Topic: ESPN fires racist commentator
no photo
Wed 01/09/13 03:29 PM
I answered your questions. Then I asked you. But you just sprayed me with even more questions.

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 03:33 PM

I answered your questions. Then I asked you. But you just sprayed me with even more questions.

I don't agree with insulting people, putting them down, attacking them verbally or physically because of the color of their skin. I don't see a point in it. People are people. We're all different. I see no reason to justify racism.

Just as I see no reason for bigotry.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 01/09/13 03:39 PM

OP, are you black? Why are you hiding behind that photo? This is a singles site. Who are you trying to attract here? I thought that was the point of this site. Why use odd photos?

In answer to your article, newsflash: birds of a feather flock together. Don't so gosh darned shucks OMG be so shocked over racism. It's perfectly natural. The ideal that we all get along is unnatural. It's a sweet concept but reality is a different world. Even animals are naturally suspicious of anything that is unfamiliar or dissimilar. It's a survival instinct to stay with whatever is familiar and to be suspicious of differences.

I am surprised you actually understand the human condition so well. KUDOS! You are right in the fact that we all do not get along and that concept we do is really unnatural. And you managed to equate racism as an survival instinct to stay with the familiar which is completely logical! Again Kudos!

Watch out for singmesweet. She thinks we are not animals!

Back to the topic, far too many people have convinced themselves the only racist people in the world are white. And while I am standing among black men I am accused of being a racist by people who think they know racism. We spend far too much time ignoring what we were to see where we are really going much like Rome in its Golden Age. They are people so blinded with the glory of mankind to see or understand what we really are and where we are developmentally speaking. Man as a species has more in common with a disease than a rational thinking creature! We spread across this planet wiping out all other life with some impression we are God's chosen and are intended to go on forever and ever. We are horrible stewards of the planet.

It really is like Frank Zappa said, if you want to see just how bad humanity really is just turn on the news!

HI KIM! Trying to keep this topic from becoming an all out fur ball this time? I will behave. I promise!

I superduper swear!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 03:54 PM

Ms Harmony, sorry about your ordeal. That's awful.

no worries, like you, I believe crap happens, and makes us stronger,,,,

I do still hate to hear about people going through said crap though,, especially when its easily avoidable,,,laugh

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 04:39 PM

I say you're brainwashed by media propaganda. But I will ask anyway. What makes racism so disgusting to you? It's everywhere and it has been around since the age of man. The notion that mankind is trying to banish it is laughable. It will never happen. It's a natural state of man, his survival instinct, like I explained before.

There are many forms and aspects of racism. That some are ancient doesn't make them inevitable. Even if some are inevitable, it doesn't make all inevitable. And if we are unable to accomplish something perfectly, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to accomplish it as best we can.

We absolutely can, eventually, create a society in which people of different skin color are not treated differently by others because of their skin color.

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 04:44 PM
Don't so gosh darned shucks OMG be so shocked over racism. It's perfectly natural.

What do you mean by 'natural'? Murder, genocide, rape, and slavery are all also 'perfectly natural' if you look at the conduct of non-humans. That doesn't make them acceptable.

The ideal that we all get along is unnatural.

The idea that people of different races can get along is absolutely realistic and sensible.

It's a sweet concept but reality is a different world.

In reality many cultures and nations have make huge improvements in this area over the last century. We have a ways to go.

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 04:49 PM
I'm glad they didn't renew his contract. He has a right to express his opinion but not on their dime. I think its okay to tread into 'racially antagonistic' territory if you have a good purpose for it, but I don't see him having a good purpose. His statements seem to me to needlessly fan the flames of racial antagonism.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 04:51 PM
does anyone have the quote of what he actually said?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/09/13 04:55 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

best for the network and him,, obviously there was incompatible values there,,,

Oh, there was definite incompatibility. Rob Parker's racism isn't compatible with ESPN's desire to be free of racism.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:01 PM
Click here if you want to read Rob Parker's original racist statements.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:08 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

best for the network and him,, obviously there was incompatible values there,,,

Oh, there was definite incompatibility. Rob Parker's racism isn't compatible with ESPN's desire to be free of racism.

apparently,, they only want the answers they like when they ask commentators questions

nothing new,, all networks do it,, some want the controversial answers and some do whatever is possible to avoid them

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:13 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

best for the network and him,, obviously there was incompatible values there,,,

Oh, there was definite incompatibility. Rob Parker's racism isn't compatible with ESPN's desire to be free of racism.

apparently,, they only want the answers they like when they ask commentators questions

nothing new,, all networks do it,, some want the controversial answers and some do whatever is possible to avoid them

Actually, ESPN's viewers were offended by Rob Parker's racist commentary.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:16 PM

Don't so gosh darned shucks OMG be so shocked over racism. It's perfectly natural.

What do you mean by 'natural'? Murder, genocide, rape, and slavery are all also 'perfectly natural' if you look at the conduct of non-humans. That doesn't make them acceptable.

The ideal that we all get along is unnatural.

The idea that people of different races can get along is absolutely realistic and sensible.

It's a sweet concept but reality is a different world.

In reality many cultures and nations have make huge improvements in this area over the last century. We have a ways to go.

Where I do agree with what you are saying here I must add to it that you seem to over look human history in general. Murder rape and genocide have constantly been justified and still are justified by people to this day. Just because YOU don't justify it does not mean it is not part of the human condition we must admit to, face, and evolve past.

Otherwise all we are doing is spinning our wheels and going no where!

willing2's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:19 PM
As long as people like Eugene and the NOI exist, racism will be kept alive.

Hopefully, Eugene will just die and not be killed so he can become a martyr.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:20 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

I was dating a black girl when I was 24 and her parents took one look at me when they met me the first time and of all people her own grandmother said, BIG DRUM ROLL, this is so fucqued up... "There ain't no way I am going to see you having a white baby. NO WAY ! NO SIR!" Her parents gave me the total cold shoulder. That relationship ended badly and not becasue of the girl I was dating. Her family had money and they, "sent her off to school."

So can someone tell me why I am a racist exactly? But how long did ESPN tolerate this man's conduct? All too often we reward people who victimize others becasue they in turn perceived some social victimization upon themselves. Parker is a chumpsicle of the fifth level of chump! It takes more to be a chumpsicle of the 8th order. It don't get no chumpier than that!

I dont know if or why you are a racist Andy. Elder blacks went through alot of bs in this country which made many of them very untrusting and hateful. Much like a rape victim doesnt want to have the rapists baby. Many who were victimized in past times see that 'victimizer' in the skin tone of anyone resembling them and cant 'see' themself having or needing to share their love with such a person.

I dont agree with it, although I understand it. I likewise had a serious fear and contempt for white males after my rape. It took alot of UNLEARNING And logic to overcome those base reactions to my experience.

networks tolerate whatever keeps them rolling in sponsors, when the sponsors are unhappy (usually when the viewing demographic and potential customers are at risk of taking their dollars elsewhare)

thats why Bill Oreilly still has a job and why Limbaugh has been employed so long,,,their sponsors customers have similar mindsets and beliefs so as not to feel offended

apparently, NBC sponsors and customers were offended by his comments,, so they 'let him go'.... if thats even what happened

as the articl so briefly mentions , his contract was up, he didnt renew ,,,with no evidence of what reason was given

I was illustrating the dark heart of racism and its lack of color limitations. many others here assume I am racist becasue I do not cater to a lot of people's liberal worldly views. But a lot of Blacks likewise forget a lot of whites lost their lives and put it all at risk for the ideal they too are equals like the rest of us "whiteys!" There are whites who stood besides black people in times were doing so meant that the whites would be discriminated upon by their own.

Hate breeds more hate. And people hate for perfectly confusing reasons!

no photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:25 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

I was dating a black girl when I was 24 and her parents took one look at me when they met me the first time and of all people her own grandmother said, BIG DRUM ROLL, this is so fucqued up... "There ain't no way I am going to see you having a white baby. NO WAY ! NO SIR!" Her parents gave me the total cold shoulder. That relationship ended badly and not becasue of the girl I was dating. Her family had money and they, "sent her off to school."

So can someone tell me why I am a racist exactly? But how long did ESPN tolerate this man's conduct? All too often we reward people who victimize others becasue they in turn perceived some social victimization upon themselves. Parker is a chumpsicle of the fifth level of chump! It takes more to be a chumpsicle of the 8th order. It don't get no chumpier than that!

Andy, it was not because they were racist or you were white. It was because you are ugly.
laugh just kidding.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:33 PM

Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports:

Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.

Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN.

Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people".

In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features.

Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist.

Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist.

Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside.

best for the network and him,, obviously there was incompatible values there,,,

Oh, there was definite incompatibility. Rob Parker's racism isn't compatible with ESPN's desire to be free of racism.

apparently,, they only want the answers they like when they ask commentators questions

nothing new,, all networks do it,, some want the controversial answers and some do whatever is possible to avoid them

Actually, ESPN's viewers were offended by Rob Parker's racist commentary.

duly noted

the viewers dietate which comments 'commentators' are permitted to make,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:34 PM

As long as people like Eugene and the NOI exist, racism will be kept alive.

Hopefully, Eugene will just die and not be killed so he can become a martyr.

actually, it was racism that gave birth to 'people like' Farrakhan and NOI,,, even if they all disappeared tomorrow

racism would still be around

willing2's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:40 PM

gave birth to 'people like' Farrakhan and NOI,,,

I demand a Gov. paid abortion.smokin

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/09/13 05:41 PM

gave birth to 'people like' Farrakhan and NOI,,,

I demand a Gov. paid abortion.smokin

demanding 'equality' is probably an easier goal