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Topic: Intolerant Political Liberals
AndyBgood's photo
Mon 01/28/13 09:16 PM

Liberal intolerance is kind of an oxymoron isn't it?


Intolerant liberals may be oxymorons, but they exist.

Many have been found hiding in China's Northern Hebei Province.

Or living under a rock in Mexico!

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/28/13 11:27 PM
Im still not sure who or what decides a person or entity is 'liberal' or 'conservative',,,,,

so it astounds me that such a study could even be done

did these people self identify as liberal? and what was defined as 'intolerance',,,(mere disagreement, name calling, ad hominiem?)

no photo
Tue 01/29/13 06:59 AM

I see a lot of conservatives scream intolerance when liberals/anyone is not so tolerant of their intolerant/bigoted/racist/completely out there views.

Sure. Go ahead and claim "Racism!" without giving evidence proving your claim. False claims of racism are commonly the last resort of liberals who are losing an argument.

I guess you missed what I was saying. Read it again please. It will help if you include the rest of what I said.

no photo
Tue 01/29/13 07:25 AM
Has any one ever noticed that Liberals know more than the rest of us?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/29/13 07:34 AM

I see a lot of conservatives scream intolerance when liberals/anyone is not so tolerant of their intolerant/bigoted/racist/completely out there views.

Sure. Go ahead and claim "Racism!" without giving evidence proving your claim. False claims of racism are commonly the last resort of liberals who are losing an argument.

I guess you missed what I was saying. Read it again please. It will help if you include the rest of what I said.

your looking at it with rose colored glasses... most liberals are not "intolerant/bigoted/racist." your liberals put a spin on what the conservatives are really saying when they want to make policy. when they wanted to close planned parenthood, nobody even mentioned it (the same services)would all be covered in obamacare. maybe that's why Texas is going so great because we don't listen to what the dems are crying about every 5 mins...

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