Topic: memory lapses or oversights perhaps
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/02/13 03:35 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 01/02/13 03:39 PM

Questions and Answers:

1. What are the ten commandments? Only place in the Bible where they are specially mentioned is Exodus 34:14-26

2. What gender are Angels? Male, Genesis 6:1-4

3. What is G-d's name? Jealous, Exodus 34-14

4. Who created evil? G-d, Isaiah 45:7

5. Is G-d omnipotent? No, Judges 1:19

6. Where does G-d live? In darkness, Psalms 97:1-2; Psalms 18:11

7. What Xmas tradition is forbidden? Xmas trees, Jeremiah 10: 2-8

8. Why did G-d torture Job? Because the Devil dared him to, Job 2:3

1. Yes the 10 commandments is only specifically mentioned in one area. We no longer follow specifically the "10 commandments" in that exact sense. Jesus did though, teach all the 10 commandments through out his teachings.

3. It is an expression with it saying his name is "Jealous". Just as when it says his name is great.

Jeremiah 10:6
6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

4. Yes God created evil when he gave us free will. He created the possibility of it. Doing his will is doing good and doing the opposite of his will is doing evil. Therefore him having a will and us having the possibility to do the opposite of his will created evil.

5. Doesn't state he is not omnipotent.

6. Does not state he lives in the dark. States the clouds and darkness are around him, symbolizing he is above us, he is up. Just as Heaven is generally referred to being up, in the clouds in the many mentions of Heaven and or someone(s) coming down from Heaven.

7. says absolutely nothing about Christmas trees being forbidden.

8. God didn't torture Job. He allowed Satan to test him.

Let's take it one at a time:
"And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." (Judges 1:19)
Ergo, no omnipotency

Why would he? They obviously still had a way around or whatever. It didn't stop them from doing what they were doing.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/02/13 05:34 PM

the truth is that the Father and The Holy Spirit are not why do you worship them as such

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched-this we proclaim concering the Word of life.
(I John I:1) niv

As John taught in his letter to the Christians it is very important to know and believe that Jesus is both God and man.

Ceasar was also both God and Man...if Jesus prayed to him, Ceasar had the power to saved his life ..

God and Jesus are One, Jesus was born in the Flesh.

Baal was God in the bible Baal and Jesus are One?

There is only ONE true God, Jehovah God. The true God offers salvation and life eternal through Jesus Christ, if you trust in Him. No other God can do this for a man. Jesus died on the true/cross that we might have Life and that more abundantly.

We have not received the spirti of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

( I Corinthians 1:12-15) niv

right...God goes by many names...Jehovah, Jesus , Allah, Baal

Incorrect Funches.

"Jahovah" is a latin translation of YHWH. It is the same name, just in a different language/culture.

And no God doesn't go by Allah or Baal. Baal in general was a FALSE God people worshiped as God. Doesn't make him god just because someone(s) worships him as such.


no photo
Thu 01/03/13 05:23 AM
well since you guys are in here resorting to Hebrew names...your savior's name is yehōshu'a not Jesus that you know this..I wonder how long it will take you guys to start calling your savior by his "original sounding name"

perhaps that's why the "chrisitan savior" do not answer when christians pray to him because they call him by a name that he never heard of ..Jesus?..who the hell is that?,... my name is yehōshu'a

you would think that Christians would show their savior some respect and call him by his "original sounding" birth name not some English water down knock off name

so if you guys are not willing to call your savior by his "original sounding" name (whatever that may be) then what do you say that you cease with the phony Hebrew lessons which you guys can neither read it nor write it... and just stick to english ..

or perhaps I may resort to reminding you that you are disrespecting your savior by calling him something other than his "original sounding " name

as for the many names of God ...Allah and Baal are two such try and deny this is doing the same that you claim that the Pharisees have done to Jesus ...oops meant to yehōshu'a

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 06:42 AM

well since you guys are in here resorting to Hebrew names...your savior's name is yehōshu'a not Jesus that you know this..I wonder how long it will take you guys to start calling your savior by his "original sounding name"

perhaps that's why the "chrisitan savior" do not answer when christians pray to him because they call him by a name that he never heard of ..Jesus?..who the hell is that?,... my name is yehōshu'a

you would think that Christians would show their savior some respect and call him by his "original sounding" birth name not some English water down knock off name

so if you guys are not willing to call your savior by his "original sounding" name (whatever that may be) then what do you say that you cease with the phony Hebrew lessons which you guys can neither read it nor write it... and just stick to english ..

or perhaps I may resort to reminding you that you are disrespecting your savior by calling him something other than his "original sounding " name

as for the many names of God ...Allah and Baal are two such try and deny this is doing the same that you claim that the Pharisees have done to Jesus ...oops meant to yehōshu'a

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:07 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:17 AM
God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name

Cowboy...that sure doesn't sound Hebrew...are you sure thats the "original sounding" Hebrew name?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:26 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

yehōshu'a and Jesus is the exact same name Funches, they are not two different names. They are the same name in two different languages.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:31 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

yehōshu'a and Jesus is the exact same name Funches, they are not two different names. They are the same name in two different languages.

nope...the name Jesus didn't come from the lips of the woman your savior popped out of ...she bellowed the name "yehōshu'a"?

this is why it's disrespect to call him anything else

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:34 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 01/03/13 07:35 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

yehōshu'a and Jesus is the exact same name Funches, they are not two different names. They are the same name in two different languages.

nope...the name Jesus didn't come from the lips of the woman your savior popped out of ...she bellowed the name "yehōshu'a"?

this is why it's disrespect to call him anything else

Yes, because that is the language she spoke. You're funny funches lol.

And we're not calling him anything else. We're calling him the same thing in a different language. It is nevertheless the same name though Funches.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:46 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

yehōshu'a and Jesus is the exact same name Funches, they are not two different names. They are the same name in two different languages.

nope...the name Jesus didn't come from the lips of the woman your savior popped out of ...she bellowed the name "yehōshu'a"?

this is why it's disrespect to call him anything else

Yes, because that is the language she spoke. You're funny funches lol.

And we're not calling him anything else. We're calling him the same thing in a different language. It is nevertheless the same name though Funches.

Mary spoke the name "yehōshu'a" because God the Father told Mary to speak his name as such...God did not tell Mary to speak the name that sound like Jesus

you and all those that refer to or pray to or worship in that worshipping the name of someone God never mentioned

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:13 AM

Questions and Answers:

1. What are the ten commandments? Only place in the Bible where they are specially mentioned is Exodus 34:14-26

the ten commandments are a list of commands that God refuse to follow

2. What gender are Angels? Male, Genesis 6:1-4

that would explain why Satan decided to fall from women

3. What is G-d's name? Jealous, Exodus 34-14

reminds me of the movie "My Super Ex-Girlfriend"

4. Who created evil? G-d, Isaiah 45:7

which of those three trinity gods is named Jealous..that's the one that created Evil ...I vote it's Jesus

5. Is G-d omnipotent? No, Judges 1:19

are you sure...because he do go around impregnanting a lot of Earth Women

6. Where does G-d live? In darkness, Psalms 97:1-2; Psalms 18:11

he probably forgot to pay the light bill in Heaven

7. What Xmas tradition is forbidden? Xmas trees, Jeremiah 10: 2-8

human sacrifices

8. Why did G-d torture Job? Because the Devil dared him to, Job 2:3

hence the phrase.."The Devil Made Me Do It"

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:25 AM

o.O bit far fetched there Funches.

you were the one that started this Hebrew stuff...if you can't take it then perhaps you should think twice before trying to dish it out

Translating a name into a different language is in no way showing disrepect.

you are worshipping the wrong savior are suppose to worship a savior with a name that sounds like "yehōshu'a " ..not sound like Jesus

Why would God go by many different names? God has one name, is the most high and most glorious name.

so God do not go by the name Jesus...oops wrong name..I meant so God do not go by the name "yehōshu'a"?

yehōshu'a and Jesus is the exact same name Funches, they are not two different names. They are the same name in two different languages.

nope...the name Jesus didn't come from the lips of the woman your savior popped out of ...she bellowed the name "yehōshu'a"?

this is why it's disrespect to call him anything else

Yes, because that is the language she spoke. You're funny funches lol.

And we're not calling him anything else. We're calling him the same thing in a different language. It is nevertheless the same name though Funches.

Mary spoke the name "yehōshu'a" because God the Father told Mary to speak his name as such...God did not tell Mary to speak the name that sound like Jesus

you and all those that refer to or pray to or worship in that worshipping the name of someone God never mentioned

It is the same name Funches. A word doesn't change from being translated from language to language. It only changes in prononciation, thus is also spelt differently. But nevertheless is the same word.

For instance, my name is Gregory. So even if it's translated into spanish as gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, it is the same exact name.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:26 AM

It is the same name Funches. A word doesn't change from being translated from language to language. It only changes in prononciation, thus is also spelt differently. But nevertheless is the same word.

For instance, my name is Gregory. So even if it's translated into spanish as gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, it is the same exact name.

Cowboy...if your parents wanted you to be called Gregarious then they would have named your that instead of Gregory

The Father nevered spoke the name Jesus...he spoke the name "yehōshu'a"

why would you want to call your savior a name that doesn't sound like anything that your God commanded that he be called

see how you don't follow the commands of your God..

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:32 AM

It is the same name Funches. A word doesn't change from being translated from language to language. It only changes in prononciation, thus is also spelt differently. But nevertheless is the same word.

For instance, my name is Gregory. So even if it's translated into spanish as gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, it is the same exact name.

Cowboy...if your parents wanted you to be called Gregarious then they would have named your that instead of Gregory

The Father nevered spoke the name Jesus...he spoke the name "yehōshu'a"

why would you want to call your savior a name that doesn't sound like anything that your God commanded that he be called

see how you don't follow the commands of your God..

Funches, lol that is what I am saying. My name is Gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, or Gregory. They are all the same, just pronounced differently in a different language.

A word/name doesn't change just because it is translated into a different language. The pronounciation is different, thus the spelling is different. That's it, it is still the same name.

English - Apple
Spanish - la manzana

The two are exactly the same words, just said differently in a different language. But nevertheless is the same word referring to the same object. Just as Jesus' name, in english we pronounce his name Jesus instead of yehōshu'a but nevertheless is the same name.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:46 AM

Funches, lol that is what I am saying. My name is Gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, or Gregory.

no name is that which your parents spoke ...which of those names did your parents speak and command be on your birth certificate ...

the same applies to your savior...and God never spoke the name of Jesus

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:53 AM

Funches, lol that is what I am saying. My name is Gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, or Gregory.

no name is that which your parents spoke ...which of those names did your parents speak and command be on your birth certificate ...

the same applies to your savior...and God never spoke the name of Jesus

Yes exactly what I'm saying.

And if I moved to another country and got a birth certificate there, keeping with this example say Mexico. If I moved to Mexico and got a birth certificate there it would say one of the following Gregarious', Gregory', Gregorian, or Gregory.

And not because I would get a name change, but because it is the exact same thing in a different language. That's the only change, the language.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 10:02 AM

And if I moved to another country and got a birth certificate there,

if you did, and they changed the name or spelling,...then it would not be the name that your parents spoke and commanded to be on your birth certificate

God never spoke of Jesus ..he spoke of "yehōshu'a"

there have been some here in the forum that never once refer to anyone with the name Jesus...they would use Yeshua or "yehōshu'a"

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 10:29 AM

And if I moved to another country and got a birth certificate there,

if you did, and they changed the name or spelling,...then it would not be the name that your parents spoke and commanded to be on your birth certificate

God never spoke of Jesus ..he spoke of "yehōshu'a"

there have been some here in the forum that never once refer to anyone with the name Jesus...they would use Yeshua or "yehōshu'a"

I did say Yeshua or "yehōshu'a", I said that name in English, Jesus. Again Funches, it is the same name.

And going with the example, no there would be no changing of my name. Words are spelt the way they are pronounced. In another language my name would be pronounced differently, therefore spelt differently. But nevertheless would be the same exact name.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 10:43 AM

I did say Yeshua or "yehōshu'a", I said that name in English, Jesus. Again Funches, it is the same name.

it is not the sound that God made when he spoke the name of his son....

to call his son anything else than what he commanded you to call breaking God's Law ...

God did not call his son Jesus have be fooled into doing so

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/03/13 11:12 AM

Questions and Answers:

1. What are the ten commandments? Only place in the Bible where they are specially mentioned is Exodus 34:14-26

2. What gender are Angels? Male, Genesis 6:1-4

3. What is G-d's name? Jealous, Exodus 34-14

4. Who created evil? G-d, Isaiah 45:7

5. Is G-d omnipotent? No, Judges 1:19

6. Where does G-d live? In darkness, Psalms 97:1-2; Psalms 18:11

7. What Xmas tradition is forbidden? Xmas trees, Jeremiah 10: 2-8

8. Why did G-d torture Job? Because the Devil dared him to, Job 2:3

1. Yes the 10 commandments is only specifically mentioned in one area. We no longer follow specifically the "10 commandments" in that exact sense. Jesus did though, teach all the 10 commandments through out his teachings.

3. It is an expression with it saying his name is "Jealous". Just as when it says his name is great.

Jeremiah 10:6
6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

4. Yes God created evil when he gave us free will. He created the possibility of it. Doing his will is doing good and doing the opposite of his will is doing evil. Therefore him having a will and us having the possibility to do the opposite of his will created evil.

5. Doesn't state he is not omnipotent.

6. Does not state he lives in the dark. States the clouds and darkness are around him, symbolizing he is above us, he is up. Just as Heaven is generally referred to being up, in the clouds in the many mentions of Heaven and or someone(s) coming down from Heaven.

7. says absolutely nothing about Christmas trees being forbidden.

8. God didn't torture Job. He allowed Satan to test him.

Let's take it one at a time:
"And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." (Judges 1:19)
Ergo, no omnipotency

#7 Xmas trees-

"Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. . . . They are altogether brutish and foolish." (Jeremiah 10:2-8)

Decorated trees at Yule is an ancient Pagan practice.