Topic: White men only on profiles??wth?
josie68's photo
Thu 01/24/13 11:46 AM

That reminds me, I should put "No Twilight fans" in mine.

No Twilight, are you joking..

My daughters and I have watched every one so far.. have you seen jacob's chest, every women should watch that shownoway noway noway

proudmomof4's photo
Thu 01/24/13 11:50 AM
but they sparkle like diamonds LOL

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 11:52 AM

It is not uncommon for some to say what they are looking for on their profile. Why not be honest if they choose to be? No sense in giving some false pretense to those that may think they have a chance when they don't.

I have seen many state what they desire and commend them for it.. Even the ones that say they don't want full figured women hey I look I click right off their profile. Sure they don't have to say fat but some do it is how they see it... Skin color is no difference in what one prefers..

But then they may think it is rude for those that bring it to attention to others about their profile. Kind of like mocking them for what they desire... So what is rude to one may only be straight forward to another.. whoa JMO.....

If we all went around being "honest" all the time in everyday life....I'm not sure I could take it. We aren't 3 years old and telling our mommy her friend is fat because we don't know any better. Come on.
Like I said, I din't post this to learn something...I posted this to make people more aware that their likes and wants are fine and unique to them sure... but you don't have to be rude about it. Just tell someone to move on instead. I have to everyday. I have to tell men all the time to move on because of something I don't like about their appearance. I'm not going to shorten my work by being rude. No bald men. No old men. To me, that man will most likely be just fine about it and leave my profile unscathed...however, deep down inside, later on that day, he will think about how old he is getting and that he really does hate his shiny hairless scalp. I don't want to do that to someone to just save my time by filtering them out. NOT cool. Perhaps most people just don't think of things to this degree.
I don't feel I am being rude at all for bringing this person's blog to light. I didn't say "your blog completely sux" I like to give people something to think about. As you people have given me something to think about. I read your opinions, and have to disagree. It would be nice to have people care for one another in more ways and stop only thinking of themselves. This is what I see when I read a blog that singles out stuff like this. A rude, impatient, self centered person. That may be judgement, but we all need judgement to make decisions, but we don't NEED to be rude about it in all caps and exclamation points.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 01/24/13 11:54 AM

That reminds me, I should put "No Twilight fans" in mine.

No Twilight, are you joking..

My daughters and I have watched every one so far.. have you seen jacob's chest, every women should watch that shownoway noway noway

How about Ann Rice fans?

What is it with Vampires and Homosexuality? Classically they were lady killers. But Ann Rice came along and made Dracula In Drag!

And Twilight? EMO! I would kill an EMO Vampire with far more prejudice! Parasites bug me to no end! And to me a Vampire is not a predator! They are more like Lamprey eels!

But I know where things get MUCH weirder than that!

Rocky Horror anyone?

teebee79's photo
Thu 01/24/13 11:55 AM

I just saw a profile on here that the first thing the blog said was
"White men only!" omg! Are ya sure? lol I mean geez. I'm going to say it, that is out right rude and unnecessary at all get out! lol
Why can't they just decline an invitation to talk if they don't want to date a black man? That would make me feel singled out and rejected for the color of my skin. Should my profile say No ASIANS?? It might as well to me. I think African Americans have been through enough and don't need to see that first thing on someone's profile. Rude rude rude. Take it down you. lol noway

honestly, speaking only for myself... It doesn't bother me.
You know UP front and Personal that this person will not be into you.
I had a situation when a guy thought I sent him a wink or something... and he told me he was looking for white women only. What pissed me off was... I DID NOT SEND HIM A WINK but if I had... he could have handled it better... with saying thank you but I'm not interested.

no photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:08 PM
Well, Mingle used to be a fun forum. I now understand why a lot of people have left.

navygirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:09 PM
I don't see the problem of stating what you want in a preference but I think people can be more tactful when stating it.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:11 PM

It would be nice to have people care for one another in more ways and stop only thinking of themselves. This is what I see when I read a blog that singles out stuff like this. A rude, impatient, self centered person. That may be judgement, but we all need judgement to make decisions, but we don't NEED to be rude about it in all caps and exclamation points.

I Agree but online you often find a lot of Rude people.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:12 PM

I don't see the problem of stating what you want in a preference but I think people can be more tactful when stating it.

frustrated she said it way better than me.
and faster too....gawd...story of my life.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:13 PM
I've read chick profiles that say they have a preference and all. Doesn't bother me. They have a preference. No big deal. But I also agree with Torgo. No Twilight fans. Oh, and if she is into that whole 50 shades thing, then all means, hit me up. :tongue: laugh

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:13 PM

Mine said no 20yr old leg humpers
did that stop the chats NNOOOO!!

exactly. lol it doesn't really stop much anyway.

teebee79's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:16 PM

Well, Mingle used to be a fun forum. I now understand why a lot of people have left.

It's still fun bigsmile
but some topics are funnier than others! winking

Kahurangi's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:20 PM
It's a preference innit? Like someone preferring salt 'n' vinegar potato chips to just plain...should we be polite to the 'just plain' chips as we pass them by in favour of the salt 'n' vinegar? Excuse me plain chips...i don't mean to be rude, but i just prefer chips with a bit of flavour.

It only becomes a problem when somebody decides to make it one.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:25 PM

Well, Mingle used to be a fun forum. I now understand why a lot of people have left.

It's still fun bigsmile
but some topics are funnier than others! winking

Ah I like this woman. Cheers to you. You have a very short sweet way of saying things. I can learn from you. flowerforyou

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:27 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 01/24/13 12:30 PM

It's a preference innit? Like someone preferring salt 'n' vinegar potato chips to just plain...should we be polite to the 'just plain' chips as we pass them by in favour of the salt 'n' vinegar? Excuse me plain chips...i don't mean to be rude, but i just prefer chips with a bit of flavour.

It only becomes a problem when somebody decides to make it one.

But we are not discussing salt and vinegar are we?
We are talking about someone's appearance.
That can, and usually is, a touchy subject far more important than salt and vinegar. You'd have to use another example.
Nobody feels bad after they find out someone likes salt and vinegar.

no photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:28 PM
Colors make the Rainbow shine
Love is where you find it...
Racial hate and bigotry
Can only leave one blinded...
I am glad that there are differences in mankind
It is a part of what adds to the wonder of life !
Let's all just try to love one another ?

happy happy\\

...Because of folks like YOU !


no photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:31 PM

I think preferences can equal racism. (in some cases)
In many cases it's just a sugar coated with the word preference.
Each person has to judge their own heart.
My 2 cents....

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:32 PM


I think preferences can equal racism. (in some cases)
In many cases it's just a sugar coated with the word preference.
Each person has to judge their own heart.
My 2 cents....

I like your cents flowerforyou

justme659's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:48 PM

Because it can make someone feel bad and rejected. It's not nice. I can also say, no old bald men...that's not nice. Now if I said no unemployed luffs...that's different...that is something someone CAN change. No one can change the color of their skin, and sometimes, can't control their weight. So what? You have to tell them to move on if you don't like that. Big deal! It's better than being rude. I won't even talk with someone that has a blog like that. Why would I date them? Seriously. It's about manners. It just shows that they don't care about anyone but what they want.

WOW! I did not realise that when I signed on to a dating site, to find someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, that I had to make sure that I did not hurt the feelings of ANYONE ever! These are my choices for me only. If anyone reading it ends up feeling bad, that is not my fault. I can not help how anyone feels about themselves. That strength comes from within.

And you know what, I am old enough, lived through enough that it is ok to want what I want. There is nothing wrong with that. No one ever promised me that this would be handed to me on a silver platter. No one ever promised me that everyone I encountered would treat me nice everytime.

Manners are saying please and thank you. Being "politically correct" is what you expecting every member to be. Well that is mighty hard on a dating site. I personally would rather read a profile and know from the begining that this or that guy is not looking for me, a fat,ugly, old crone.

teebee79's photo
Thu 01/24/13 12:54 PM

Well, Mingle used to be a fun forum. I now understand why a lot of people have left.

It's still fun bigsmile
but some topics are funnier than others! winking

Ah I like this woman. Cheers to you. You have a very short sweet way of saying things. I can learn from you. flowerforyou

We can learn from each other happy