Topic: Israel attack on Gaza: | |
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. ![]() |
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Sat 11/17/12 12:35 PM
I don't know if there are any Jews living in Israel that are members of Mingle or if Israel allows people to have unrestricted Internet access, but if any Jewish people in Israel can read this, I would suggest that you leave Israel as soon as possible.
Your leaders are corrupt and they will abandon you to your enemies. Israel is like a giant concentration camp. |
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Sat 11/17/12 12:38 PM
I don't know if there are any Jews living in Israel that are members of Mingle or if Israel allows people to have unrestricted Internet access, but if any Jewish people in Israel can read this, I would suggest that you leave Israel as soon as possible. Your leaders are corrupt and they will abandon you to your enemies. Israel is like a giant concentration camp. ![]() ![]() ![]() You really do not know what you are talking about,do you! ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 11/17/12 12:50 PM
Israel itself admits (and whines constantly) about how everyone hates them and how everyone is trying to destroy them. They have admitted that.
Then, they do their best to piss off their enemies because they seem to need war to survive. They don't know how to make friends. They lie and they cheat. They cavort with terrorists and Israel was founded on terrorism, but they claim that now they are 'the good guys' and that they are 'only defending themselves.' They suck the holocaust for all its worth. They have become the monster that they claim they fear. They practice racism even within their own country. They don't even take care of the poor people living in Israel. They have ads all over national television asking for donations to Israel's poor. Hey, I think America gives Israel enough aid that they should not have to beg for donations from Americans to support their poor. The poor Jewish people living there probably can't afford to leave. But I am pleading with them to leave any way they can. Get out of Israel. It is a death trap. If America falls, they will not be able to support Israel and Israel will be at the mercy of their neighbors. |
With the economy in the shape it is in, it is doomed to failure. The dollar is on its way out. Who will Israel look to save them when America can't even save itself?
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Sat 11/17/12 12:58 PM
Israel itself admits (and whines constantly) about how everyone hates them and how everyone is trying to destroy them. They have admitted that. Then, they do their best to piss off their enemies because they seem to need war to survive. They don't know how to make friends. They lie and they cheat. They cavort with terrorists and Israel was founded on terrorism, but they claim that now they are 'the good guys' and that they are 'only defending themselves.' They suck the holocaust for all its worth. They have become the monster that they claim they fear. They practice racism even within their own country. They don't even take care of the poor people living in Israel. They have ads all over national television asking for donations to Israel's poor. Hey, I think America gives Israel enough aid that they should not have to beg for donations from Americans to support their poor. The poor Jewish people living there probably can't afford to leave. But I am pleading with them to leave any way they can. Get out of Israel. It is a death trap. If America falls, they will not be able to support Israel and Israel will be at the mercy of their neighbors. ![]() do you really think when you write this stuff? It's so blatantly false that I wonder! |
Yasser Arafat and the PLO's Jihadist Agenda
In his Nazi mufti mentor, the future Nobel Peace Prize laureate discovered a true soul mate. Arafat expressed his admiration for the mufti until the end of his days, describing him in an interview published in the Palestinian newspaper al-Quds as his "model and hero."[38] This mentor enlisted him in the Muslim Brotherhood where he received his first military training at the hands of former Nazis.[39] In October 1959, Arafat and some of his colleagues founded Fatah, a word that means "conquest" and is a reverse acronym for Harakat at-Tahrir al-Filastini (The movement for the liberation of Palestine). Fatah's ultimate aim, as stated in its platform, is "the annihilation of the Zionist entity in all of its economic, political, military, and cultural manifestations."[40] In late May 1964, a gathering of 422 Palestinian activists in East Jerusalem established the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and approved its two foundation documents—the organization's Basic Constitution and the Palestinian National Covenant.[41] By the end of the decade, the PLO had been overtaken by Fatah with Arafat appointed as chairman. Anyone who wants to know what stands in the way of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians need only read the Palestinian National Charter, which assumed its final form in July 1968.[42] Reminiscent of the Nazis' focus on blood purity, article 4 sets a similar tone, stating that "Palestinian identity is a genuine, essential, and inherent characteristic; it is transmitted from parents to children." The covenant allows no room either for negotiations or for a peaceful means of attaining their ends (articles 9, 10, and 21). Just as the Jews threatened the existence and the essence of the Aryan nation, so they threaten the existence and the essence of the Arab nation because "the destiny of the Arab nation and, indeed, Arab existence itself depends upon the destiny of the Palestine cause" (article 14); the elimination of the Jews is not merely a political issue but, most fundamentally, an existential, ontological issue. Anything that might legitimize Jewish existence, then, must be debunked, which is the point of article 20: "Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history." The Jews simply have no place in Palestine, which must be made Judenrein. Furthermore, the implication of article 22 is that there is no place for the Jew anywhere: "Israel is the instrument of the Zionist movement and geographical base for world imperialism … Israel is a constant source of threat vis-à-vis peace in the Middle East and the whole world." Just as the Nazis would deliver humanity from the Jewish evil, so the PLO would save humankind; and just as the Nazis were willing to give the appearance of negotiations in the run up to World War II, winning Czechoslovakia without a single shot through the notorious Munich agreement,[43] so the PLO adopted in July 1974 the "phased strategy," stipulating that the Palestinians should seize whatever territory Israel is prepared or compelled to cede to them and use it as a springboard for further territorial gains until achieving the "complete liberation of Palestine."[44] Even as Arafat shook Yitzhak Rabin's hand on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993, he informed the Palestinians in a prerecorded, Arabic-language message broadcast by Jordanian television, that the Israeli-Palestinian declaration of principles, also known as the Oslo accords, was merely the implementation of the PLO's "phased strategy."[45] Despite Arafat's declaration after the September 1972 massacre of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games that every Jew was a target and his subsequent proclamation that the "end of Israel is the goal of our struggle, and it allows neither compromise nor mediation … Peace for us means the destruction of Israel and nothing else,"[46] the United Nations welcomed the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians[47] and granted it observer status.[48] Small wonder that following that recognition, PLO chief Salah Khalaf had no qualms about asserting that an "independent state on the West Bank and Gaza is the beginning of the final solution,"[49] intentionally echoing the Nazi code word for the extermination of European Jewry that informed the PLO's own outlook. In February 1979, just days after the Iranian Islamic revolution, Arafat was welcomed in Tehran[50] where he declared to the founding father of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, "The path we have chosen is identical."[51] This embrace of the Iranian revolution, as well as Arafat's roots in the Muslim Brotherhood to which others of Fatah's founding fathers belonged, indicates that the PLO was not as secular as many claimed. In 1987, Arafat affirmed that "the religious trend is an integral part of the PLO," and Khalaf averred, "The beginning of the Islamic awakening lay in sanctified jihad, which was started by Fatah."[52] Just a year prior to signing the Oslo accords, Arafat vilified the Jews—not the Israelis—using strongly religious imagery: "Damn their [the Jews'] fathers. The dogs. Filth and dirt … Treachery flows in their blood, as the Qur'an testifies."[53] In order to inculcate such a view in Palestinian children, Arafat saw to it that the agreement would allow the Palestinians to retain control over the curricula in their schools. Historian Efraim Karsh argues that "Arafat's indoctrination of hatred among Palestinian children was unparalleled since Nazi Germany."[54] In the years attending the Oslo accords, Arafat repeatedly compared his strategy to the one used by the Prophet Muhammad, who signed the Treaty of Hudaibiya with the people of Mecca in 628, only to break it when the situation shifted to his advantage. The confluence between Nazi aims and jihadist thought continued unabated. Shortly after gaining control of the Gaza Strip and Jericho in accordance with the declaration of principles, Fatah leader Sakhr Habash stated that once the Palestinians had control of Gaza and the West Bank, they would proceed to the "final solution."[55] In October 1994, Arafat appointed Ikrima Sabri as mufti of Jerusalem; Sabri preached a rabid hatred of the Jews, using Qur'anic phrasing to denounce them as "descendants of pigs and apes," accusing them of involvement in a "world Zionist conspiracy," and blaming them in another confluence with Nazi imagery for every ill that had befallen humanity. On January 30, 1996, Arafat showed his hand and his indebtedness to Nazi thought when he told a group of Arab diplomats in Stockholm, "We plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state." Another Fatah-appointed religious leader, Ahmad Abu Halabiya declared in an October 2000 Friday sermon, "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country,"[56] making abundantly clear that for Fatah, like the Nazis and Husseini before them, the evil to be overcome was not a Jewish state but the presence of Jews in the world. Arafat's death in November 2004 by no means changed Fatah's views on the extermination of the Jews. On August 4, 2009, after a lapse of twenty years, Fatah's Sixth General Assembly convened in Bethlehem where it reaffirmed the hatred of Jews that had fuelled its drive for the destruction of the Jewish state. The assembly called for a continued "armed struggle" against the Jews—as "a strategy, not tactic"—adding that the "struggle will not stop until the Zionist entity is eliminated and Palestine is liberated."[57] By this time, however, Fatah was in the midst of a power struggle with the Islamist group Hamas—not over the ultimate goal but over who would control its attainment. That power struggle continues to unfold. |
Hamas's Jihadist Anti-Semitism
It is in the words of Hamas activists and leaders, and especially the organization's 1988 charter, that the link between Nazi ideology and triumphalist jihadism in the Palestinian "resistance" movements can be seen most clearly. As indicated in article 2 of its charter, Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood;[58] its chief founder, Ahmad Yassin, grew up in awe of Nazi ally Hajj Amin Husseini.[59] Yassin's views on eliminating the Jews can be seen clearly in a 2000 Palestinian television broadcast where he proclaimed that Jews "must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty said: 'Fight them: Allah will torture them at your hands, and will humiliate them and will help you to overcome them.'"[60] Hamas makes "no distinctions between Jews, Zionists, and Israelis,"[61] which means their war is not about ending the Jewish "occupation" of Palestine but rather ridding the planet of Jews. As British academic Beverley Milton-Edwards noted, "The Hamas view of the Jewish people is not drawn solely from the pages of the Qur'an and Hadith [sayings and actions by Muhammad]. Its myopia is also the product of Western anti-Semitic [primarily Nazi] influences."[62] As a modern Islamist, jihadist movement, Hamas is defined by a distinctively modern mutation of Islamic hatred of Jews as exemplified in the writings of the Muslim Brotherhood's most influential jihadist ideologue, Sayyid Qutb. Qutb was known for quoting Islamic sources in his diatribes against the Jews to show that they are rejected by God and that on judgment day they shall "taste suffering through fire."[63] In his infamous essay "Our Struggle with the Jews," he quotes passages from the Qur'an, including, "You will surely find the worst enemies of the Muslim to be the Jews and the polytheists" (5:82), to show that "the Jews have confronted Islam with enmity from the moment that the Islamic state was established in Medina."[64] He continues with: "Everywhere the Jews have been they have committed unprecedented abominations."[65] Qutb's invocation of scripture and his use of a revisionist history are in keeping with a modern current in anti-Semitism, particularly when combined with his claim that the aim of world Jewry is to "penetrate into the body politic of the whole world and then … be free to perpetuate their evil designs."[66] This fear of a world Jewish conspiracy is distinctively modern, and the Muslim Brotherhood has bought into it. The preamble of Hamas's charter quotes Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna's statement that "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it."[67] When Banna made his assertion, the Jewish state did not yet exist, so the reference to Israel is a reference to the Jewish people. Hamas understands itself to be functioning not merely as a political or religious movement but as the incarnation of God's governance of the universe. Article 1 in its charter states that Hamas is "based on the common coordinated and interdependent conceptions of the laws of the universe." Accordingly, Hamas's deeds and aspirations are a reflection of God's laws of the universe. The organization extends its reach into a realm beyond that of the Nazis: Whereas the Nazis insisted on the purity of blood, the jihadists insist on the purity of their very being since what is at stake is the ultimate annihilation of the Jewish presence in the world.[68] As Banna put it, in its pure form, Islam regulates all of being—"the affairs of men in this world and the next"[69]—so that "the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood is pure and unsullied, unblemished by any stain."[70] Relying upon a famous hadith, article 7 of the charter states, "The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: 'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews [killing the Jews], when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'" Nature itself rebels against the existence of the Jews: Natural law, therefore, requires the eradication of the Jews. Thus there can be no compromise, no peace with the Jewish state which, by definition, is an evil and unnatural entity. For Hamas then, the issue of Palestine is not about land or the "right of return" or what shall be the capital of the future state, it is about universal, revealed truth and is beyond negotiation. This explains why initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion…. There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad.[71] Article 15 states that "it is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening [the masses]." Thus it ends with the refrain from the famous collection of hadith by the renowned, ninth-century Muslim scholar al-Bukhari: "I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill [the Jews]."[72] Hamas also echoes Hitler's assertion that "only the greatness of the sacrifices will win new fighters for the cause"[73] when it proclaims that a good Muslim mother must indoctrinate her children for "religious duties in preparation for the role of fighting awaiting them."[74] Such a call to arms has, in recent years, transformed murder into martyrdom: The jihadist's ticket to paradise must be purchased not with his own blood but with Jewish blood. Hamas's view of the Jew as a pervasive, all-powerful presence that threatens humanity echoes Hitler's insistence that the Jew is an "invisible wire puller" who by stealth conspires to rule the world.[75] It also underlies their view of the Jew as a threat not only to the Arabs of Palestine but to all of humanity, as stated in article 22: Jews "were behind the French Revolution, the communist revolution, and most of the revolutions … They formed secret societies … They were able to control imperialistic countries and instigate them to colonize many countries … There is no war going on anywhere without having their finger in it." The Jew is behind every war—a belief shared by Hamas and Hitler. Therefore, the Jews are the source of every evil, a point reiterated in article 28: "The Zionist invasion [of the world] is a vicious invasion. It does not refrain from resorting to all methods, using all evil… They aim at undermining societies, destroying values, corrupting consciences, deteriorating character, and annihilating Islam … Israel, Judaism, and Jews challenge Islam and the Muslim people." Article 32 takes the theme a step further: "When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion … Leaving the circle of struggle with Zionism is high treason, and cursed be he who does that." The invocation of the Protocols as a proof text is, of course, a method also employed by the Nazis bringing to mind Banna's assertion that he had learned much from the Nazis about the use of propaganda. In Hamas's worldview, evil is rooted not only in the Jews but in Judaism itself. Unlike the rest of humanity, the Jew can be neither redeemed nor rehabilitated, any more than one could make Satan into a saint. The only way to liberate humanity is to cast the satanic Jew into hell, and, as the embodiment of God on earth, Hamas takes the lead in that endeavor: Hamas is humanity's savior. To abandon its mission would be to renounce its followers' place in paradise. |
Politicians who are entrusted with securing the peace in the Middle East fail to see reality. Inasmuch as negotiators will not name the evil they confront, they remain blind to it. Enjoying the complicity of the media, leaders in the Obama administration and elsewhere refuse to refer to Islamist fascists as either Islamists or as fascists. Such a position reflects an inexcusable, willful ignorance of the history, religion, culture, and languages that go into the making of modern jihadism. What must be understood above all is this: Hamas and Fatah have developed a theological and ideological justification that precludes any negotiations that would lead to a lasting peace with a Jewish state. At best, one can expect an application of the PLO's phased strategy, which gives the illusion of peace without renouncing its goal of Jewish extermination. Neither Hamas nor Fatah can agree in good faith to any peace with the Jews since in their eyes to do so would amount to treason or apostasy or both. What then is to be done beyond naming the evil? Simply stated, Islamist jihadism must be eliminated, and given their ideological stances, neither Hamas nor Fatah can be a viable partner in peace; therefore, their removal from power is a prerequisite to any future for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Whether the present revolutionary turmoil sweeping the Arab world will produce such a result remains to be seen. David Patterson is Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust studies at the University of Texas at Dallas. This article is based on research done for his book A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Is THAT what you all are supporting? |
Edited by
Sat 11/17/12 02:06 PM
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. Now that is classic propaganda-and a classic Godwin to boot! On another note, it is quite revealing how you choose to completely ignore the fact that Hamas intimidated and rounded up up its political opponents both before, and after the election when it is common knowledge. Your feigned ignorance merely illustrates your bias. |
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. Now that is classic propaganda-and a classic Godwin to boot! On another note, it is quite revealing how you choose to completely ignore the fact that Hamas intimidated and rounded up up its political opponents both before, and after the election when it is common knowledge. Your feigned ignorance merely illustrates your bias. Revealing but not surprising! ![]() |
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Sat 11/17/12 02:24 PM
15 to three. Looks like Israel is winning. All casualties in this conflict are due to Hamas for launching and perpetuating the rocket attacks from Gaza civilian areas towards Israeli civilians. Hopefully the Israelis will be able to wipe out Hamas' rocket capability for the most part and Hamas will stop launching rockets. People will always fight for freedom. Israel needs to back off. Gaza is free. The problem is that they abuse their freedom to attack Israeli civilians forcing Israel to respond militarily. Gaza is free? That's funny. I seem to remember that they had a free and democratic election and the winner was labeled a "terrorist" instead of recognized as a leader. Assassinating the elected leaders is an act of war committed by Israel. As you say, Gaza is free. They had an election. It was won by terrorists who use threats of force to coerce voters and kill their political opposition. Their leaders are recognized the world over as terrorists. See the comments above. Israel is at war. They are being attacked on a daily basis by Hamas operatives who try to kill innocent Israeli men, women and children...Israel responds by attacking those who are attacking them. It is merely what they have to do to defend themselves. So you say. It is not merely my opinion. It is a matter of public record as described by all independent news organizations worldwide. There is no dispute of these facts by any unbiased party. That is a hilarious statement. You are 100% propaganda perfect. I'm sure you believe everything you say. I don't. ![]() I know propaganda when I see it. How? By what means? |
15 to three. Looks like Israel is winning. All casualties in this conflict are due to Hamas for launching and perpetuating the rocket attacks from Gaza civilian areas towards Israeli civilians. Hopefully the Israelis will be able to wipe out Hamas' rocket capability for the most part and Hamas will stop launching rockets. People will always fight for freedom. Israel needs to back off. Gaza is free. The problem is that they abuse their freedom to attack Israeli civilians forcing Israel to respond militarily. Gaza is free? That's funny. I seem to remember that they had a free and democratic election and the winner was labeled a "terrorist" instead of recognized as a leader. Assassinating the elected leaders is an act of war committed by Israel. As you say, Gaza is free. They had an election. It was won by terrorists who use threats of force to coerce voters and kill their political opposition. Their leaders are recognized the world over as terrorists. See the comments above. Israel is at war. They are being attacked on a daily basis by Hamas operatives who try to kill innocent Israeli men, women and children...Israel responds by attacking those who are attacking them. It is merely what they have to do to defend themselves. So you say. It is not merely my opinion. It is a matter of public record as described by all independent news organizations worldwide. There is no dispute of these facts by any unbiased party. That is a hilarious statement. You are 100% propaganda perfect. I'm sure you believe everything you say. I don't. ![]() I know propaganda when I see it. How? By what means? ![]() 2 hours ago Administration official underscores U.S. support for Israel as Obama begins international trip Posted by CNN Political Unit (CNN) – A national security adviser to President Barack Obama reaffirmed on Saturday the administration’s support for Israel’s “right to defend itself” as violence raged on the border between Israel and Gaza. “We believe that the precipitating factor for the conflict was the rocket fire coming out of Gaza,” said Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser. “Israel is going to make choices about its own military operations, and we respect their right to self defense and the fact that they’re going to need to take certain actions when there are rockets being fired at their citizens from Gaza,” Rhodes said. |
I believe there are innocent Jews living in Israel who are very much aware of the evil leadership they are living under. There are Jews who support justice for Palestinians.
But they would be wise to leave Israel while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi-like leadership will abandon them to the hordes. None of these facts mean that I support terrorism committed by either side. I will say again that violence only begets more violence. |
The after election agenda begins with the beginning of a war in the Middle East. As America grows self sufficient as far as gas and oil are concerned, war in the Middle east will escalate. Israel still believes the thing to do is to assassinate the leaders of Hamas, IE cut off the head of the snake. But all they have done is to create more enemies (terrorists) who have little choice but to launch attacks that kill civilians because they are not equipped to launch surgical strikes on the leaders of Israel, which I am sure they would do if they could. So now Israel will complain about retaliation and cry about how everyone hates them. What they don't realize is that war in the Middle east is part of the global plan of the Elite who will abandon Israel. Israel attack on Gaza: Familiar tension, new circumstances,0,6518048.story By Wednesday evening, Egypt's new Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, announced he was recalling the country's ambassador to Israel to protest the assault on the Palestinian territory. |
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Sat 11/17/12 03:12 PM
I know propaganda when I see it. How do you know? How? By what means? Yours Conrad, is easy to spot in that it is totally bias and you don't look at both sides of the conflict. You have chosen a side and are blind to the plight of the Palestinians. You have lost your humanity when you cheer for war and genocide. You paint Israel as angels and poor innocent victims when they clearly are not. I hate any of the radical religions who use their religious beliefs to slaughter each other and pass unjust laws. I think all religious are absurd fabrications. When a country bases its laws on their absurd religions and persecutes anyone I hate that even more. Religious and racial hatred is self evident ignorance a thousand times over and that is what is being used to promote a war that behind the scenes is really all about wealth, power and bigotry. |
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. Now that is classic propaganda-and a classic Godwin to boot! On another note, it is quite revealing how you choose to completely ignore the fact that Hamas intimidated and rounded up up its political opponents both before, and after the election when it is common knowledge. Your feigned ignorance merely illustrates your bias. I have only heard rumors of that. I don't consider it to be "common knowledge." Do you offer anything like proof to back up that claim? |
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. Now that is classic propaganda-and a classic Godwin to boot! On another note, it is quite revealing how you choose to completely ignore the fact that Hamas intimidated and rounded up up its political opponents both before, and after the election when it is common knowledge. Your feigned ignorance merely illustrates your bias. Revealing but not surprising! ![]() Peanut gallery has nothing to contribute. |
You can know them by their deeds. They can claim to be innocent, victims, etc. but if you watch what they actually do, you know they are terrorists. They want the people of Gaza to fear them. They terrorize them. They kill innocents, they destroy homes, they assassinate leaders and scientists. They associate with known terrorists. Israel is clearly a terrorist state. Innocent Jews living in Israel would be wise to leave while there is still time. Their corrupt Nazi leadership will abandon them to the hordes after they succeed in pissing off all of their neighbors. Now that is classic propaganda-and a classic Godwin to boot! On another note, it is quite revealing how you choose to completely ignore the fact that Hamas intimidated and rounded up up its political opponents both before, and after the election when it is common knowledge. Your feigned ignorance merely illustrates your bias. Revealing but not surprising! ![]() Peanut gallery has nothing to contribute. No, that just means you didn't read my posts or links. |
Conclusion Politicians who are entrusted with securing the peace in the Middle East fail to see reality. Inasmuch as negotiators will not name the evil they confront, they remain blind to it. Enjoying the complicity of the media, leaders in the Obama administration and elsewhere refuse to refer to Islamist fascists as either Islamists or as fascists. Such a position reflects an inexcusable, willful ignorance of the history, religion, culture, and languages that go into the making of modern jihadism. What must be understood above all is this: Hamas and Fatah have developed a theological and ideological justification that precludes any negotiations that would lead to a lasting peace with a Jewish state. At best, one can expect an application of the PLO's phased strategy, which gives the illusion of peace without renouncing its goal of Jewish extermination. Neither Hamas nor Fatah can agree in good faith to any peace with the Jews since in their eyes to do so would amount to treason or apostasy or both. What then is to be done beyond naming the evil? Simply stated, Islamist jihadism must be eliminated, and given their ideological stances, neither Hamas nor Fatah can be a viable partner in peace; therefore, their removal from power is a prerequisite to any future for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Whether the present revolutionary turmoil sweeping the Arab world will produce such a result remains to be seen. David Patterson is Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust studies at the University of Texas at Dallas. This article is based on research done for his book A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Is THAT what you all are supporting? I don't support anyone thinking that they must eliminate anyone. That goes for both sides. Don't you get that? |