islam

1) Threaten and murder Jews while stealing great chunks of property from Israel assigning it to Islam. Turn world opinion and America against Israel. Convince the world that Israel is a bully and evil while Palestinians are victims and good.
2) If Israel won’t comply and give away her land to the Palestinians, plan larger strikes at major cities with weapons of mass destruction and an escalated propaganda campaign worldwide.

Now, to the other headline which might make more sense now.

‘Israeli Jets Blast Arms Shipment Inside Syria’ Israel stuck a convoy of trucks inside Syria, west of Damascus transporting Russian-made SA-18 missiles to Hezbollah an avowed enemy of Israel.

Naturally Iran and Syria are screaming because Israel had the intelligence and ability to destroy a missile convey going straight to their enemy Hezbollah that Iran backs and funds for the destruction of Israel. The usual, International sound bite theatre of the absurd is floating everywhere like a putrid ‘mushroom cloud of lies and denial’.

Professor Timor Goksel, a Hezbollah expert said: “An attack of any kind is a major escalation” and “Why would Israel do this out of the blue?” Oh yes! It is such wonderment as to why Israel would attack. Hezbollah has only attacked and murdered Israelis since 1982, heavily funded and supported by Syria and Iran.

Goksel’s statement only reflected like clockwork the horrified responses from around the world. People were dumbfounded and horrified that Israel would dare fly over Syrian airspace and attack.

Here is the bottom line for sane people

Israel was brilliant and had every right to attack the missile carrying convey going to Hezbollah. It was the perfect time to stop the missiles from getting into the hands of Hezbollah, whether it was in Syria, Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Turkey. The perfect time is before Jews die. Any Islamic country surrounding Israel who supports and funds Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist groups who chronically attack and murder Jews are fair game if Israel is to survive.

Israel knows it will cease to exist if these growing and manipulated battles have to be fought in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv which according to Hezbollah’s own words is where they want the fight to go, Tel Aviv.

I think it is time for the Middle east to take this attack on the missile convey in Syria as a warning. You may be next if you continue to fund and ship missiles to the list of Islamic murderers who plan to attack Israel.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/08/13 03:36 PM
people don't seem to get that ISRAEL is surrounded by enemies, muslims that nothing more than to wipe Israel off the map. that is also the reason the have such a sophisticated military, to keep the peace before it's not peace anymore. I personally do not have a problem with whoever they attack, because it is probably deserved... and then to believe the muslim lies about how innocent they are, all you have to do is look around the world, the muslims are responsible for every major military action right now...

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 02/08/13 09:07 PM

people don't seem to get that...

...we are in the midst of yet another crusade, no more moral than the earlier ones.

no photo
Fri 02/08/13 09:22 PM

Too bad America doesn't have Israeli guts to do what needs to be done.

kick the UN out of the USA and make them repay their financial debts - cut 100& all and any aid to any hostile muslim nation, and / or insist that if the UN remains in NYC no enemy of the US may site in attendance (better yet cut ties and kick them out DAMM FLAT out)

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sat 02/09/13 12:26 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sat 02/09/13 12:30 AM
It is easy to forget that the UN is not a single minded body, but the sum of its members. Each member state is hell-bent on forwarding its own agenda and many of these members would like nothing more, than to see Israel wiped off the map, hence the perceived anti-Israeli bias.

Israel fights for its survival in a region populated with enemies, and I have no problem with the recent attacks on the Hezbollah supply lines. I see no crime in preventing future missile strikes by Hezbollah.

I can see this thread plummeting into the usual arguments about whether Israel has a right to exist, and the predictable anti-Semitic rants about the Israeli citizens not having the correct genealogy, but they are just 'x' amount of hot air and a waste of time. Israel exists whether people like it or not, and it will do whatever it has to do to survive in this environment despite UN protests, or whether some feel she violates International Law.

You can bet her enemies wouldn't give a fig about International Law if the opportunity to erase Israel presented itself.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/09/13 08:16 AM

It is easy to forget that the UN is not a single minded body, but the sum of its members. Each member state is hell-bent on forwarding its own agenda and many of these members would like nothing more, than to see Israel wiped off the map, hence the perceived anti-Israeli bias.

Israel fights for its survival in a region populated with enemies, and I have no problem with the recent attacks on the Hezbollah supply lines. I see no crime in preventing future missile strikes by Hezbollah.

I can see this thread plummeting into the usual arguments about whether Israel has a right to exist, and the predictable anti-Semitic rants about the Israeli citizens not having the correct genealogy, but they are just 'x' amount of hot air and a waste of time. Israel exists whether people like it or not, and it will do whatever it has to do to survive in this environment despite UN protests, or whether some feel she violates International Law.

You can bet her enemies wouldn't give a fig about International Law if the opportunity to erase Israel presented itself.

nice post, everything you said is true. Israel has done shady things, there's no denying that. IMO, Israel has done what they needed to do to survive in very hostile surroundings. they get a bad rap because the muslims around them have learned to play the media to a tune of "poor us" and flip it to make Israel the bad guys.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/09/13 08:17 AM

Too bad America doesn't have Israeli guts to do what needs to be done.

kick the UN out of the USA and make them repay their financial debts - cut 100& all and any aid to any hostile muslim nation, and / or insist that if the UN remains in NYC no enemy of the US may site in attendance (better yet cut ties and kick them out DAMM FLAT out)

drinker flowerforyou