Topic: What should we do about homelessness | |
here in town
there is a park where the bums tend to sleep by the bridge and ugm or another church has certain days where they will prepare a meal for them i have thought about helping out there was a movie i cant recall the name but it was based on a true story about this weathly lady that offered to help several homeless people when she had died the house was donated to the homeless and the people that were living there before she had died got to continue living there |
I agree with you we need donald trump to run for president not kidding h is a good business man and could help get rid of the aliens in our country! I don't like our country anymore they keep screwing us with health insurance and everything else yeah politics suck!!!!
I fel sorry for the homeless I used to help out at the senior center in town to help out or just donate food when I can! I always check dates on everything before I give it away though :)
There is no one answer is not going to fit all homelessbecause the reasons for homelesness are so varied.
One of the big ones that few people want to address the absence of life skills. Being aware of how to live on a budget, co-exist with others, be clean are more lacking than many want to address. Thinking ahead an planning for emancipation is a big problem wheather we are talking about kids, prisoners , or patients. Another is the absence of affordable houseing. Generally houseing is built privately and for profit and there is not enough profit in affordable houseing. Part of it is also "not in my neighborhood" attitude too. People sink their life savings into their home they don't want someone who is only going to use and abuse the affordable houseing and move on droping the value of their property. Some of it is design problems. It is kind of ridiculous to put someone in a home that needs massive maintenance with no "how to" knowledge, tools, or funds set aside to do it. Or residents without physical/mental/cognitive ability to do it. While I don't want to down Salvation Army or all shelter facilities there are some pretty ridiculous situations going on. And yes some of the salaries that are being paid in some situations are "obscene" as are the condition of the buildings. But the people who find themselves needing these facilities need to make and effort to make themselves part of their own solutions. Instead of trashing the buildings, argueing with/curseing staff, bullying other residents, and stealing anything that is not nailed down doesn't help. And just being responsible for their own stuff and following simple directions that are often posted would improve conditions a lot. Last but not least I think the whole idea that being entitled to anything just because you breath is is part of the problem. Yea I know a lot of people seem to just get it handed to them for nothing but those who think they can sleep in a clean bed, have a hot shower, set around smoking cigaretts, drinking free coffee, and getting served a hot meal with out even offering to rinse off their dishes or say thank you much less report for job search or training or a job fair or interview. |
We have a lot of homeless people on the island. I've heard a lot of states shipped many of their homeless here so now it's our problem instead of theirs. One man we give our cans and bottles to at my work because they are worth five cents each here. He is always very polite but talks to himself and obviously has some sort of mental illness. Many of them often wash themselves up in our public restroom at my work and stink up the whole place.
Many hang out on the beaches and there is a large community of them here. Churches here do provide food and entertainment for the homeless from time to time and I've been a part of that a few times. I feel sorry for them more then I think they're a nuisance. |
Labeling all those who live out on the streets homeless is social euphemism.
Those people are out there for various reasons. Those reasons should be addressed individually, for there is no one size fits all solutions. And, believe it or not, there are those who chose to live out there. That segment are not bums or panhandlers, but are a segment that has chosen the shun the rat race, and try to live somewhat more primitive within the concrete jungle. They bother no one, and usually are doing recyclables and such. And yet, in my old home town, I have actually watched a shift change of sorts of freeway offramp panhandlers. Was actually shocked to witness that. They were working basically 4 hr. shifts. So, there are many reasons that people are out there. One size fits all euphemistic names do nothing to address those needs. Some need help, not money. And some are bums. Just got to sort 'em out one at a time. |
Edited by
Mon 12/10/12 03:31 AM
What we should do about it?
Help those that can be helped and are willing to be helped! The rest?Sorry,they will have to paddle their own Canoe! |
a lot of homeless people have some sort of mental illness going on. you're a complete dick if you think they're all just lazy bums. they need help. Oh good, somebody who actually knows something about homelessness rather than just wanting to rant. Silly me to think a post called "What to do about homelessness" would have some ideas on how to help people who are homeless. So Very True! |